Harry Potter tonight

Randell said:
And you know it is possible to read more than one author. 'Don't read that, read Pullman', 'don't read this, read Eddings'. sigh..
But most people don't. They just read the one that is in the book charts and has the hype. It's kind of like only ever listening to music in the top 10. Sure, kids love it, but they usually don't know any better. Fantasy is the laziest genre around.
K.I.L.E.R said:
It was boring.
I'll take LOTR(even the movies) over Harry Potter.

I always thought no one could beat Tolkien when it comes to sheer boredom. I fully understand that Tolkien created the Fantasy genre as we know it today... but I still think LOTR is some of the most boring stuff I have ever forced myself to read.

Potter on the other hand is solid, easily digestable and fun entertainment. Not the Second Coming, not the Jeebus of literature, but at least it's not boring.
CMAN said:
The spoiler is correct, and not a misdirection. If you read the beginning of book, I think you'd understand.

I take what I said back. Spoiler - I think I've come to think he was begging to be killed by Snape.
Diplo said:
But most people don't. They just read the one that is in the book charts and has the hype. It's kind of like only ever listening to music in the top 10. Sure, kids love it, but they usually don't know any better. Fantasy is the laziest genre around.

Read George Martin! :p
RussSchultz said:
It helps if you skip past all the dwarven songs.

That still leaves a tale of midgets wandering a European-style landscape described in painstaking detail. I can see the landscape by looking outta my window and the midgets next time the circus passes through town.
mcsven said:
CMAN said:
Without giving too much away, what do people think R.A.B is?
I think this question will be bouncing around until the final book. The only character whose surname begins with B was Sirius Black IIRC, but he wasn't nearly hard enough to try what R.A.B. obviously did.

So we're left with either some completely unheard of character or some cunning/weak plot twist. Either way - I want to find out! 8)

Potential Spoiler.....

There is another person mentioned in the book that fits at least 2 of the letters (R and B) of the initials. Sirius' brother has the name Regulus. The belief is he is dead, but that could simply be a cover like Petigrew performed, to hide. Judging by the character of Sirius, the style would seem to fit for taking that kind of action.
I'm still reading the order of the phoenix. Read from the first on in 3 weeks. totally hooked.

Whatever people say, how absurdly commercial the whole thing is, how loaded Rowling is now, these are great books.
london boy, pay attention to a certain something they find when they are cleaning the room that they cannnot open.... (and i don't think it will spoil you)
AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! dont say anything.

Order of the phoenix took a while to get started properly. I'm at page 250 or so and i can see that the "inspection" business is gonna be funny :D
order of the pheonix is the worst book in my opinion. The major character who cops it, is just meh, too much fluff not in Hogwarts etc.
Whew. Finished it yesterday (difficult when you have a 1.5 y.o. who wants to take the book off you all the time :) ) so I can now read the thread without fear of finding an unwanted spoiler.

I'm puzzled, though, by those who say the book is boring and yet managed to finish it a lot sooner than me :)
Simon I used to read my english books in a few hours at school . Those were boring . But i still read them .

I just read fast . I had a limited time to read it for free and so I did .
I take what I said back. Spoiler - I think I've come to think he was begging to be killed by Snape.

That is a possibility I have also been thinking of. It should all become clear in the next book, which unfortunately isn't going to come out any time soon. :cry:
Started it yesterday. I'm at the "Secret Riddle" chapter.
SO much better than the Order of the Phoenix so far it's not even funny.

I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW HE WOULD BE KILLED OFF!!! FROM THE BEGINNING!!! SOOOO OBVIOUS!!! Bit shocking how it happened though.

And totally not convinced by how evil the guy who did it really is. Just feels quite fishy. Guess we'll see in the next book. HOW LONG!?
london-boy said:
I KNEW IT!!! I KNEW HE WOULD BE KILLED OFF!!! FROM THE BEGINNING!!! SOOOO OBVIOUS!!! Bit shocking how it happened though.

too much info for people who havent read it. Think eh?
Not so shocking. Go to www.cosforums.com to read about it. Lots of theorys, with recent chats with JKR, and more.


It seems that he was severely injured because of the ring, and they agreed to slow down the effect of the curse so severus could fool the DE and LV into thinking he really killed DD. I don't think severus is evil, even in the last fight he kept giving advices to harry ("close your mind, don't speak", etc).

But I obviously could be wrong :p
