I've been dabbling in this in my down time since on-off quitting Destiny...specifically, Halo CE...
It almost makes me mad how much better this is than current Halo's and how much they've ruined the franchise.
The battle pacing is great, you really prioritize Elite's, because they are tough. Why is that gone from current titles?
The guns you pick up are really effective, so you dont mind scavenging. In current Halo's, they kinda all suck so you hate picking weapons up off the battlefield.
For example, the pacing...you go through a long battle in that ship, in corridors. It's still fun because the battles are dynamic. Then, you go to that beach landing scene. Still one of the most epic transitions in vidyagame history. You are suddenly surrounded by luxurious color and open spaces and pumping music. I remember it back then and it still has the same effect.
Even the physics are better and feel more dynamic in a however old game than today. With a fraction the processing power. The Warthog is way more fun to drive than in current Halo's. The list can go on forever. The game doesn't hold your hand and you can get "lost". Encounters can be tough and you can die repeatedly, but it's fun!. Getting a health pack always feels great.
Certainly coming from Destiny, the controls initially feel archaic, with no ADS, and a dedicated button to the flashlight which is useless, but you get used to it before too long.
Like, what happened to this franchise! Playing Halo 3 on MCC to check the graphics, kinda made me angry, because I remember, Halo 3 sucked!
All of this is talking about campaigns. Maybe Halo 3 MP is the best ever so you think Halo 3 is the best. I wouldn't know about that.
It's such a fine line between a good movie or game and a bad one sometimes, and sometimes hard to put your finger on, but Halo CE had "it" and new Halo's dont.