zidane1strife said:
Higher clock, virtually 'free' AA+HDR, comparable transistor count, and unified + tons of goodies. It would seem there's something we're not seeing on the hardware or on the software side of the equation that's holding it back.
Take your pick:
- Beta Kits released in Aug. Less than a month ago and 2 months before going "Gold". Up until this point Devs have been working on X800s and 9800s. These games have not been built with the benefit of actual hardware to test, optimize, and specialize to.
- Beta Kit delays and screwups. They were late, were underclocked to begin with, and even final kits had messups (e.g. 2.8GHz CPUs instead of 3.2GHz)
- Many titles are PC/Xbox ports. Kameo (GCN-Xbox), PDZ (Xbox), Gun (Xbox), Quake 4 (PC), Prey (PC), NFS (PC, Xbox), Call of Duty 2 (PC), FFXI (PS2, PC), Tony Hawk (Xbox), etc.
- Devs are in the chrunch. We have seen with Dead Rising how much can change in 3 months (E3). They don't have time to demo their products AND try to release the game, on time and complete, in November. PS3 devs do have a bit more time.
- We are seeing real gameplay. There is a difference between a cut scene with ingame assets in the engine versus a HUD/gameplay view.
- Devs are struggling with the new hardware. Given the short amount of time, asking them to move to 3 symmetric cores and a totally new GPU--and expect ground breaking games--is a lot to ask. More talented/equiped devs like Bizzare have done well on this, others have not.
As for how much better PS3 demos look, the strategy from Sony is different. They have fewer
announced games in development (102 vs 160) and the ones they have shown have been very selective. The number of titles, and the amount of media, is quite different. I cannot remember seeing a single port OR cross platform title, outside Sonic, presented by Sony for the PS3. Those titles DO exist though, as I am sure the PS3 will have its share of UGLY games. There is a very smart and calculated strategy to not demo those products. 1st being PS2 2005 fall sales; 2nd being the "Shock and Awe" factor. Impressions of a product are PRICELSS. It is better to give snapshots--Killzone, MotorStorm, MGS4, etc--that blow people away then to mix in HIGH quality products with LOW quality products.
Sony is playing thigns close to their chest and EFFECTIVELLY swaying public opinion. Another factor is PS3 devs, the lucky ones who have had dev kits for a while, are much closer to the PS3's technical abilities compared to the Xbox360 dev kits in regards to GPU performance.
That said, of the games actually demonstrating actual gameplay on a real engine, the 360 has done ok. PGR3, Oblivion, Gears of War, etc... They all look good. The Ruby Assassin demo demonstrates that technically if something is designed with its performance abilities in mind it can excell.
Another import thing to consider is cross platforming. We already know games like Madden Live, Ridge Racer, Sonic, RE5, etc will be on all the platforms. Obviously different game designs will benefit certain architectures, that said seeing a dev build a game on two platforms can often give an idea of performance. Right now we are not seeing that.
Like some of us have been saying it is only fair to really compare finished products, and even then genre, art style and direction, and technology need to be separated in such comparisons.
Further, we wont be seeing games that exploit the PS3 or Xbox360 until ~2007.
I guess in the end the question will be: How many great looking Xbox 360 titles will be on the market in fall 2006 and how many great looking PS3 titles will be on the market at the same time.
Obviously MS has a lot of ugly games in the pipe and has shown them. They have dropped the ball on the hype a lot. This has hurt them, but it could hurt Sony if they do not live up to the expectations they set.