DuckThor Evil
It doesn't look as nice as that video from 2005 E3, but it's on par with that arena footage. Looks good and I bet it's also fun.
direct feed TGS 2006 trailer for Heavenly Sword (1280 x 720 pixels).
The voice acting and facial expressions on the old guy give me shivers. We need more like that!
Hopefully tomorrow will see a new build on the of the producers did say there'd be a new build. Could one of the devs clarify that, maybe..?
I highly doubt that either Nao or DeanoC/A would really let something slip just one day ahead of the opening. There's conspicuously absent for the last few days.
It seems to me a major downgrade, textures on the floor, the explosions, the main model, the secondary model are very under average in my opinion, where are the model and the detail of the 'arena demo'?
where are the shadows, the AF?
I'm not sure, but there's definitely been a downgrade from the initial outdoor screens:
Not every outdoor scene has to be on the same scale as that particular scene, pretty obviously (although it's very difficult to judge the actual scale of the scenes in the TGS screens because the camera is so low to the cannot see the extent of the battlefield). There's nothing to indicate that the screenshots released at TGS are designed to be the 'real' analog of that E3 05 scene. Calling 'downgrade' is ridiculous - wait and see if the final game has scenes with such enemy numbers.
SCEA producer Kyle Shubel told me that one major bug kept the new Heavenly Sword. demo from making it to TGS, which is why the E3 demo is on the floor. In other words, there's been significant progress since LA so don't read too much into the demo recycling.