Halo: Reach

My prediction for the final gameplay screens being, 2x MSAA, jagged shadows, low texture filtering but better than Halo3's, slightly toned down lighting and artifacts caused by LOD, all to maintain a 720p framebuffer and 30fps. Let's see how wrong I can be.
BTW, has anyone noticed any object based motion blur in the trailer just curious?

hmmmm, to some extent it may be true, but this is what they quoted.

We can actually run this same cinematic right now, within the latest game build, but it’s not always at the consistent smooth framerate of the final game (yet).
This trailer absolutely represents our visual bar for the final game and is near identical to what you’ll see next Fall.

Suffice it to say we’re really excited about the technological and artistic advancements we’re making with Reach and you’ll see more from the campaign in just a few weeks.
The demo they showed was a very interesting demo, but to my understanding the level of detail actually wasn't something out of the ordinary. the characters in the demo used a good amount of geometry polygon wise though nothing over what has been seen (it may be around gears of war 2's level, or maybe towards mass effect, either way these games were already done.)

from what i saw in this demo it has a VERY believable bar to reach ( if you take out the heavy usage of anti-aliasing and replace it with 2x or even 4x.)

comparing this tech demo to FF13's 06 and killzone2's demo this actually seems a whole lot less impossible.

anyhow, they set a very good bar and more is to be shown in the coming weeks anyway.
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hmmmm, to some extent it may be true, but this is what they quoted.

We can actually run this same cinematic right now, within the latest game build, but it’s not always at the consistent smooth framerate of the final game (yet)."

"This trailer absolutely represents our visual bar for the final game and is near identical to what you’ll see next Fall."


"Suffice it to say we’re really excited about the technological and artistic advancements we’re making with Reach and you’ll see more from the campaign in just a few weeks."

The demo they showed was a very interesting demo, but to my understanding the level of detail actually wasn't something out of the ordinary. the characters in the demo used a good amount of geometry though nothing over what has been seen (it may be around gears of war 2's level, or maybe towards mass effect, either way these games were already done.)

from what i saw in this demo it has a VERY believable bar to reach ( if you take out the heavy usage of anti-aliasing and replace it with 2x or even 4x.)

comparing this tech demo to FF13's 06 and killzone2's demo this actually seems a whole lot less impossible.

anyhow, they set a very good bar and more is to be shown in the coming weeks anyway.

I believe Reach's gameplay graphics will be identical or a little better then the world premiere trailer minus the larger amount of AA being used..Can't wait to see more of the game though...
@cops n rappers

just taking one of the quotes u made

We can actually run this same cinematic right now, within the latest game build, but it’s not always at the consistent smooth framerate of the final game (yet).

Wording like that doesn't mean much. What entails the cinematic? My point is, it could be considered the same cinematic with lower levels of detail.

Also from alstrongs interpretation its not just aa. From what he said I gather textures can also be affected among possibly other things.
Wording like that doesn't mean much. What entails the cinematic? My point is, it could be considered the same cinematic with lower levels of detail.

Also from alstrongs interpretation its not just aa. From what he said I gather textures can also be affected among possibly other things.

I'm not a halo expert -- just started playing it in 2008, but I was always under the impression that their cinematics are engine driven, and tend to actually look worse than actual gameplay -- more pop-in, clipping errors, collision issues, etc...

Hmm... seems this is the only link I can find regarding Halo cinematics:

It only relates to Halo 2 -- which was my first Halo game played...
There are some pics in older posts in this thread. I got the impression the in-engine cinematics were always better quality that actual gameplay. It makes sense and there are many examples of games doing the same thing right now.

hmm... just looked and can't find the pics. meh
@cops n rappers

just taking one of the quotes u made

Wording like that doesn't mean much. What entails the cinematic? My point is, it could be considered the same cinematic with lower levels of detail.

Also from alstrongs interpretation its not just aa. From what he said I gather textures can also be affected among possibly other things.

well, what i'm saying and already stated is that they did plenty of scaling to project a very believable approach.



even in this pic too, http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/...CH_video_still_1260697195.html?page=mediaFull

and their wording does have value......i mean who else's advice can out weigh the developer's them selves?

after all it's them saying they wanna make the approach to giving the franchise a new face lift, and they already stated that they're using a new engine for this game too.
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I believe Reach's gameplay graphics will be identical or a little better then the world premiere trailer minus the larger amount of AA being used..Can't wait to see more of the game though...

did you think the same, when the first HALO 3 trailer surfaced?

