DeathKnight said:
Mostly demo features. The PC demo also lacks the graphical polish of the Xbox demo to a degree. It's just really gritty... and yes, I have everything maxxed as well.

mmmmm weird. i'm sure it's because u're playing the PC version at very high res compared to Xbox res, which can cause the little imperfections to stand out. i'm sure if u were to play the pc version at 640x480 on the same TV u use to play the Xbox version, they would look pretty much the same. framerate aside.
Some newest screens!





Hmm...hmmm...road textures look kinda flat and blurry...hmmm ... i say the overall game looks a little "lowresy" to me. ANYWAY, is it dithering i see on car body, in the first screeen?



I have feeling that those 2 tracks are going to be shimmer immagee...

STILL the car models look nice, better reflections i see?
Like most games throw it in motion and it looks 10 times better; your not going to see all them jaggies in motion.
Paul said:
Like most games throw it in motion and it looks 10 times better; your not going to see all them jaggies in motion.

actually, "jaggies"(or shimmering for my case) are much more evident in motion. ;)
Not that I ever see, it's always you see the aliasing in the pictures for me. But than in motion there aren't as many, but this is all opinion either way.

Hell this may seem strange, but there could be people that actualy like jaggies, again it's all opinion.
If it works for you it works for you.

For me old chappy, I like my game images clean, since i dont really work with shimmery imagery, in real life, around me. :)

What's up with these pics? Why is there so much pixelation on the car and the screens generally look pretty drab.

Those italy screens look pretty nice. I'm waiting to see what the new night courses have to offer, or even more, how the real-time weather is implemented.
Yup, apart from better(?) reflections, the game dont look mucho differento from GT3. In fact, we have seen dithering(?), shimmery imagery and overall drab textures(those Italy screens remind me of Stuntman... :? ).

But who knows, maybe they are just bad captures or still using the preliminary GT3 engine(as rumored). :?: :eek: :?:
Well maybe the NY track do look more geometrical i guess, the other tracks lookie around GT3 level. As for packed still race with 6 cars only, no?
Those screens from are looking too awkward, most likely grabbed by capture card, de-interlaced & re-interpolated. Those screens are clearly not framebuffer images. I am not even sure if Sony/PD released any.

And yes, GT games are looking better in motion, but not because of any anti-aliasing/aliasing issues, it's the glow effect on the street, the shading, the reflection fx on the car bodies, the smooth 60fps, the car physics-affected animation, etc etc. Everything adds up and makes this one of the best looking racers of this gen. IMHO a little organic and a bit photorealistic.

Anyway, the graphics are only the icing. The details like, physics, car-models, tracks, online-gaming on top of the visuals are going make this probably the most successful racing game of this gen. Just my $0.02 ...
wow, amazing! I think I just fell in love with the italy track.. It's about time we get some beautiful racing tracks. 8)
I wish chap would just stop picking screenies apart and simply PLAY THE GOD DAMNED GAME instead.

If the ground looks lores, it's most likely because you won't have time to look at it when racing across it at 200+ kph.

Grall said:
I wish chap would just stop picking screenies apart and simply PLAY THE GOD DAMNED GAME instead.
If the ground looks lores, it's most likely because you won't have time to look at it when racing across it at 200+ kph.

I don't want to enter the discussion if the ground in GT4 looks bad or good, but generally speaking it's IMO very important how the ground is rendered - at least in racing sims - because that directly influences ones perception of speed.

One of the best examples (again IMO) is Grand Prix 4 on the PC. The overall graphics might not be the best, but the bump mapped road surface (which changes according to speed) gives a sensation of speed I haven't seen in another "realistic" racing game.
(I wouldn't consider games like Burnout, F-Zero GX, Wipeout Fusion or Ballistics here, because they simply are so fast that this factor doesnt count anymore - in theses game you really don't have the time to look at it, the perception of speed is archieved through...well everything being damn fast! ;) )
Maybe you should step away from your computer for a few moments and get into a car instead. Have a look at the ground as you fix your eyes on the surrounding traffic.

If it looks like ANYTHING other than a blur to you, I'm willing to bet the car is pretty much stationary...

Bumpmapping schmumpmapping. For fucks sake, didn't you little yuppie-larvas ever play Space Harrier or Outrun? ;) I wonder how we ever made do on those games without motherfucking bumpmapping!

I dont know..i dont think its wrong for some to want better and better graphics as technology progress. I mean, thats why we have tons of posts about how Cell with yakuzaki amount flops will create waves of 3d realtime rendering revolution. Oh well, its just me i guess. :?: :eek: :?: