High-Rez Videos of Conker Live & Reloaded: Must See!

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It sure does. I'm looking forward to the Live part of it too...

Rare hasn't lost it's touch so it seems.
*jaw drops* :oops:

The art direction is incredible! And the materials (like on the gargoyle) are subtle yet beautiful. I'm *almost* tempted to buy a used XBOX for this game alone!
aww I miss conker. Its probably the only game where I truly laughed out loud. Anyone remember those fire imps.

But that fur sure looks yummy

Is it a remake or what?
Its closer to a port than a remake. Only the graphics engine and multiplayer have actually been remade; the game is otherwise near identical.
london-boy said:
PC-Engine said:
It looks really good better than any R&C or J&D. ;)
Any info on the framerate?

At last something on Xbox that looks better than J&D? About time....

What do you mean at last? That's like say at last RE4 looks better than SH3 on PS2. :LOL:

Not only does Conker look better than any R&C or J&D but it looks WAY better. ;)
PC-Engine, don't troll one of my threads.
london-boy, don't feed a troll in one my threads. That leaves troll food marks on the floor.
PC-Engine said:
I say again, any info on the framerate?
30fps. The demo (that is a few months old now) had a few slowdowns here and there, but it seems that the final build corrected thoses.
Vysez said:
PC-Engine said:
I say again, any info on the framerate?
30fps, the demo (that is a few monts old now) had a few slowdowns here and there, but it seems that the final build corrected thoses.

Sigh, I was hoping it would be 60fps. I guess that's also why SFA was only 30fps.
What's SFA? Star Fox Adventures? But wasn't that on the Game Cube? What's that got to do with Bonker's 30fps, or vice versa???
Fur? It seems to be just some transparent textures on the tail during gameplay, don't know if the cutscenes use some pixelshadingtech :?
30fps seems better than the N64 original, which had some nasty slowdown. Hopefully Rare will manage to make this game better than the original, not worse. Audiovisually, they seem to have done the job well though. :)
clem64 said:
well that's pretty much what a remake is. If conker isn't a remake, what is?

Metroid: Zero Mission, REmake -- heck even Twin Snakes was more of Remake, and that had relatively little differences from the original.
Looks great! Loved the demo.

Btw, in the demo, those cutscenes.... are they in realtime? I noticed some jaggies here and there, but I couldn't tell if they were actually just prerecorded.
While I'm waiting for this to download. . . has anybody heard whether this game will support 16:9? I'm sure I'll get Conker either way, but if I could play it in widescreen on my HDTV that would definitely sweeten the deal.
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