My first post was literally a shit false rumor. But I grew out of that.
I'd say my occasional struggle here (and back when SemiAccurate forum was a thing) was with a specific class of posters. They are no doubt great theorycrafters and have good research skills. But some perhaps are too enthusiast about their theory, despite the lack of the analytical skills and background knowledge to make sense of it. The primary symptom is entering a circle of hell with responses in buzzwords, quotes and speculations, while you tried very hard to dump your brain to form a toned down technical angle to what they have said. You will then start questioning if it is really worth the time, or perhaps should go for a cuppa to break from the school of knowledge your daywork already requires.
I do have to stress that these kind of people are fortunately exotic in B3D. Many I engaged with might not have an SW/HW engineering background, but at least they either have a good stance in science literacy, or they have good analytical skills to ask good questions to help everyone and themselves. So I for one see a value in the proposed system, at least to deal with those exotics.
I'd say my occasional struggle here (and back when SemiAccurate forum was a thing) was with a specific class of posters. They are no doubt great theorycrafters and have good research skills. But some perhaps are too enthusiast about their theory, despite the lack of the analytical skills and background knowledge to make sense of it. The primary symptom is entering a circle of hell with responses in buzzwords, quotes and speculations, while you tried very hard to dump your brain to form a toned down technical angle to what they have said. You will then start questioning if it is really worth the time, or perhaps should go for a cuppa to break from the school of knowledge your daywork already requires.
I do have to stress that these kind of people are fortunately exotic in B3D. Many I engaged with might not have an SW/HW engineering background, but at least they either have a good stance in science literacy, or they have good analytical skills to ask good questions to help everyone and themselves. So I for one see a value in the proposed system, at least to deal with those exotics.
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