Halo: Reach

Ah yes, Reach won't look as good as the vids, because Bungie tried the same trick with Forza3.

And it's not like Forza 3 still isn't one of the best looking car games from what I've seen. I dont see whats the point of acting like it's some ugly stepchild, it looks great compared to other car games of this gen and at 60 FPS.

Anyway, I think a lot of people are going to cry foul when Reach gameplay is released, because guess what, games dont look like cutscenes. But these are the same people who apparently thought that Halo 3 and 2 would look like their cutscene trailers, and felt cheated when shock, the game didn't look like a cutscene.

The graphics in cutscenes are not even from the same perspective as real gameplay is. Videogames 101.

I only hope Reach surpasses my graphical expectations. Not the cutscene trailer.
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What about Halo 3? It isn't the prettiest of games, but the scale of it is second to none. It's also pushing some relatively impressive enemy numbers.


That’s is what I also think, Halo 3 is a technical impressive game but when you compare it to Gear 2, Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2 which have more controlled environments it looks way bellow graphically and its mostly because it wants to do to much. How may games this gen have 4 player coop for the campaign mode? Or how many games have the scale that Halo 3 can have? What I want is for Bungie to separate the Coop mode from the campaign and have It as a Side story, so they can concentrate on having the best single player mode possible.
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Ah yes, Reach won't look as good as the vids, because Bungie tried the same trick with Forza3.
But s/he has a point somewhat remember me in these forums as the voice of reason
pointing out 'look at forza 2's press prerelease material + look at how it was when it came out'
yet ppl here fell for it with with forza 3, posting screenshots of how grand it looked but ( why as soon as the game came out, why did the number of screenshots posted decreased immediately?, to busy playing the game :rolleyes:, ore perhaps the harsh face of reality )

now case number 2, halo, bungies track record has not been favourable i.e.
bungie WRT halo also have a terrible trackrecord
compare halo1 or halo2 or halo3 prerelease material with the actual games ( hell some of the hyped shots of halo1/2 for the xbox look better than the delivered xbox360 product :p )
though in saying this looking at the reach video, it does look like theyve toned down the bollux somewhat compared to previous incarnations .
zeds verdict - definitly possible for final game but based on bungies track record who the fuck knows, the only certainty is big marketing push + big sales
i found something odd here.

It's a rumor but it conflicts terribly with what was said about the progress of the game from bungie's official web page. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=BWU_121809

from what is known about the project, the footage was compiled just a few weeks back, and so there's no way it could get such a soon release date.

the only way this rumor could even be the slightest possible is if the project had started right when halo3 was finished.

what i think it could mean is that we might rather see a finished demo launching during that time. (not keeping many hopes there but it sounds a little more believable than the entire project finishing at that time.)
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Ah yes, Reach won't look as good as the vids, because Bungie tried the same trick with Forza3.

You misspelt Halo 1, Halo 2 and Halo 3.
It should be like this:

Scott_Arm said:
Ah yes, Reach won't look as good as the vids, because Bungie tried the same trick with Halo 1, Halo 2 and Halo 3.

Thats a great way of summing it up, Scott_arm, good work.

I used Forza3 as an example however, because people on this board (whom I expected to be experienced in judging 3d screens/footage and capabilities of 4 or 3 year old consoles) were expecting forza 3 to have this kind of realtime detail in the cars.

back on halo; i wonder how the green and purple guns are going to fit within the new halo-look :)
I used GT 5 as an example however, because people on this board (whom I expected to be experienced in judging 3d screens/footage and capabilities of 4 or 3 year old consoles) were expecting GT 5 to have this kind of realtime detail in the cars.

If you want to talk about PR shoot who are real Bullshot take the Master.;)
Thats a great way of summing it up, Scott_arm, good work.

I used Forza3 as an example however, because people on this board (whom I expected to be experienced in judging 3d screens/footage and capabilities of 4 or 3 year old consoles) were expecting forza 3 to have this kind of realtime detail in the cars.

back on halo; i wonder how the green and purple guns are going to fit within the new halo-look :)

I'd be surprised if anyone on this forum seriously thought the in game (in race) car detail was going to be the same as the PR shots. Pretty much everyone was in agreement that the cars would not look as good as the PR shots in a race. I think you're barking up the wrong tree there.

People also like to conviently forget that Halo 3 was orginally targetted at and started developement as an original Xbox 1 title. Spending approximately 1/3-/12 of the engine developement time on Xbox.

Halo Reach will be the first Bungie title where the engine was targetted at the X360. Then again there seems to be a weird assumption on these forums that everything is possible for a PS3 dev because they are all better and above average, while X360 devs are lazy, no-talent slobs that couldn't code their way out of a hole in the ground. :rolleyes:

Or at least that's the impression I get reading these forums.

