Harry Potter tonight

Apoc said:
Not so shocking. Go to www.cosforums.com to read about it. Lots of theorys, with recent chats with JKR, and more.


It seems that he was severely injured because of the ring, and they agreed to slow down the effect of the curse so severus could fool the DE and LV into thinking he really killed DD. I don't think severus is evil, even in the last fight he kept giving advices to harry ("close your mind, don't speak", etc).

But I obviously could be wrong :p


Yes the advice to Harry was what made me suspicious. There's obviously something behind the whole thing, it would be too easy and dumb to just make Snape officially evil and that's it.
I believe he is being prepared to do the one thing only he can truely do and what his parents failed to do . Kill the person who shouldn't be named !! Thus dd isn't dead and snapes was preparing harry for the ultimate battle needing to have him fight through a rage that he would experiance when he confronts his parent's killers yup read that and you can see my ideas
jvd said:
I believe he is being prepared to do the one thing only he can truely do and what his parents failed to do . Kill the person who shouldn't be named !! Thus dd isn't dead and snapes was preparing harry for the ultimate battle needing to have him fight through a rage that he would experiance when he confronts his parent's killers yup read that and you can see my ideas

Yeah but it's not like Harry wouldn't have killed Voldy anyway...

It's gonna be one of those huge and kinda usual plot twists Rowling has been using in every book.
london-boy said:
jvd said:
I believe he is being prepared to do the one thing only he can truely do and what his parents failed to do . Kill the person who shouldn't be named !! Thus dd isn't dead and snapes was preparing harry for the ultimate battle needing to have him fight through a rage that he would experiance when he confronts his parent's killers yup read that and you can see my ideas

Yeah but it's not like Harry wouldn't have killed Voldy anyway...

It's gonna be one of those huge and kinda usual plot twists Rowling has been using in every book.

Maybe in the end Snape (as excellent as he is in DA) could make a battle with LV, debiliting him and letting harry give LV the "final touch" saying: "HA HA (nelson voice), you don't have any horcruxes left".

Or something like that:D
I think its more along the lines that he couldn't .

Harry isn't a killer and he isn't a great fighter . Esp not compared to u know who

jvd said:
I think its more along the lines that he couldn't .

Harry isn't a killer and he isn't a great fighter . Esp not compared to u know who

Thing is now, how on earth is Harry gonna find the things, how did Dumbeldore find them anyway?
london-boy said:
Randell said:
london-boy said:
I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW HE WOULD BE KILLED OFF!!! FROM THE BEGINNING!!! SOOOO OBVIOUS!!! Bit shocking how it happened though.

too much info for people who havent read it. Think eh?

Not really... If they haven't read it...

yes it is, for a start you said he, then you said it was obvious. That is a dead giveaway.
Randell said:
london-boy said:
Randell said:
london-boy said:
I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW HE WOULD BE KILLED OFF!!! FROM THE BEGINNING!!! SOOOO OBVIOUS!!! Bit shocking how it happened though.

too much info for people who havent read it. Think eh?

Not really... If they haven't read it...

yes it is, for a start you said he, then you said it was obvious. That is a dead giveaway.

I put a spoiler warning and edited the font size ages ago.

jvd, how on earth did you read the book in 4 hours? and if you did, i find it hard to believe you retained any information or that you understood all the little nuances that make these books so entertaining. If there is one thing you can't say about the harry potters (except the 5th one which was dull) is that they're boring. But maybe that's just me.
O.K. This post is about the HBP's theories so, huge SPOILER WARNING

A) Who is R.A.B.?

1. Regulus Black?

a) initial would match. The A could be a nickname (see Hermione's guesses at the end of HBP R... "Axebringer" B...) or he could be named after his uncle Alphard, the one who was taken of the tapestry.
b) The writer refers to Voldemort as the Dark Lord. Only death eaters or former DE call him that way.
c) the writer expects to die pretty soon, which happened to R.B. soon after he joined up. And no he's definitely dead and not alive, as Kreacher would have passed into his services after Sirius's death.
d) Voldemort must know the writer as he wants Voldemort to know who thwarted him

a) Dumbledore says only a powerful wizard could have gotten to the horocrux. Regulus B. so far seemed rather weak, though he might have had Sirius's talent.
b) According to Dumbledore obtaining the horocrux needed 2 persons: R.B. could have used Kreacher, though. Or there's another way to obtain it...

2. A=And?
a) 2 persons needed to get it

a) letter is written in 1st person sg.
b) according to Dumbledore 2 powerful wizard can't cross the lake on the boat.

R.B. theory seems to be pretty plausible, while the "And" seems a lot less likely. However, both have their weaknesses.

