The reference to active area is interesting (i.e. you could make a massive battle appear larger by having enemies just beyond the active play area who, upon progress slowly enter the game zone).
Lets hope they aren't hyping a new slayer variety It would be a blast to see some dramatically new (and long legged) MP!
Some of my biggest "wants" are custom game browsers and more robust Forge tools, specifically in regards to game type manipulation and objectives. A ticket system would be great.
With a bigger squad, can we then expect much bigger epic battles then as a result?
ML: Absolutely. In Halo 3 we could have about twenty active characters within the combat zone - that includes both friendly and enemy units. In Halo reach we can have sixty AI, or like forty AI characters and twenty vehicles – all of that with weapons and explosions going off everywhere. Yeah, we’re definitely going to have much, much bigger, open battles than ever before.
You are part of a military campaign and you will see battles taking place outside of your immediate gameplay area – something we’ve never done before.
The reference to active area is interesting (i.e. you could make a massive battle appear larger by having enemies just beyond the active play area who, upon progress slowly enter the game zone).
It also applies to the amount of content as well, so in terms of maps – you’ll see a few maps, you’ll see a couple of different game types – some old stuff that returns, but also some new stuff that we haven’t revealed yet. It’s some brand new multiplayer experiences that are big and risky and need to be in the beta to give us real stress testing and real balance testing. On top of that you’re going to see a huge selection of the weapons that the game has to offer, a pretty healthy amount of armour abilities like our sprinting and our active camo and some things we haven’t talked about yet. Because really, from a design perspective, those things have the biggest impact on how people are going to play Halo – hopefully in an awesome way, but also it’s the riskiest so we’re looking forward to that getting hammered on during the beta.
Lets hope they aren't hyping a new slayer variety It would be a blast to see some dramatically new (and long legged) MP!
Some of my biggest "wants" are custom game browsers and more robust Forge tools, specifically in regards to game type manipulation and objectives. A ticket system would be great.