HOT Xbox game --Must BUY-- !!!

marconelly! said:
This is not Anime looking game Chap, even you should see that. I mean, you DID see some animes? Do you consider Onimusha to be Anime looking?

I've heard many mixed feelings about it's gameplay so far. People usually like the graphics, but complain about extremely repetitive and uninspired gameplay.

so its another final fantsy clone ?
jvd said:
I visted france 3 years ago and i neverfelt so unwanted before. The people there were rude in most cases.

I wonder how you managed that. I spent a week in Paris in '95, I spoke English to everybody I met, not one person was rude, or even slightly unpleasant to me.

Must be your overbearing American superiority complex attitude that made people give you a hard time. :LOL:

