Decline? Yup!
Two years ago I played quite a lot, back then it was mostly EVE-Online which is a real time consumer.
When I started to work I didn't feel like messing around with my PC, which at the time was 4 years old so I bought myself a PS2. I have played my share of games on it too, but since summer I've been up to my neck in work so I haven't had the chance to finish many of games I bought. The only games I have completed are RE4, Ico and a couple of months ago Silent Hill 2. I have another 10 or so games in my shelf, some almost untouched, like SotC (runs and hides) and Project Zero II (but I
won't touch that one unless I have someone to hold my hand

Now-days I'm only Playing GH2, but since I've been stuck at 29 songs on hard for a while, I'm getting sick of it too.
And then I got myself a PSP for a couple of months ago so now I have yet another system with games that I don't play. I have almost just finished RR2 though, but I'm stuck at the special races.
With an order for a PS3 for the Euro launch the situation is not likely to improve either.
What I feel is far worse is that my interest in programming has declined significantly during the time I've been working. It could have something to do with that programming is what i do for work too.
I just can't find the motivation to sit down when I'm at home and code, but I still fancy reading programming books and articles about new (and old) techniques.
I'll hope that my new PC with a Ge-Force 7700 Go and Core 2 processor will give me some motivation to program when I'll get it in a couple of weeks.
My interest in PC and console hardware is however still large. I am quite a sucker for anything with electronics in it.
So umm, I think it mostly has to do with (lack of) time.