B) Snape?
After reading the HBP again, I'm almost sure that Snape is not a bad guy, he's probably acting on Dumbledore's order.
Remember the argument between S. and D. that Hagrid overheard. Since Dumbledore already knew at that time what Draco Malfoy's mission was, he probably ordered Snape to do his utmost to protect D.M. from harm, even if it would cost Dumbledore's life (Dumbledore mentions that he knew all along that D.M. tried to kill him on Voldemort's orders). As far as we know Dumbledore's main priority is the safety of his students (see argument with HP before departing to get hold of the horocrux, plus I gather that the hallucinations after drinking the potion where about seeing his students killed before his eyes).
So if this is correct, Dumbledore's final words could indeed be read in a diffrent way. Moreover, Hermione mentions at the beginning of the HBP that there're poisons without anti-dote. So maybe D. and S. already knew that Dumbledore would die anyway.
When Snape performs the Avada Kedavra curse. his face is twisted with disgust. Again, he might have been disgusted with what he was about to do: Kill his mentor and protector.
During the escape / chase through the Hogwart's grounds Snape protects Harry yet again. As we don't know what curse hit Harry, Snape might have even performed a healing spell. Of course, it could have also been the Crucio curse. However, Snape tells DEs that Voldemort wants to kill HP. So far nobody died from Crucio curse...
So what doesn't agree with that theory? Well, the stunning of Flitwick. Why would Snape stun Flitwick? What is to be gained from it? If he's working for the Order why is he deliberately weakening them?
I am not entirely sure that Snape's a good guy, but so far it's not implausible for him to be loyal to the Order.

C)unsolved Mysteries:
1. R.A.B.?
2. the horocruxes: 1 is still unaccounted for, the rest hasn't been found yet. Is the Slytherin's locket the one found in the OotP?
3. James Potter's ancestry. So far nothing was mentioned in that context. Maybe HP manages to find sg. at Godric's Hollow. BTW Godric's Hollow ?
4. Snape good or bad?
5. Rescue of Draco?
6. HP is still weak compared to most of the wizards. Will he improve drastically or will Rowling use the "Love will beat everything" crutch?
7. HP dies? Will he die at the end of HP7?
8. Will Harry really leave Hogwarts?

Since there's so many things left unexplained, I am not completely sure that there's no HP8. Of course JKR might introduce a time gap and the story continues with an older more disillusioned HP, which would take care of some of the problems. Or HP7 might as well be 1200 pages...;)

That's it for the moment
Oh god i want HP7 to be as long as it takes to explain E V E R Y T H I N G. Even why Hermione's hair is so curly.

My thoughts:

I've been wondering about James Potter. Rowling never delved into detail on him, on how exactly he died - the focus is all on Lily and how she saved him, but what about James? He was a very powerful wizard and he just dropped dead? That's it?

I was thinking about the death of Harry. But the prophecy says that one of them will live and one of them will die, so if Harry dies, Voldy lives. And that's a bit crap.

Neville Longbottom. I expect much more from this character.

Hermione and Ron???!!! Everything seems to point to them getting it on. Sweet how in the end Harry end up with Ginny, she always loved him!!

Oh and did i mention the fact that i feel like i've been growing up with the characters. Like how Ginny started as the little silly girl with a crush on Harry, and now she's this total slut, but in a good way! :devilish:
london-boy said:
Thing is now, how on earth is Harry gonna find the things, how did Dumbeldore find them anyway?

I am assuming that D's theories were correct...

The Horcruxes found by D were hid in place that had a relation to Voldemort's personal history and to his ancestry.
1. The Ring at Gaunt's house
2. The "locket" at the cave
So Dumbledore probably started visiting places Voldemort had been to until he found some magical remnants.

So Harry probably will visit Godric's Hollow, - i''ve got a hunch that he either find a horocrux or sg about his ancestry or both; godric could be a hint at Godric Gryffindor-, the orphanage, Borgin and Burke's, etc. Hey, he might even undertake a trip to Albania...
Furthermore, Voldemort always took pride in his ancestry, so there might be places Syltherin is rumoured to have lived...

3. the Slytherin locket that is connected to R.A.B., so he's got to find out who RAB is. (for theories see my other posting).

4. the Hufflepuff cup ? No clue at the moment

5. Ravenclaw / Gryffindor item : If it is sg. Gryffindor maybe Godric's Hollow?

6. Nagini: always close to its master, that is going to be the last to destroy. So this is: Find Voldemort and you find Nagini or vice versa
london-boy said:
My thoughts:

I was thinking about the death of Harry. But the prophecy says that one of them will live and one of them will die, so if Harry dies, Voldy lives. And that's a bit crap.

Neville Longbottom. I expect much more from this character.

Hermione and Ron???!!! Everything seems to point to them getting it on. Sweet how in the end Harry end up with Ginny, she always loved him!!

I think you're reading the prophecy the wrong way: It says: "Either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives"
That only means that at least one of them is going to die, not that exactly one of them is going to die.
I don't know if we'll see more of Neville that'll depend on wether Harry will return to Hogwarts...

Another bunch of mysteries:
Horocrux: I've been wondering if you need to deliberately kill somebody or if you just need to kill somebody to fracture your soul. Because otherwise I expect that Harry's "untainted" soul gets some bumps and dents.

Peter Pettigrew has yet to return Harry's favor of letting him live

hupfinsgack: re point 7:
7. HP dies? Will he die at the end of HP7?

Seems unlikely as JKR has said in the past that she might write an 8th book for charity.

I've often wondered when in "The Chamber of Secrets", Fawks brings Godric's sword to Harry, whether that might indicate some sort of ancestry.

See that's what i thought!

James Potter was apparently a very very powerful wizard, the best at Hogwarts when he was there, together with Sirius. Sirius came from a noble family, and nothing was said about James' part of the equation.
I would not be surprised at all if James Potter was related to the Gryffindor family. It would make sense, how the heir of Slytherin (Voldemort) would hate and ultimately fight with the heir of Gryffindor (harry), like the rivalry was always there and it reflects in the school too. It would also make sense that the prophecy would say that the 2 heirs would fight it out, as one can't exist with the other.
Also, both Harry and Voldy are half bloods, and if my theory is correct, both last descendents of the 2 major houses in Hogwarts. Fits in nicely.

It also seems quite funny to me how the traits of the houses reflect into the 4 characters:
Harry - Brave, Gryffindor
Malfoy/Voldemort - Sly little shit, Slytherin
Hermione - Genius, Ravenclaw (the Lily of the group)
Ron - Lovely loveable a bit useless, Hufflepuff

I was also wondering about the ancestors of Dumbledore. In book 5 one of the examiners was praising him "Never seen anyone doing those things with a wand" or something like that. Can't just come from nowhere.

Just my thoughts.
Simon F said:
7. HP dies? Will he die at the end of HP7?

Seems unlikely as JKR has said in the past that she might write an 8th book for charity.

I've often wondered when in "The Chamber of Secrets", Fawks brings Godric's sword to Harry, whether that might indicate some sort of ancestry.

JKR has also said she's not sure if he'll survive. Then again she has said that she has known how the story will end for 15 years. I don't know what will happen except that the last word is "scar" according to her.

About G Gryffindor & ancestry:
Potter could very well be related to GG. If you remember, Harry's wand sparks in Philosopher's Stone were also gold and red (Although this might be because the core of his wand is a feather of fawkes ). As you mentioned he pulls GG's sword out of the sorting hat which is coincidentally also an item of GG. Moreover, Voldemort and HP have a lot in common (both Half-Bloods, orphans, same wand core, etc.).
Still, JKR's books seem to suggest that ancestry is not important, only Voldemort seems to be obsessed with it. So I don't know if she'll wants to turn the battle between Voldemort and Harry into a battle of ancestry.

About Dumbledore:
In the HBP we come to know that nearly all items of the Hogwarts founders are / were passed down within their families (Hufflepuff cup, S's locket and the ring). That made me wonder why Dumbledore has the Gryffindor sword. Did he find it? Is it a heirloom? Was he related to Godric Gryffindor?

Another thing that got me wondering: Albus's brother: Where is he and what is he up to? Why didn't he attend DD's funeral (Harry should have recognized him from Mad-Eye's photo)? Maybe that strange rumour that he's in fact the barman in Hog's Head is true?

Moreover, will inherit DD's possessions? The GG's sword, the pensieve, his silver puffing instruments, etc.
hupfinsgack said:
Simon F said:
7. HP dies? Will he die at the end of HP7?

Seems unlikely as JKR has said in the past that she might write an 8th book for charity.

I've often wondered when in "The Chamber of Secrets", Fawks brings Godric's sword to Harry, whether that might indicate some sort of ancestry.

JKR has also said she's not sure if he'll survive. Then again she has said that she has known how the story will end for 15 years. I don't know what will happen except that the last word is "scar" according to her.

About G Gryffindor & ancestry:
Potter could very well be related to GG. If you remember, Harry's wand sparks in Philosopher's Stone were also gold and red (Although this might be because the core of his wand is a feather of fawkes ). As you mentioned he pulls GG's sword out of the sorting hat which is coincidentally also an item of GG. Moreover, Voldemort and HP have a lot in common (both Half-Bloods, orphans, same wand core, etc.).
Still, JKR's books seem to suggest that ancestry is not important, only Voldemort seems to be obsessed with it. So I don't know if she'll wants to turn the battle between Voldemort and Harry into a battle of ancestry.

About Dumbledore:
In the HBP we come to know that nearly all items of the Hogwarts founders are / were passed down within their families (Hufflepuff cup, S's locket and the ring). That made me wonder why Dumbledore has the Gryffindor sword. Did he find it? Is it a heirloom? Was he related to Godric Gryffindor?

Another thing that got me wondering: Albus's brother: Where is he and what is he up to? Why didn't he attend DD's funeral (Harry should have recognized him from Mad-Eye's photo)? Maybe that strange rumour that he's in fact the barman in Hog's Head is true?

Moreover, will inherit DD's possessions? The GG's sword, the pensieve, his silver puffing instruments, etc.

The scar... mmm... First thing i thought after reading about the Horocrux or whatever they're called, is: "The scar IS a horocrux!"
I don't think this is a spoiler, this is for Simon F.

JKR has said she may do an 8th book. She has said it won't be a novel, it might be a compendium or encyclopedia. Therefore HP is expendable.