I'll give Bungie the same benefit of the doubt I gave Guerilla Games and Naughty dog...

Can we please stop with the damn "game's not gonna look like the trailer" debate?
It's such a shame that the past x pages were spent with this useless attacks over and over again, B3D should be better then this.
I'd be surprised if anyone on this forum seriously thought the in game (in race) car detail was going to be the same as the PR shots.

I've seen people on this board use photo-mode screenshots as 'regular' screenshots for the sake of argument. Maybe they didn't believe what they were posting, which actually makes it worse.
Can we please stop with the damn "game's not gonna look like the trailer" debate?
It's such a shame that the past x pages were spent with this useless attacks over and over again, B3D should be better then this.

Excluding the attacks, which shouldn't be anywhere, what else is there to discuss? The content of the trailer was also discussed pretty thoroughly. All we have is a trailer that is supposedly in-engine and that may or may not be representative of actual gameplay. Should everyone drop out of the thread and wait for embargos to lift?
I'd be surprised if anyone on this forum seriously thought the in game (in race) car detail was going to be the same as the PR shots. Pretty much everyone was in agreement that the cars would not look as good as the PR shots in a race. I think you're barking up the wrong tree there.

People also like to conviently forget that Halo 3 was orginally targetted at and started developement as an original Xbox 1 title. Spending approximately 1/3-/12 of the engine developement time on Xbox.

Halo Reach will be the first Bungie title where the engine was targetted at the X360. Then again there seems to be a weird assumption on these forums that everything is possible for a PS3 dev because they are all better and above average, while X360 devs are lazy, no-talent slobs that couldn't code their way out of a hole in the ground. :rolleyes:

Or at least that's the impression I get reading these forums.

I'll give Bungie the same benefit of the doubt I gave Guerilla Games and Naughty dog...


Please remember that nobody is saying Halo: Reach wont look awesome. People are simply saying that the usual applies to this game, as it does pretty much every game, that these PR bullshots do not represent what the final game will look like. How close the game will get is total guesswork at this point.

It has nothing to do with the system the game is on, the exact same thing is said no matter what the game or system when bullshots appear.
I still dont understand who among us thinks Halo FPS gameplay was supposed to look like a (Halo 1, 2, 3, Reach) cutscene trailer...but anyway...

GAF says Game Informer January issue with the probable Reach screenies is to debut Jan 10. Hopefully will leak even earlier. Not long now...hopefully they will be plentiful and illuminating. Sometimes with mag shots it's hard to tell exactly how the game will look.
All we have is a trailer that is supposedly in-engine and that may or may not be representative of actual gameplay. Should everyone drop out of the thread and wait for embargos to lift?

Even that would be more constructive. Or less destructive, to put it another way.
I'd be surprised if anyone on this forum seriously thought the in game (in race) car detail was going to be the same as the PR shots. Pretty much everyone was in agreement that the cars would not look as good as the PR shots in a race. I think you're barking up the wrong tree there.

People also like to conviently forget that Halo 3 was orginally targetted at and started developement as an original Xbox 1 title. Spending approximately 1/3-/12 of the engine developement time on Xbox.

Halo Reach will be the first Bungie title where the engine was targetted at the X360. Then again there seems to be a weird assumption on these forums that everything is possible for a PS3 dev because they are all better and above average, while X360 devs are lazy, no-talent slobs that couldn't code their way out of a hole in the ground. :rolleyes:

Or at least that's the impression I get reading these forums.

I'll give Bungie the same benefit of the doubt I gave Guerilla Games and Naughty dog...

This. I agree wholeheartedly.
Then again there seems to be a weird assumption on these forums that everything is possible for a PS3 dev because they are all better and above average, while X360 devs are lazy, no-talent slobs that couldn't code their way out of a hole in the ground. :rolleyes:

I realize I've already replied to your post, but this is stupid. This sort of persecution complex has to end. Who thinks, say, that Turn 10 is a bunch of slobs? It's absolutely not unreasonable (it's natural, even) to base your expectations on prior experience -- the troubles of H3's development notwithstanding. I find the blind faith a lot of people have here in developers much more disturbing.

I'll give Bungie the same benefit of the doubt I gave Guerilla Games and Naughty dog...

Did you give GG the benefit of the doubt after 2005 E3? Very very few people outside of fanboys did, and with good reason. Did you buy into Uncharted's graphics right away? I know a lot of people were skeptical about tearing in U2 once that was announced, again, with good reason.