How come games don't have effects like...

Humus said:
Xmas said:
I didn't take a screenshot but I noticed no difference on my Gf3

You mean it looks like on those screenshot on the GF3 too?
It's hard to tell, really. Silverbolths first screenshot looks very much like what I see on my screen.
I took a screenshot in the "marching robot" scene, and the robot is very similar (yes, it has holes). The green/blue background texture is much more detailed on my screenshot, but it moves fast and this might be a blurring effect. That yellow glowing thing behind the robot seems a bit odd. On my card it never becomes that bright, it looks more like "transparent gold", and only the "tube" parts with rings to the right and left of the robot "glow". Not that part above its head and behind his left foot. (edit: maybe that part has four texture layers?)
Silverbolth said:
Really ?
Damn, I sure don't understand what Art mean.... :rolleyes:

And I tough there were some missing textures, reflections and refractions :LOL:

looks like that on my 5800 too

the demo basically looks like I just overclocked my memory too much with the added german euro techno, thanks but no thanks ;)
just tried the 25 demo, looks pretty sweet and music was also nice until the retard with the vocoder started "singing"

looks pretty sweet with 16x AA and 8x AF :)

Ive been away from the Demo scene for a while.
That was fantastic.
What other good demos have come out lately.
Last thing I remember was Final Reality. <----- Simply Incredible.
Where can I go to get more Demo Scene goodness?
Xmas said:
It's hard to tell, really. Silverbolths first screenshot looks very much like what I see on my screen.
I took a screenshot in the "marching robot" scene, and the robot is very similar (yes, it has holes). The green/blue background texture is much more detailed on my screenshot, but it moves fast and this might be a blurring effect. That yellow glowing thing behind the robot seems a bit odd. On my card it never becomes that bright, it looks more like "transparent gold", and only the "tube" parts with rings to the right and left of the robot "glow". Not that part above its head and behind his left foot. (edit: maybe that part has four texture layers?)

Lol, so the demo is just that odd? :)
Heh, I thought I had rendering errors :p
Those speculary(TM) glow things are possible to do on hardware like Geforce3. It's just that they arent totally correct (mathematically and visually), but you get the same effect (almost).

HALO2 uses similar effects.

It's also easier to do special case effects in demos where the environment can be controlled. When you have to do it in a consistent manner, it breaks - like in a game environment. Also that doesnt take into account all the different bits of hardware you might have to run on. Having something totally visually different across say geforce1 hardware to 9700/nv3x/geforce3/4 hardware for a game would be pretty lame.
Re: Wow!

BlackAngus said:
Ive been away from the Demo scene for a while.
That was fantastic.
What other good demos have come out lately.
Last thing I remember was Final Reality. <----- Simply Incredible.
Where can I go to get more Demo Scene goodness?

final reality? that's really long time ago :)
anyways most of the stuff can be found on, also most (if not all) farb-rausch' demos.