I dont always hate bosses, in some type of games they fit perfectly. SOTC is built around boss gameplay. They are brilliantly made, they fit the premise and narrative of the game wonderful.
The question of weather or not they are bosses is irelevant as they fit the game both from a gameplay standpoint and a narrative standpoint.
Do you think a boss fight would fit in a game like COD? Some armour wearing general with a shoulder mounted rocket launcher. The only way to kill him would be to lure him under a building and then take down a pillar with a greanade or rpg so the ceiling came down on him. After that he would stand around dizzy for a few seconds and you would have to shoot him in the eye with a sniper riffle. After completing this procedure three times he would die.
I think that scenario would be quite fun!!
No but seriously though.. I agree that Bosses aren't suited for every game.. But it doesn't make them *generally* bad.. Just bad when they are inappropriately implemented..