Heaven less opulent than Vatican, reports disappointed Pope

a have a question for you guys.... how many of you acctually wanna go to heaven?

my personal guess is that i wont know anyone up there. ;)
all of my friends will prolly end up down there where the party is. 8)
silence said:
a have a question for you guys.... how many of you acctually wanna go to heaven?

my personal guess is that i wont know anyone up there. ;)
all of my friends will prolly end up down there where the party is. 8)

But I'd assume that since it's supposed to be punishment, they purposely will let you into heaven. 8)

As for wanting to go to Heaven, I don't know much about the place, so I'm not sure if I want to go or not.
Given a choice between puffy clouds and golden harps or being cast into an eternal pit of fire, I think the choice is pretty easy.
RussSchultz said:
Given a choice between puffy clouds and golden harps or being cast into an eternal pit of fire, I think the choice is pretty easy.

yap.....eternal pit of fire....i think i would prolly hit the guy with golden harp in less then week. fucking annoying..... :LOL:
_xxx_ said:
I believe in absolutely NOTHING supernatural. Nor the afterlife of any kind.

dunno, my believes are that there is something..... not supernatural as described in some book or by religious fanatics (personally i think they are the ones that get biggest surprise when they die), but something.... its hard to explain.

we know the date when WW2 ended.... its information. sort of data.
i somehow see/think/belive there is something where the data is written (my english isnt good enough to explain without making it like some geek dream).

its pretty hard to explain even in my own language...so dont expect me to go on, but i do believe there is something... we know so little....
silence said:
a have a question for you guys.... how many of you acctually wanna go to heaven?
Spending eternity with a buncha religious-zealot, self-sanctemoneous twats, do I want that umm lemme think... ...No. Not really no.

If I were to pick a superstitious after-death existence alternative it'd either be plain reincarnation (a buncha things I'd like to try and do different next time 'round) or buddhist nirvana. Just existing in a state of utmost happiness and bliss, that'd be great. :D
silence said:
_xxx_ said:
I believe in absolutely NOTHING supernatural. Nor the afterlife of any kind.

dunno, my believes are that there is something..... not supernatural as described in some book or by religious fanatics (personally i think they are the ones that get biggest surprise when they die), but something.... its hard to explain.

we know the date when WW2 ended.... its information. sort of data.
i somehow see/think/belive there is something where the data is written (my english isnt good enough to explain without making it like some geek dream).

its pretty hard to explain even in my own language...so dont expect me to go on, but i do believe there is something... we know so little....

Well send me a PM in Croatian.
Guden Oden said:
...buddhist nirvana. Just existing in a state of utmost happiness and bliss, that'd be great. :D

I believe that this might be somehow attainable - but it's just a state of mind, nothing supernatural or out of this world.
silence said:
_xxx_ said:
I believe in absolutely NOTHING supernatural. Nor the afterlife of any kind.

dunno, my believes are that there is something..... not supernatural as described in some book or by religious fanatics (personally i think they are the ones that get biggest surprise when they die), but something.... its hard to explain.

we know the date when WW2 ended.... its information. sort of data.
i somehow see/think/belive there is something where the data is written (my english isnt good enough to explain without making it like some geek dream).

its pretty hard to explain even in my own language...so dont expect me to go on, but i do believe there is something... we know so little....

That definitely sounds different. Please repost it if you figure out a better way to express it in English, or heck what ever languages you know so someone might be able to help the rest of us understand what your trying to say.

Sorry while being a devote Atheist, I have a great deal of curiousity and interest in all religions/religious beliefs. So something that sounds very different tends to catch my attention and makes me want to know more about it.
Killer-Kris said:
That definitely sounds different. Please repost it if you figure out a better way to express it in English, or heck what ever languages you know so someone might be able to help the rest of us understand what your trying to say.

