GOW: http://xboxyde.com/news_2042_en.html
99Nights: http://xboxyde.com/news_2043_en.html
Xboxyde really has been doing a good job on content.
Question: Why did you opt to do a 3rd person game as opposed to 1st person?
I like to refer to it as 2nd person I know it sounds a little weird but its like I love FPS’s but I wanted to show more a sense of character and also showing the character interacting in the environment. Like seeing his hands plant or seeing him climb over or seeing him grab onto things without having to worry about the weird hand (does strange gesture) and all that kind of stuff. The short version of it; I’ve been making FPS’s for like 8 years and now I want to try something a little bit different. You know it’s like I think this has the best of both worlds. It’s very tight view on the character; it’s kind of like knees to waist up; it’s not like he’s very small. I want to show the character, I want to get a sense of who the character is and kind of offset him from the crosshair so he’s not in the way and then you have a target button for aiming; so it’s almost first person. You can see down the barrel of the gun but you also see the side of his head, so you can see like the light transmission when he shoots the gun coming through here. You can see him like grimacing or holding up his hand to give orders to his squad, things like that. So it’s kind of like reminds me of the best of both worlds.
99Nights: http://xboxyde.com/news_2043_en.html
A lot of people have been comparing this to Dynasty Warriors. What do you think separates this game from the Dynasty-games?
Mr Lee: They look very similar to the basic action. Speaking of action, in Ninety Nine Nights you fight against massive units compared to Dynasty Warriors. Compared to any other games. Including Dynast Warriors. So the goal of this game is to give some very dynamic feelings to the user who plays this game cause it deals with massive units.
In this build we didn't show a feature, the guardian system. The guardian system is to control the troops, not just the character. By using such kind of guardian system, we can give more versatility to the gamers because we can show more various game styles. So each thing, each object, so we have this physics system too. We didn't show the feature properly in this build because we are still working on the physics engine right now. We can show it, you will see some examples when using the old spark feature. Every element, every object - they move according to the physics, it's just not an animation.
Each element affects each other. For example, when the tree falls, the enemy under the trees gets killed.
The goal of using a physics engine is to describe more reality, just like a real battlefield. When the player gets used to play this game, he can give more various strategies to... (Stops).
So, that's why it's different from Dynasty Warrior. The character are fighting against the enemy in wide fields, that's way they are pretty similar, but when you look more deep inside, the games gets totally different.
Xboxyde really has been doing a good job on content.