

Miss all and just stoped to say hello. I am almost back.

New home for my family. More space, family happy :) but a lot of things are to finish.
Telecom/ISP is stabilizing, but still some problems with new adsl router. The good side is 30% discount in the monthly cost.
Working like hell. Old project is coming back, current project is in the middle and new venture in the horizon. No time for Doom3 :(


Nice to see you're keeping yourself busy. :D
Speaking of that, there's nothing more creepy than biking on a trail and nearly running over 2 gay guys having a tryst. Then having them get upset for being interrupted, just adds icing to the wierdness.

Get a room!
RussSchultz said:
Speaking of that, there's nothing more creepy than biking on a trail and nearly running over 2 gay guys having a tryst. Then having them get upset for being interrupted, just adds icing to the wierdness.

Get a room!

Umm, actually there is. Try going standing at a urinal in a park bathroom that was, unbeknownst to you at the time, on the 'gay' side of the park and have another guy run in behind you and start masturbating. Not fun.
RussSchultz said:
Speaking of that, there's nothing more creepy than biking on a trail and nearly running over 2 gay guys having a tryst. Then having them get upset for being interrupted, just adds icing to the wierdness.

Somewhere to park your bike though, if needs be.

Anyways, welcome back pascal. :)
Jeeez u guys have been around....
I mean, things like these have never happened to me!!!

Maybe because i might have always been playing the part of the one-in-action... but hey, I NEVER UNKNOWINGLY BUMPED INTO SOMEONE HAVING SEX IN A PARK... OR TOILETS!!
I've seen those things happening in some documentary films I've seen.
For example in "Out Of Athens, Part Something" There is a similar scene, only the trekker in it is on foot....

...I don't know what happened in the rest of the feature, as that's as far as I've seen it (very boring, repetitive film).
rabidrabbit said:
I've seen those things happening in some documentary films I've seen.
For example in "Out Of Athens, Part Something" There is a similar scene, only the trekker in it is on foot....

...I don't know what happened in the rest of the feature, as that's as far as I've seen it (very boring, repetitive film).

U do Falcom documentaries? Ewwww... Most of them are very very repetitive.....