God of War [PS4, PC]

I think the lighting would be much better exposed on a HDR TV with good contrast. But yeah the Nordic mytho style could also play a part. Need to see more foliage levels to judge or they might simply ran out of juice to add the SSS hack especially when you have a constant bombardment of GPU particles on screen at any given point.
The boat is a quick way to signify "This is God of War Viking edition" to the consumers who aren't as informed as you guys.
This Pro shot here is just..wow

Are those... hard polygon edges I see on Kratos’s head? SHOCK HORROR
Really want to see some kind of prominent boss battle before release which demonstrates new ways we can approach this kind of titanic battles and the extent to which the graphics engine is pushed. For a 30 hours game showing one boss fight isn't too much to ask is it?
Am I the only one seeing a lot of Dark Souls/Bloodborne parallels in the game play here? Maybe we can extrapolate from this how the boss battles will play...
Maybe to certain extent but not even the biggest bosses in Soul games come anywhere close to the bigger bosses in GoW, much less Titan sized ones. They're doing it without QTEs this time and presumably with the camera always close Kratos, I just hope they designed everything in a way that retains the feel of epic scale without sacrificing too much.
Have we seen much in the way of platforming?

GoW3's Titan boss fights were generally a well implemented blend of platforming and combat, with plenty of action happening around you to give a sense of scale.

We've seen the combat, and we've seen scale, so the only missing part of the puzzle is the platforming.
I bet we'll see plenty of platforming on the back of World Serpent for tranport since he's been such a pal and so casually offered his assistance;). My dream boss fight for this game would be Kratos riding Jörmungandr make assault on Thor riding on Fenrir, then Surtur swoops in and kicks everyone's asses. Then again the potential for titanic boss fights here is just immense, I just can't wait to have my face showered with those moments.
Also this game really does look like a painting now, love the redish gi bounce on the tree trunks and rocks.


And some new shots in good quality full res.
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Haha you guys are killing me with the memes on that pic.
"Boy. Wanna know the truth? See back in the days inside Aphrodite's chamber when my head wasn't interpreting things with good discipline, my arms were touching things that...No, you are not ready".
I've never been more excited for a GoW game. I honestly didn't think I could even get excited for a new GoW game.
Me too but I had zero interest in previous God of War games. I'll wait for reviews first, but this looks like it plays fantastically. :yes:
For me, the GoW series wasn't my favorite, but I played and enjoyed all but ascension. GoW3 was great, but the series definitely needed a change for me to be interested in another GoW game, and I'm liking everything I'm seeing so far.
The gameplay style of Beat 'em ups, as well as fighting games, never clicked with me. I "endured" some of the GOW games for the spectacle, but never finished any.
This GOW, though, looks like it could get to my sensibilities better. But I'm still cautious about it.