HEXUS preview Gears Of War

Hey will they say anything about the gameplay? I only hear about the graphics. They didnt even have enough energy to judge the gameplay from their visual excitement. :p

read the links in this thread... lots of Game play info if you're interested

After holding down A to charge forward, the camera instantaneously flicks from a static over-the-shoulder viewpoint to a tracking shaky cam by your character’s feet. The shift embellishes the experience rather than detracting from it, as you race to the next cover point. What results next is a bloodbath. You’re aware of the escalating battle around you as the two sides clash in the middle of a debris filled street, as bullets whiz by your head and a balcony explodes in front, body parts flying everywhere, indicating someone has found the rocket launcher. Grabbing some cover either side of a nearby archway, I watch as a comrade leans round the corner and has his head taken off in one shot. The other side has answered back by finding the solitary sniper rifle on the map.
I swung under the archway just a opposing Locusts does the same. Even at such close range their panic means wild gunfire goes over my shoulder. Tapping B I charge them, an unmistakable sound roaring to life at the end of my rifle. As chainsaw meets flesh and I bellow a dark laugh as my Marine pulls the serrated metal through the twitching body and ends with a sickening twist, splattering blood across my screen as the remains fall apart on the floor! Kicking aside an arm, I cock my gun and head for the nearest piece of cover. It's easy to understand why developer Epic Games is riding proud on an 18 certificate rating...

Each character is fantastically realised. Huge but limber, you’ll find there’s a real sense of physics when a Marine slams into cover by a nearby wall, sending billows of dust from the brickwork as he grunts with the force of it.....

Run with A, holding the button down and directing your character with the left thumbstick towards a jutting fragment of wall will slam them behind it and they’ll automatically adjust to the size of the cover. Slide up to either end by pressing left or right on the stick and use the right stick to pan the camera round. Pull the left trigger to step out of cover, right trigger to fire, alternatively hit right trigger first to blindly fire round the corner. Continue holding your chosen direction and tap A at a corner to either slide across to another piece of cover, or roll out of cover in that direction....

t may sound similar to the Ghost Recon set up, but in reality it’s a completely different beast. The two maps on offer were relatively small, but this actually improved the gameplay, as it meant teams were constantly jostling for the best positions, sliding round cover in the small courtyards to get a better firing angle on each other. There were no safe areas to hide until only the stragglers were left, and the better vantage points required a lot of guts to storm and successfully hold.
Weapons selection was mapped to the D-Pad, with shotgun, rifle, pistol and grenade all within easy reach. The grenades, whose throwing arc is designated by a neon targeting indicator, can be doubled up as a melee weapon, extended spikes on each meaning they can lodged into the chest armour of a foe before the pin is pulled. It’s not known yet if players have a few seconds to try and rip free the explosive, but if it’s like the chainsaw attack, then the first successful tag is usually fatal....

The rifle is great at both long range and short range fire fights, but a lot of the closer combat employed the shotgun, perfect for tagging a passing enemy with a surprise attack from behind a corner. A series of cement blocks in Gridlock lead to a number of tense cat and mouse games as opposing players tried to second guess were each were going to appear from. The loser ended up squatting on the floor, blood emptying from their wounds... but not necessarily dying. Downing a player doesn’t mean they’re finished. Epic have devised a system to give you the chance to revive injured team mates. Once you drop, a heart icon will appear on screen with the A button you can keep it pumping with repeated tapping. Hold out for long enough and a nearby ally can come along and revive you. Too long, or don’t hammer the button enough, and you’re dead, same if you take another bullet.
Incorporating this gameplay mechanic yielded some interesting strategic possibilities, were we deliberately left a wounded enemy and hide nearby until his comrades came to rescue him. Then, stepped out of cover at this moment, it gave the team the perfect surprise attack. But mostly we couldn’t help but try out the neck-stomp execution, slamming our foot down onto someone’s unguarded head with a tap of X, or holding a shotgun to their noggin and antagonise them for a few seconds before pulling the trigger!...
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Cliff pretty much implied they were time-constrained. I got that feeling anyway from the behind-the-stage-pass video. Things weren't quite done and only a few months ago. Reminded me of Halo:CE kind of.

What if I like it rough? :oops:

Oh boy !!! Then you're really into S&M, next time you come to paris, i'll introduce you to a friend of mine. I bet you took tremendous pleasure while watching Carlito being turned into a hamburger.
Regarding the game length, i really don't mind if it makes me live the most stunning 12 hours of my gamer life. And i tend to believe it will
I have a feeling you personally don't want this to be a good game.

Kinda strange to be this personally against a piece of software don't you think?

I have nothing against software or hardware but the hype level for this game is rahter ridicilous so I'd find it rather humorous to see this game get rated badly. That most likely isn't the case however. :)
I have nothing against software or hardware but the hype level for this game is rahter ridicilous so I'd find it rather humorous to see this game get rated badly. That most likely isn't the case however. :)
Why would you find it humorous? Given that most games fail to ever live up to the hype, it'd be nice if one actually exceeded it.

Unless you just find the misery of others to be humorous?
I used to be very excited about the 360 due to one specific game. And that is Gears of War. However, after seeing the most recent screenshots I have lost most of that excitement. The latest screens and videos do not look nearly as sharp or crisp as what was released a year ago. CliffyB once said, "We don't do bullshots." or something like that, and I fell for it. I thought those older screens were real, but now I realize they were not true in-game screenshots and were probably pre-rendered at least to some degree.

It still looks good in my opinion and will probably be very fun. But after seeing the shots and vids from 2005 and now seeing what's going to be in the final game I'm disapointed. I'm not talking negatively about the game itself, because it does indeed sound fun. But I'm just the kind of gamer that likes strait flat-out honesty from developers, and especially when it comes to the graphics of their games.
I have nothing against software or hardware but the hype level for this game is rahter ridicilous so I'd find it rather humorous to see this game get rated badly. That most likely isn't the case however. :)

I agree, its just what the industry needs, a game that drives people to spend $400 on a game console, only to be woefully disappointed.

I agree, its just what the industry needs, a game that drives people to spend $400 on a game console, only to be woefully disappointed.


Will it drive people to buy 400$ console? I mean look outside the main core of gamers. How much hype does gears of war have outside the magical world of internet, and people who visit gaming shows(hardcore gamers)? I'm sure it will make people buy the console but I doubt anyone who doesn't visit online, will be like MY GOD, gears of war is launching in 2 days, I better whip out my $400.

If I asked my friends who are casual gamers about gears of war, they would probably answer "wtf is that?"
But after seeing the shots and vids from 2005 and now seeing what's going to be in the final game I'm disapointed.

Show me one vid from 2005 that looks any better than this.

If you can't, stop with your BS trolling. We''ve already gone over this, the vast majority of media released in 05 was the same as what we're seeing now, or worse. There were maybe 4 in engine bullshots they released.

The only way you could be dissapointed is if you compeltely ignored 95% of the media released for the game in 2005, and somehow managed to only see one of the handful of hi-res bullshots. Doesn't seem likely to me...
I used to be very excited about the 360 due to one specific game. And that is Gears of War. However, after seeing the most recent screenshots I have lost most of that excitement. The latest screens and videos do not look nearly as sharp or crisp as what was released a year ago. CliffyB once said, "We don't do bullshots." or something like that, and I fell for it. I thought those older screens were real, but now I realize they were not true in-game screenshots and were probably pre-rendered at least to some degree.

It still looks good in my opinion and will probably be very fun. But after seeing the shots and vids from 2005 and now seeing what's going to be in the final game I'm disapointed. I'm not talking negatively about the game itself, because it does indeed sound fun. But I'm just the kind of gamer that likes strait flat-out honesty from developers, and especially when it comes to the graphics of their games.
Here are a few of those older in-game screens (August 2005).

I think graphically and artistically, it's improved alot since its first showing. Texture detail on Marcus has been improved, They've Marcus look less generic and added some filter effects to the game to give it some kind of specific look. Armour wise, they've improved the textures, and the biggest difference apart from that is that it now looks like metal (and reflects) instead of the plastic look.
I used to be very excited about the 360 due to one specific game. And that is Gears of War. However, after seeing the most recent screenshots I have lost most of that excitement.

That's funny, as I think Gears looks a lot better now then when it has been anounced, the content has been refined a lot, it's polished, it's good, there seems to be a lot of extra effects in there (dust in the wind, blood etc). If there's one thing this game's head and shoulders above anyone else, it's the quality of the art...

Edit: El Leone, yes they've done all that, and key assets like the head and face of Marcus have clearly been completely replaced. And they've got rid of the purple and orange hues too, giving the game a darker, more serious look - a welcome change from the oversaturated visuals of the UT games. I still don't like some design decisions, but for example the enviroment is as good as it can get...
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I have an opinion. Accuse me of trolling if you like, but I'm just giving my honest opinion.

In particular, there were a few trailers that looked amazing a while back. Check out the ones on this page.


Here are a few pictures...




In my honest opinion, the older clips and screenshots (which now I know probably were somewhat pre-rendered) look better than the current ones. Gears of War still looks good. It's clear one of the best looking 360 games. And it still looks fun. But graphically speaking I'm just disapointed.

Look at this recent screenshot and see how the game just does not look the same.


The character models are clearly reduced in quality compared to the previous images from what I can see.
I have an opinion. Accuse me of trolling if you like, but I'm just giving my honest opinion.

In particular, there were a few trailers that looked amazing a while back. Check out the ones on this page.


Here are a few pictures...




In my honest opinion, the older clips and screenshots (which now I know probably were somewhat pre-rendered) look better than the current ones. Gears of War still looks good. It's clear one of the best looking 360 games. And it still looks fun. But graphically speaking I'm just disapointed.

Look at this recent screenshot and see how the game just does not look the same.


The character models are clearly reduced in quality compared to the previous images from what I can see.

I actually prefer the new screen's they have a grittier look. And those early shots you linked to were pure bullshots, anyone even expecting the game to look like that is silly.
Well, then I guess I was silly, but if they were indeed bull shots because you are saying the current shots DO NOT LOOK AS GOOD, then CliffB was LYING when he said that they don't do bullshots. I may have been an idiotic fool. I will admit that. But I specifically remember him making a comment that they don't do bullshots.
Well, then I guess I was silly, but if they were indeed bull shots because you are saying the current shots DO NOT LOOK AS GOOD, then CliffB was LYING when he said that they don't do bullshots. I may have been an idiotic fool. I will admit that. But I specifically remember him making a comment that they don't do bullshots.

The early shots were bullshots and Cliffy B is a lier :p , have you seen the amount of AA the early shot's have?

Here's another early shot of the game


Massive amounts of AA = Bullshot :)
Yep, those are the images that made me desire to play Gears of War so much in the past. I told all kinds of people about the game and directed them to screenshots like that. I'm talking about telling people in REAL LIFE. Not just forums like this but even people at work. Now, since it seems those pics were pre-rendered, I feel like an idiot and I really don't want to purchase the game as much.