Sorry while being a devote Atheist, I have a great deal of curiousity and interest in all religions/religious beliefs. So something that sounds very different tends to catch my attention and makes me want to know more about it.

ask _xxx_ ...he got more in croatian....
ok, lemme try with few basic things....

we exist..universe does....whatever theory you accept, can you imagine there was "absolut nothing" before it?
i cant...cause if there was "absolut nothing" then how come we exist? and have NV<>ATi fights?

every signle thing that was done since creation of univers, left consequence. if i write further...it will leave more rubbish on these boards, if i go out i might get drunk and end up in a fight.

every thing we do... leaves consequencies of our actions. does it mean it is "erased" from the universe?.. it cant be, cause if it was, there would be no consequence.

somewhere there is information of what my gradpa did to my gradma....which cause me writing this... proof?...me writing this.

do we have access to that after we die?.....i dont know. but whole universe is built on things that were done in past....

is there entity that can access all of these information?.... i doubt.
but does our conciousness allows us to watch consequencies of our actions?... if we have freedom of choice how does that freedom influence universe?

would human race kill itself in nuclear holocaust or we might conquer the galaxy?

either way.... information on what happened ...simply exists.
just as there is information that someone with nickname "silence" wrote this on b3d forums.

only question in my mind is..... do we have any access on _OUR_ informations, on what we did?

huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.......this almost blew my brain skyhigh......
it sounds weird, and its not everything that i believe in.... its just parts i can express in english without ...dunno....

judge for yourself.....
digitalwanderer said:
RussSchultz said:
There's a reason Genesis doesn't match modern Christianity
Yes, because it's all a made-up fairy tale that they alter to suit their convenience. :)

(Sorry, I'll behave now that I got that out of me system. )

The thing I didn't like about God II was that annoying rastafari lizard fish thing with the flappy ears. Sequels usually suck.
silence said:
Killer-Kris said:
That definitely sounds different. Please repost it if you figure out a better way to express it in English, or heck what ever languages you know so someone might be able to help the rest of us understand what your trying to say.

Sorry while being a devote Atheist, I have a great deal of curiousity and interest in all religions/religious beliefs. So something that sounds very different tends to catch my attention and makes me want to know more about it.

ask _xxx_ ...he got more in croatian....
ok, lemme try with few basic things....

we exist..universe does....whatever theory you accept, can you imagine there was "absolut nothing" before it?
i cant...cause if there was "absolut nothing" then how come we exist? and have NV<>ATi fights?

every signle thing that was done since creation of univers, left consequence. if i write further...it will leave more rubbish on these boards, if i go out i might get drunk and end up in a fight.

every thing we do... leaves consequencies of our actions. does it mean it is "erased" from the universe?.. it cant be, cause if it was, there would be no consequence.

somewhere there is information of what my gradpa did to my gradma....which cause me writing this... proof?...me writing this.

do we have access to that after we die?.....i dont know. but whole universe is built on things that were done in past....

is there entity that can access all of these information?.... i doubt.
but does our conciousness allows us to watch consequencies of our actions?... if we have freedom of choice how does that freedom influence universe?

would human race kill itself in nuclear holocaust or we might conquer the galaxy?

either way.... information on what happened ...simply exists.
just as there is information that someone with nickname "silence" wrote this on b3d forums.

only question in my mind is..... do we have any access on _OUR_ informations, on what we did?

huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.......this almost blew my brain skyhigh......
it sounds weird, and its not everything that i believe in.... its just parts i can express in english without ...dunno....

judge for yourself.....

I think that made a lot more sense this time around. If I understand correctly, you view the universe as a gigantic(how's that for an understatement ;)) state-machine and that if we truly understood the rules of the game we would be able to look at the present and be able to acertain the past 100% accurately. And if that's the case what does that say about the future? Do we truly have free will or are we dependent on what's happened in the past?

So am I somewhat close, or have I gone off in entirely the wrong direction.
silence's view sounds similar to the "first cause" idea. A quick summary: everything that we can see has has a cause; something happened to make it the way it is now. But if you could go back far enough, you'd find something or someone which caused everything else yet wasn't caused by anything before it. The ultimate "first cause" is god.

This is from my hazy memories of Philosophy 101. :p
On the one hand it doesnt solve his dilemma, if he cannot accept the universe existing without cause why could he accept god without cause? That is just inconsistent. On the other hand, the arguement ignores infinity .... maybe you can go as far as back as you want, and never find a first cause.

