After playing GTA4 for a long while now, i gotta say this game doesn't deserve all its 10\10 ratings. While i was pleasantly suprised with how the cars drive, and the graphics (sometimes) overall, this has to be the most overrated game ever.
If you read the reviews, reviewers give a lot of cudos to the game for tiny features. (Not to meantion features that have been in other Sandbox games for a long time).
Saints row allready had a mobile phone where you could call people and recieve calls like in GTA4. Nothing new, and nothing special.
I remember in the previews they made such a big deal out of this phone, and how you could set up and plan stuff. Now the game is out, and the only thing you can plan are 4-5 rather boring activities (drinking and driving is still hilarious imo) like eating, playing darts, pool etc.. From the previews, i thought you could use your friends more actively with missions, getting your m8s to help you out with whatever. Not just being able to call some guy up in order to go out and play darts.
The physics engine has gotten tons of good words, and yes its good. Its just as good as Saints Row physics engine (havoc based). (Well, the GTA4 physics engine is probably much more complex, but the end result, meaning what you see on screen is about the same ). Everything ive seen happend in GTA4 from physics i have seen in Saints Row.
The graphics, the graphics are okay, if you forget about the sub-720p resolution on the PS3, it can look great sometimes with the right lighting scheme. Sometimes it looks bad. Sometimes it looks like a xbox 1 shooter (indoor stuff).
The story is okay i guess, i think it starts out great but the last 10 hours feel like a drag. Also, why on earth do i keep killing people for 5,000 USD, when i allready have a couple hundred thousand?
While GTA4 is a very good game, i think its getting much more credit than it deserves. Yes its the best sandbox game out this generation without a doubt, but its not doing a lot of new stuff, while it keeps getting hailed as some godly masterpiece that has perfected a genre. It certainly hasn't.
I say 9\10 or so. Its the best sandbox game out there, but its far away from being a 10\10.