Halo: Reach

This. I agree wholeheartedly.

True, but some of us gave Bungie the benefit of the doubt after the halo2 screens/media, and then again after halo3.

Naughty Dog has always delivered. Guerilla had some doubt cast over them after KZ1 and Shellshock 67 (or something), but they totally delivered on KZ2.
Bungie?... I don't know. To be honest, I expect less of them than I expected from the people behind the "most definitive and graphically most excellent racing game of the generation".

back ontopic:
I think the realtime shots will be Halo3 but in 720p 2xaa, without "HDR", but with better textures and with the gamma toned down.
The weapons might be redesigned a bit to give it a 'new' look.
Also this time they could have smaller environments, but with a lot more detail than the vast, empty environments that halo is known for.
I think 3 years ago, gears or war set the graphical bar for 360 games. I don't expect Bungie/Reach to top it.
Please remember that nobody is saying Halo: Reach wont look awesome. People are simply saying that the usual applies to this game, as it does pretty much every game, that these PR bullshots do not represent what the final game will look like.
If this is accepted of every game, why does it need to be pointed out? I think that's the general annoyance here, and I agree. Every time a PR shot is shown, someone somewhere cries foul. We all know it's not accurate, so why point out the bleedingly obvious time and time again and go over the same bickering regardless of title?
Like it or not, I'm calling a halt on the PR-shot debate. There is nothing more to be gained from everyone repeating the points they've already made. This thread is returned to discussion about the Halo Reach game.
What do you guys want to see for the multiplayer part of Reach.

A)Classic halo multiplayer
B)12vs12 bad company/killzone 2 class style

I personally wouldn't mind a bigger multiplayer like bad company and killzone 2.
Dont know how i think about class based multiplayer killzone 2 didnt really felt balance for me but bad company 2 feels alot more balanced. Im just afraid that with class based multiplayer with big maps everybody is going for the sniper class.

If bungie does go the battlefield way i hope they just keep a 4vs4 matchmaking option for the halo 3 players i somehow have a feeling that this game will separate the halo community between the Reach players and Halo 3 players.
How high can first NPD sales of the game go? Recently saw a gaffer tallied up that Halo 3 sold in it's first month to 53.3% of the install base at the time.. That was far and away higher than any other PS3/360 game. Nothing else was higher than about a 35% attach rate, and for example MW2 had a ~25% attach rate on 360. Gears 1 also rated very high but at about 34% IIRC. And also I believe GTA4 was low 30's on PS3. Everything else was generally in the 20's or less.

Sure, attach rates will drop a lot as the base grows, nevertheless it was quite an eye opener. I hadn't necessarily expected Reach to beat MW2 before I saw that. Now I think so.
How high can first NPD sales of the game go? Recently saw a gaffer tallied up that Halo 3 sold in it's first month to 53.3% of the install base at the time.. That was far and away higher than any other PS3/360 game. Nothing else was higher than about a 35% attach rate, and for example MW2 had a ~25% attach rate on 360. Gears 1 also rated very high but at about 34% IIRC. And also I believe GTA4 was low 30's on PS3. Everything else was generally in the 20's or less.

Sure, attach rates will drop a lot as the base grows, nevertheless it was quite an eye opener. I hadn't necessarily expected Reach to beat MW2 before I saw that. Now I think so.

Exclusivity will hurt there. Anyway, halo is xbox so yeah it had a high attach rate. Just like everyone who owns a wii or other nintendo console (most anyway) knows mario. Unfortunate thing for sony when you think about that is, which franchise is currently associated with them? They have tossed most of the last gen games and have new ones coming up each time, sure its progress but it has to hurt in some way. Nathan drake? Hale from Resistance? Infamous? all these are just new comers.

I expect reach will sell a lot whether great or not. Its the next big halo game for petes sake

Like it or not, I'm calling a halt on the PR-shot debate. There is nothing more to be gained from everyone repeating the points they've already made. This thread is returned to discussion about the Halo Reach game.

I don't think Reach will beat MW2 overall (X360, PS3, PC) numbers.

But I think Reach has a chance to beat MW2 sales on X360 only. And possibly approach the combined numbers for MW2, depending on how well MS/Bungie manages the build-up to release. And so far Microsoft has done an extraordinary job of managing hype, expectations, and advertising of the "Big" titles.

And finally, I don't think any game will surpass Halo 3 attach rates. The user bases for both consoles is too large now for any title to grab ~50% of the install base.

We'll, have to wait til the next generation of consoles to see if any title has a chance of outdoing Halo 3's first month attach rate.

Considering Halo 3 did 3.3 million in the first month, in Sept. 2007 compared to MW2 at 4.2 million in Nov. 2009 (to a much larger install base), I think it's quite possible that Reach might outsell MW2 in 2010 when the install base will be larger yet.

And if Halo is as graphically improved as Bungie is hinting at, that's just more fuel to drum up sales.

ODST did almost as much, which isn't bad considering it's been called an expansion pack.
I don't think graphics will make a whole lot of difference to Halo's sales. Fans are fans -- I think the hardcore, day-1 fans are the ones we saw buying Halo 3, and I think that that number is fairly inelastic with respect to install-base.

On the other hand, a portion of the fans who picked the game up later on will become day-1 fans (the converse also applies, of course), so maybe it will beat MW2. I personally doubt it, just because of how huge MW2 was this year.
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I don't think graphics will make a whole lot of difference to Halo's sales. Fans are fans -- I think the hardcore, day-1 fans are the ones we saw buying Halo 3, and I think that that number is fairly inelastic with respect to install-base.

On the other hand, a portion of the fans who picked the game up later on will become day-1 fans, so maybe it will beat MW2. I personally doubt it, just because of how huge MW2 was this year.

Agreed, before MW2 launched this year, I would have said no way any game would beat Halo 3 first month sales until the next Halo on X360.

Either way, I just think it has a chance, not a guarantee. :) If Halo 3 has sold over 10 million since launch, it'll be interesting to see how many of those end up first month buyers of Reach.

I think the realtime shots will be Halo3 but in 720p 2xaa, without "HDR", but with better textures and with the gamma toned down.
The weapons might be redesigned a bit to give it a 'new' look.
Also this time they could have smaller environments, but with a lot more detail than the vast, empty environments that halo is known for.
I think 3 years ago, gears or war set the graphical bar for 360 games. I don't expect Bungie/Reach to top it.

These make only slightly more sense than Bungie making melee and grenades into weapons you have to switch to. Slightly more.
If it was Halo 4 with Master Chief, then I think it could do over 4.2 million in the first month (if enough days), but Reach with no MC and not so much mystery surrounding the plot etc. It'll be hard. Of course there are more machines out there next year. The marketing needs to be A+ and stars lined up right etc.
The biggest thing going for it is that it won't be bandied about constantly by everyone that it's just a glorified expansion pack, ala. ODST. I think that combined with the price pretty much doomed ODST to it's low (for a Halo game) sales.

I expect far more for Reach which is Bungie's next full game after Halo 3.