Usually religious people invoke infinity, but only for god (or the first cause if you like). To let him off the hook for needing a cause ... but I dont really see the reason to detour through god, we can just posit that existance has always been, and will always be (plenty of cosmological theories which fit this).

The first cause arguement for god does not survive Occam's razor.
Killer-Kris said:
Well I honestly don't know about how the Bible deals with those issues.

What I'm basing it on is modern day christian culture (which I guess defines what the religion is), my 8 years of sunday school in the Catholic church, and lastly just my experiences dealing with various clergy, family members, and other religious nuts. And at least from these experiences I was led to believe that if God spoke to you, told you he was going to do something for you, if you laughed at him and then questioned him about whether that's even possible, it was about the most horrendous thing you could do. And also judging from the classes reaction, I got the impression that was a fairly wide spread belief.

Are you confusing intercession, like the intercession of Abraham in regard to Sodom and Gomorrah, with ‘You are not to put the Lord your God to the test." ?

Or are you confused why Abram lied about his wife ?

Or all the conversations with God ?

The same pattern follows for most all of the situations I listed that seem to be very different in the Old Testament and modern day beliefs. And if that's the case why do Christians even "believe in" the Old Testament anymore? With all honesty it should probably be removed from Christian Bible since it's no longer representative of what they for the most part think and believe.

The message is not different. The Old Testament mostly deal with Jews. The New Testament deal with The Jews and Gentiles. The Jews have their covenant with God in OT. Later, also in OT God promised them that God will make a new covenant. Christians believed in that new covenant and awaits its fulfillment. So here we are modern day Christianity. Still divided and argued over issues, just like in the NT :)
heh...morning coffee helps.....clears your head.
to put it simple, yes everything that happened somehow influenced our present and everything we do influences our future, so somewhere, somehow there is information built in on what happened.

does that means there is "master plan"... not really, it just means that there might be some other (urgh, this will sound tinfoil) "dimension" where infomation is held.... is it god? nature itself? something else?... i have no idea.... i just think that information on something that was done simply has to exsist after it was done....

just as we are determened by our past and actions in it, same goes for whole universe. we can access some of our past with our memories, but we live daily with consequencies of _EVERY_ action we did, even if cant remember it.... but its there, infomation on what was done is somewhere....

oki....nuff for now.... i didnt drink that much coffee....

Pope John Paul II on his laptop, probably surfing the web 8)

he had his own email account, messenging service (an IM? :oops: )

I'm sure he weighed in on Beyond3D more than once, teehee
V3 said:
Are you confusing intercession, like the intercession of Abraham in regard to Sodom and Gomorrah, with ‘You are not to put the Lord your God to the test." ?

No I was mainly meaning when God tells Abraham and Sarah, when they are old, that they are going to have kids. They both laughed at him, and questioned how that could be. Then just a nice little capstone to that I do believe Isaac means "he laughs" which is a direct reference to their laughing at God.

Or are you confused why Abram lied about his wife ?

No, I definitely understand why he lied about her. But that still doesn't making lying a correct course of action.

Or all the conversations with God ?

Well there definitely does seem to be a pattern to all the major characters theophanies, though they are definitely not identical, and I don't recall the other characters being so confrontation with God.

The same pattern follows for most all of the situations I listed that seem to be very different in the Old Testament and modern day beliefs. And if that's the case why do Christians even "believe in" the Old Testament anymore? With all honesty it should probably be removed from Christian Bible since it's no longer representative of what they for the most part think and believe.

The message is not different. The Old Testament mostly deal with Jews. The New Testament deal with The Jews and Gentiles. The Jews have their covenant with God in OT. Later, also in OT God promised them that God will make a new covenant. Christians believed in that new covenant and awaits its fulfillment. So here we are modern day Christianity. Still divided and argued over issues, just like in the NT :)

I guess it was a little broad to just list Christians, but I was mainly refering to was what seems to be the American culture's concensus on what Christianity is, and it seems to contradict with what the old testament's stories are showing. Which was my main point about christians in general not needing the old testament anymore. Yeah the messages are the same as the new testament, it's just that modern culture now views things differently than what the text shows.