Middle life crisis

I will train in something 'wood' related.

Must.... resist.... :oops:

Alstrong, crtl+alt+del allows for many things like switching user did you mean "swinging"might do me some good? :LOL: , I guess sorting things out in the task manager might be a good thing to do. Kill all those nefarious loops, at the time not useful processes, etc.

:D Something like that I suppose. Take a step back, try to kill the process that's hogging your CPU time and/or memory consumption. ;)
Morning glories and adult movies aside, just avoid the paper/pulp industries, as the internet and smart devices/tablets are killing newspaper and book sales.
Wood/carpentry is similar to machining. Cool thing is you don't have to deal with people...only machines/tooling. Maybe give machining a try. It's not easy but not too hard and you could branch out to several different paths and even start your own 1 man machine shop. It takes less than a year for the training from total NOOB to light programmer/setup/operator.

3D modeling is a natural step for machinist who would rather sit at a computer instead of running parts on the shop floor. You could make fairly good money in this field too. If you end up learning how to model 3D objects you could design stuff that could be machined or 3D printed...lots of cool stuff is possible if you've got creativity and passion.
indeed, though I plan to learn the basis first, and how to do thing by my self.
THen machinery is great indeed as it would allow to me to focus on things I'm also interested in like designing things :)

There is a renewed interest in France for houses made out of wood, still not as commonly accepted as in NA or northern Europe, lots of possibility as you can do pretty much everything out of wood, it is "greenish" too.

One thing I like is that the activity is perennial, even if shit hits the fan, people will always need joinery and carpentry :)

I think it is a really rich and interesting field. I hope I find a proper training soon.
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Dude.. it's actually happening to me right now. Really. 4 years ago, i already finished my college and got the degree. But i bravely decided to follow my passion instead of working at the office. Now the struggles are really tough. Even after 4 years doing why i love doing right now, it still doesn't show any significant improvements for me. Somehow, i feel like giving up my passion and wanting to follow the footsteps of my other college friends, which is getting a job at the office.

But i don't know, given that i never worked and never had any experience working with people, i don't think i will gain successful carrier in this field. So rather than taking the risk of being a loser if i apply the job at the office, i would rather continue what i'm doing right now. And hope for the best.

Remember, all the successful people on this planet have been through a lot of despairs in their life, probably even harder than what i have been through right now. So that gives me some motivation that, if i brave enough to keep doing what i'm doing right now. I know that eventually, God will open the gate of success for me in the future. I just know it and BELIEVE it.
Wow I lost track of lots of things including your post, Benroveno.
I hope that you are doing better, you are still young try to keep a levelled head (easier said than done I know).

Still in a bad spot my-self though I start to realize that the issues I'm facing may have more "dimensions" than I though they did. Anyway whether it is a smooth sailing or not life is a one way travel so... As I heard a lot of people say in the US "take it easy", I guess I should :LOL:
Yop like carpentor, though I changed my minds. I've been searching for a career path for way too long without working creating too much stress and pressure in my life and couple to make a proper cold minded decision. I'm trying a night job right now to get me going till I decide on something.
I used to work nights and it was rough....12 hour shifts in a tyre factory. Gave me motivation to get back to college and study. That being said, it wasnt the hours that made it bad, i sort of liked workthing through the night, especially when there's not much interaction with other employees and you can have a good think, its kind of peaceful at 4am, even in a noisey factory. Whats your job?