Come on guys: HALO has never been about graphics...its about the superb action and gameplay...the two constants I link with Bungie...of course, I would be happy if they excell in both categories, this time.
Ironically Halo 1 & Halo 2 [especially] were two games that wow-ed the masses with their visual fidelity when they came out.

really? I played them both at their release, but cannot remember their that I recognized them as beeing particular good looking (mind you: not bad looking either!). Maybe HALO 1, but are you sure about HALO 2? Maybe it is due to the fact that I played a lot of splitscreen?!

EDIT: thinking about it a little more, I remember for instance Black as beeing a good looking FPS from this gen...I also played HALO 2 on the Xbox360 a lot...never thought about its graphic fidelity. So just out of curiousity, question to the gang: was HALO 1 and HALO 2 back when released known as a graphical powerhouse?
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Do you think Reach's gameplay graphics will be identical or superior to that of the world premiere minus the high AA?

Too early to tell. The texture res and modeling they used are hardly impossible. Even shadow-res is low res, but they have some good filtering algorithm there.

The shadows are typically untouched with supersampling since the buffer itself is a fixed size. They could be using exponential shadowmaps at this point, which will take advantage of multi-sampling, but again it's hard to say if their photomode used MSAA in conjunction with a higher resolution rendering.

There's not much to go with until the media embargo lifts or better yet, when the actual beta comes out. If you want to keep worrying and not sleep on it well... ;)

Maybe it is due to the fact that I played a lot of splitscreen?!

Now that's something I've forgotten. I've really hated how split-screen has been done with some titles, notable World at War & Resident Evil 5 in co-op. Just give me the wider FOV and use up the entire TV screen FFS. And don't offset each screen, just keep them centered. -_-

I think they got enough flak about Halo 2's widescreen split-screen mode in co-op with the vertical split down the middle of the screen to not repeat that one, but... agh.
For what it's worth, Marcus Lehto talks about the trailer in Bungie's latest podcast. Basically, it wasn't planned and, as a result, they did it on short notice. It's a long podcast (~2 hrs), but Marcus is one of the first guys on, so it's not too bad if you want to listen to what he said.

Basically, Bungie didn't want to do a trailer, but MS insisted. So they had to throw the trailer together by heavily modifying a game cinematic.
That's a very stupid thing to say. There's plenty of people in this thread even who already love Reach and they haven't seen a second of gameplay, same as for any PS3 exclusive.

That's true. But either we are minority or not vocal (or both :) )

Honestly, I am not a Halo fan, but after seeing this, I am pretty much interested in this game (especially if they can reach this visual fidelity).

As, I said before.. It is very exciting to see that game engines are capable of doing this graphics level now.. I would be pleasantly surprised if they can do in on 360 as it is.. But, the more important thing is we now know that we can see this level of quality at the launch of the next gen consoles :)
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That's true. But either we are minority or not vocal (or both :) )

Honestly, I am not a Halo fan, but after seeing this, I am pretty much interested in this game (especially if they can reach this visual fidelity).

As, I said before.. It is very exciting to see that game engines are capable of doing this graphics level now.. I would be pleasantly surprised if they can do in on 360 as it is.. But, the more important thing is we now know that we can see this level of quality at the launch of the next gen consoles :)
Yeah, the thing is, after seeing those leaked pictures, I mean the detail on the guns looks impressive and vastly different form the gun models in halo 3.
I wanna ask you something ; the trailer does not contain any gameplay moment , all we've seen is cut-scene video , right ? So what's logic of talking about in-game graphics based on this trailer ?
Art direction?
Character/environment detail?
Damage control?
Basic excitement/hype?

I suppose there are lots of reasons, depending on one's agenda.
I wanna ask you something ; the trailer does not contain any gameplay moment , all we've seen is cut-scene video , right ? So what's logic of talking about in-game graphics based on this trailer ?

well its in-engine so I guess you an try to draw some information from it, or what they engine can do at least
But AI is missing and physics too , right? So they need to cut down something to add them if I'm not mistaken? That's why I'm asking.
But AI is missing and physics too , right? So they need to cut down something to add them if I'm not mistaken? That's why I'm asking.

Not if it's already part of the engine. At this point, other than what we've seen graphically, we have no idea what else is in the engine and what's not. Conjecture at this point is futile. Wait for more data, then we can talk.

Tommy McClain
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