How the heck can these numbers be accurate?

Look at Toms new charts. The Ati cards are getting owned a *lot*. Like what the heck is up with fear? the last time i checked This was no runaway battle for Nvidia. Many of the other numbers are pretty fishy to me as well.

Also, since when is soft shadows with AA not supported on ati but supported by Nvidia? they cant even do HDR+AA!!

Am i just totally out of the loop here? Or are these some of the most engineered/Rigged numbers and results ever posted!!?
I could never bring myself to fully trust THG results anyway, but yeah, I agree that these numbers are a little more than just confusing.
They use the 5.10 Catalysts. Nor is the .exe fix enabled, from what I can tell.

Now ATI's performance at 1024*768 is the same for both these and the Anandtech benchmarks. The X1800 XT gets 52 in both cases. However the other results are seriously weird. The 6800 GT gets 64 FPS in Tom's tests, outscoring the X1800 XT. In the Anandtech review though it only scores 37 FPS.

So ATI is far behind because the tests were run with softshadows, without the .exe fix, and with the other Nvidia cards performing unusually well.

Edit: Oh, and AA doesn't work with softshadows on either card, so the AA tests are worthless.
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Ati is teh suxor nvidia rules!
Didn't you know that hellbinder, or are you out of the loop?
digitalwanderer said:
Totally, I can't believe HB is still on that fanATic bus! :LOL:
He isn't. He's just been very confused for the past year or so -- he just doesn't know which is better, being a fanATic or a NVIDIOT. Can't really blame him though, I don't know where to camp either!
Reverend said:
He isn't. He's just been very confused for the past year or so -- he just doesn't know which is better, being a fanATic or a NVIDIOT. Can't really blame him though, I don't know where to camp either!
Camp where suits you and the scenery fits your mood, that's my motto.
volt said:
Hey! Green Goblins are scary, why would you want to camp at their site? :D

Because for a very small price (some image quality+ your soul) you have all the performance you can get.. (if you disregard, the 1800oc)
digitalwanderer said:
Camp where suits you and the scenery fits your mood, that's my motto.

No camping at all in my case, just the best price/performance combination. Couldn't care less about colours.
Reverend said:
Can't really blame him though, I don't know where to camp either!
Well, I wouldn't consider myself a fanperson, but I can tell you next time I buy a gfx board, it won't have Nvidia stamped anywhere on it. I'm fed up with their slow driver updates, cheating image quality, buggy behavior etc.

Looks like ATi is for me. But it won't be until DX10 boards are out, anything else would be a waste of money methinks.
Guden Oden said:
Looks like ATi is for me. But it won't be until DX10 boards are out, anything else would be a waste of money methinks.

It appears that resistance to R580 will be futile. :p
Things are confusing here lately. I liked it better when I believed the general populace was in ATi's camp.

......actually......I still believe that......
I buy both(high end)......that way I can see for myself the differences. So far, I have found the vast majority of reviewers on the internet to be extremely lacking in telling the public what it really needs to know.