God of War II has amazing graphics look

Bump-map effect?

ihamoitc2005 said:
First I think this is not in-game for PS2 but very bad texture under Kratos character makes me think this is maybe in-game. I think for this scene everything has animation even "super-size" horses.

If this is in-game is very amazing no?


Also, I think maybe low resolution section under Kratos character has little bit bump-map effect so maybe this is why resolution for this is very low.
Not sure why this couldn't be posted to the other GOW2 thread that's in here, but anyways, it's clearly ingame shot, and I don't see any bumpmapping.
ihamoitc2005 said:
Also, I think maybe low resolution section under Kratos character has little bit bump-map effect so maybe this is why resolution for this is very low.
I think maybe you are looking for stuff that really isn't there. :) I see no such thing, and even if there was, it'd most certainly be pre-baked into the texture. You can't tell it's bumpmapping anyway without moving lightsources, so how you could detect bumpmapping from a static image is beyond me anyway...
I find looking at images of GOW questionable, as I always thought GOW1 had OK graphics from the images and videos on the net, but when I got the game, I could not believe how amazing it all looked especially considering the hardware. GOW2 if done to the same quality of GOW1 will not be lacking the graphics department. Not sure how they can improve on it, as they really pushed the capabilities of the PS2 with the first game.
To me GOW is just a wannabe DMC/Rygar...

Yeah right. Rygar?
Remember when people thought the screenshot with Kratos standing behind the huge horses could be pre-rendered?

Well looks like they were wrong.


As you can see this game (like the last one) will have a HUGE sense of scale.
hey69 said:
please dont put Rygar on the same level as GoW and DMC .... please

Why not? Care to explain?

mckmas8808 said:
Yeah right. Rygar?

Smilies don't prove GOW is better than Rygar.;)

Remember when people thought the screenshot with Kratos standing behind the huge horses could be pre-rendered?

No don't remember...

Well looks like they were wrong.

Looks like they were stupid if they thought those blocky polygons and blurry textures and flat lighting were prerendered.
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To each his own. I don't see why GOW is so much better than Rygar or DMC like some people seem to think.

Compared to Rygar I may agree that it could be better but that could be just me. To tell the truth Rygar dissapointed me mainly because it wasnt at all what I have expected. I expected it to be as good as the old one was in its time or similar in many aspects to the classic gameplay of Rygar I loved so much when I was a kid

I like GOW's battle mechanism more than Rygar's and it also has a greater art direction. I think GOW is more well thought than Rygar, although some could say that GOW and Rygar are similar because their weapons arent that different. But then again there are tons of games where characters are using swords yet they are different.

Now about DMC, hmm......I dont know really. They are both great IMO. I wouldnt say that I prefer one more than the other.
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Nesh said:
Compared to Rygar I may agree that it could be better but that could be just me. To tell the truth Rygar dissapointed me mainly because it wasnt at all what I have expected. I expected it to be as good as the old one was in its time or similar in many aspects to the classic gameplay of Rygar I loved so much when I was a kid

I like GOW's battle mechanism more than Rygar's and it also has a greater art direction. I think GOW is more well thought than Rygar, although some could say that GOW and Rygar are similar because their weapons arent that different. But then again there are tons of games where characters are using swords yet they are different.

Now about DMC, hmm......I dont know really. They are both great IMO. I wouldnt say that I prefer one more than the other.

Rygar is good graphics but only same as God of War is weapon and also building type. I think Rygar is good graphics for old PS2 game but I feel now buyer will have new standards because of God of War and many other games after Rygar release.

Guden Oden said:
You can't tell it's bumpmapping anyway without moving lightsources, so how you could detect bumpmapping from a static image is beyond me anyway...

I cannot tell my friend, only I can tell is that this texture has very low resolution than other textures and has carving look. So I think why is texture only for this part very low then I remember other PS2 games with bump-mapping I think so maybe that is why because PS2 does not have pixel shader GPU and must use vector unit also for this purpose.

But I have no facts or even real belief of bump-mapping in God of War 2 because there is no video to show different camera view for low resolution texture area. But video I have seen has very nice lighting. Stencil shadow has very very simple shapes so maybe this way they can have more other effects.
To me GOW is just a wannabe DMC/Rygar...

Well DMC1 was pretty good back in the day even though it had horrible voice acting, the second DMC was crap and then third was pretty good, Rygar is ok. GoW was and is the best action game on PS2, check the reviews. Although I must say that GoW truly started to shine when played in god mode.
I'll have to disagree in the strongest possible terms.

DMC3 beats the ever loving shit out of every other action game, ever made. That would most definitely include God of War.

The combat in God of War is impotent in comparison. Not to mention that game is only about 8 hours long and has little replay value.

And above all else, really, DMC3 is a game of skill... God of War hardly reaches above the level of button masher.
Serenity Painted Death said:
And above all else, really, DMC3 is a game of skill... God of War hardly reaches above the level of button masher.

I'm sure you haven't played it on god mode then, it's a whole another game then...
To me GoW is only rivaled by Ninja Gaiden as the best action game on that generation.

Ninja Gaiden is better than God of War, but still falls quite short of Devil May Cry 3.

Again, the culprit is the lackluster (by comparison) gameplay.

You can master Ninja Gaiden with two moves.

The level of skill and creativity in DMC3 blows Ninja Gaiden away.
Serenity Painted Death said:

Ninja Gaiden is better than God of War, but still falls quite short of Devil May Cry 3.

Again, the culprit is the lackluster (by comparison) gameplay.

You can master Ninja Gaiden with two moves.

The level of skill and creativity in DMC3 blows Ninja Gaiden away.

Hmm I wonder why both of those games has gotten better reviews than DMC3 maybe others find the "too cool for school" attitude very tiring and irritating as I do.