Guidelines for 3rd person cameras (Help and opinion appreciated)


Hi all,

So i have been wirting a paper/demo on 3rd person cameras and would like your views on what makes a good 3rd person camera or games that have good cameras. all feedback and opinion is welcomed and i will include your name in the credits and demo if you want, or you could remain anonoymous.

thanks in advance

ok i'll answer since no one else has ;)

1. give the user full control if they want it (x, y and z)
2. make sure the camera doesnt get blocked by geometry
3. keep both player and target in view i
4 if there are mulitiple targets keep them all in view
5 have a default camera button
Thanks darvos!!

Is the reason that no one else has posted is this is truly very simple stuff or is it that it does not intreserest anyone here?