HL2: Orange Box Thread

looks like AA to me... but as others have said, probably quincunx aax2.

2xAA would have been better than quincunx, makes image to blurry at those "low" resolutions. On games for my PC I've only had it on for Armed Assault since that game looks to sharp without it, lol!
Finally picked up the PS3 version of this game today.

Played through all of Portal in 1 sitting. It was quite nice. I enjoyed a lot.

Unfortunally the PS3 version has more performance problems than I was expecting. The game "looks" like it should be running at 60fps. There is just not much going on on the screen. But it can't even keep up 30. Some parts, like the final boss are really pathetic-- It's in the teens at times. It did put some what of put a damper on the experience. But overall it was still quite fun.

I then played a bit of HL2. I already played the original on the PC many years ago with a 9800 Pro! Some parts look better than I remeber on the PC version, like better lighting etc. But overall it looks about the same as what I played 4 years ago. And only runs "ok". Also like Portal, loading times for the game suck.

After playing a game like Uncharted, HL2 seriously looks like a last gen game. So it is quite sad that they could not get it to run at a solid 30fps at a minimum.

Another dissapointing thing about this game is no 5.1 sound. I've become acustom to expecting that from console games these days. I didn't even bother to check if it had it when I bought it. I didn't realize it was stereo only until I started playing it.

I gave TF2 a shot. I can already tell I am not going to be a fan. The weapons just seem so "loose". Graphics look even simpler than I expected. But yes, again there are performance problems than degrade my opinion of it even more.

I think I will go ahead and finish HL2. But I won't even bother touching Episode 1 & 2 until they issue a patch that address these performance problems. Otherwise I will trade it in and get the PC version.

There definetly is a lot packed into this small package. It's just too bad they couldn't address the performance problems before shipping it.

Edit: I just found out that current version of Orange Box for PS3 only supports 5.1 via HDMI. My reciver only takes optical so I guess that was the problem :(
I guess I will just put playing this game on hold for now till they issue a patch. It sucks because I paid about $80 USD to import!
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I thought they were going to patch the 5.1 sound problem.

Well, 360 portal has framerate drops as well, VERY rarely - in a chamber with turrets and cubes I just get dizzy.
You can thank Valve & EA for the rushed port job of the Orange Box. Valve (Gabe Newell) for being too lazy to attempt the port, and EA for just doing a shitty job of it.
You can thank Valve & EA for the rushed port job of the Orange Box. Valve (Gabe Newell) for being too lazy to attempt the port, and EA for just doing a shitty job of it.

I don't think laziness was the issue.. I have a feeling Gabe didn't agree with dedicating the resources necessary to making a PS3 port of consistent quality..

From alot of his public statements it's clear that he's very biased against the architectural hardware design choices made by Sony in the PS3 & as a result doesn't feel that any investment training current Valve staff in working with the hardware would be worth the effort (he seems to believe alot of the coding practices & software optimisation mechanisms required to get good performance on the PS3 aren't transferrable to other platforms.. a fallacy IMO..)

That would explain why he was happy to allow EA to farm out development to another internal team since EA may very well have future PS3 development in mind for this other team, of which the dev experience would have been much more appreciated..

It seems to me that Gabe was quite happy to sit on his belief that the PS3 had been setup to fail & would/could never become a financially viable platform..


The recent announcement of Valve taking responsibility over fixing the issues with the PS3 version leads me to question whether ol' Gabe has had a change of heart regarding the PS3's viability as a platform on the market?

For starters, If the issue was about the image of Valve having a bad quality version of their IP on the market then it would have made more sense for Valve to outsource further bug fixes to the same team that built the port. Clearly the performance issues with the games relate to the lack of sufficient optimisation of the games/engine & the hardware platform & therefore it would be much more efficient to allow the team whom already have much more of familiarity with the product & the hardware (& who were likely constrained by time/resources the first time around in their ability to do a good job porting not one, but five games to the platform.. Thus limiting their ability to do a good job with the port..)

So why did they choose to, only now, take the reigns and suddenly decide they want to get their feet wet with PS3 development & optimisation of the source engine for the platform?

I guess maybe Gabe's changed his mind & maybe he now thinks it would be a good idea to jump on board with the platform..?

Either that or Sony sent some ninja's in to go and sort things out..
Stop this shit about lazy devs...
It's more a business decision than lazyness decision... or maybe for lazy minds..

There has been a whole thread about supposed devs lazyness... so if some want to discuss the issue again they're welcome (and welcome to ignore opinion of quiet some devs posting on this board).
I guess it's just that the Source Engine was never meant for consoles. I mean, even on the 360, it really should be running better. Only runs at 30fps with some hickups, while COD4 is over there running at 60fps looking significantly better.

Just from playing the game I suspect the bottleneck is the CPU. Pixel wise, it does not seem be pushing either console's GPUs very hard. The bad parts of the games seem to be when there are stuff in motion. particles, mesh collisions etc.

And of course the bad load times is just stabbing the open wound at this point. I literally counted to 30 a few times in HL2. And the problem is I'm still not used to the controls so I am dying a lot just from slipping and falling etc. So I get the see the loading bar (which btw is ugly) quite often. And I am just coming off of Uncharted where when you die it practically instantly loads the last quick save.
I read again a presentation on the way valve wanted to implement multithreading (pretty trivial presentation not in depth), It seems that valve was reluctant to implement this technic on pc side has it looks like the real gains come after 4 cores.

I don't know what they did on the 360, but I king of agree with you, I think valve hasn't spent that many time to implement their engin on the 360 either, it 's good enough? Yes, ok so we ship before christmass... lol
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The recent announcement of Valve taking responsibility over fixing the issues with the PS3 version leads me to question whether ol' Gabe has had a change of heart regarding the PS3's viability as a platform on the market?

Where was this announcement? Any ETA on a patch? Worth buying now?
got this game bundled with the Orange Box for the Xbox 360 when it came out and I think I got one of the good versions. What happened to this game, I wonder that it looks a lot worse 10 years after?

got this game bundled with the Orange Box for the Xbox 360 when it came out and I think I got one of the good versions. What happened to this game, I wonder that it looks a lot worse 10 years after?

Surprising, I liked the game but the updates broke it IMO. I'm still disappointed by that video :(
got this game bundled with the Orange Box for the Xbox 360 when it came out and I think I got one of the good versions. What happened to this game, I wonder that it looks a lot worse 10 years after?

But even the taoster PCs now are better than 2007s, so why remove details and lights and physics?
But even the taoster PCs now are better than 2007s, so why remove details and lights and physics?

the best explanation I've seen is because of the added weapons, the game originally had only a few per class but have hundreds now, originally they had very detailed models, one for the player view and one for world view, they removed the more detailed player view one and only kept the less detailed for the original weapons, and the new weapons also only have one.

other changes were made for gameplay reasons, like the dropped weapons not reacting and ammo boxes (to enable players to easily get weapons on the ground)
the best explanation I've seen is because of the added weapons, the game originally had only a few per class but have hundreds now, originally they had very detailed models, one for the player view and one for world view, they removed the more detailed player view one and only kept the less detailed for the original weapons, and the new weapons also only have one.

other changes were made for gameplay reasons, like the dropped weapons not reacting and ammo boxes (to enable players to easily get weapons on the ground)
that sounds plausible. There isn't much I can think of as the cause, if anything maybe the proliferation of very low end devices and tablets, but I don't think this game is suitable to play on mobile phones, maybe tablets..
I never found TF to be a fun game. It's probably the same reason (class types) that I didn't care for Overwatch either.

However, that downgrade would be make Ubisoft shed a tear....