So what is melting the ice then if it is not global warming?
So what is melting the ice then if it is not global warming?
No? Does that graph resemble a horizontal line to you, or isn't it true that the right side of the graph peaks much higher than the left side???Im personally not really seeing a warming trend here.
What's the logic behind this, if I may ask?I mean if most of the warmest years are in the same decade it just means that the temperatures are pretty much unchanged, right?
Again, based on what logic?Anyway if the mods cared I would ask one of them to lock this thread as it looks like climate change is a problem we no longer have to worry about.
Again, based on what logic?
In response to Corduroy's stance that nature doesn't matter unless it showers him with gold and stacks of dollar bills:
This is exactly WHY nature, the ecosystem, our biosphere matters to human beings. We're not apart from the rest of this globe, we rely on it to a great deal.
CO2 reduction only makes sense if it saves money. If it costs money, I'm not paying for it, not a cent. I am very happy that my lifestyle and views piss off dirty hippies like you.
By Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist and Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
You want answers to those, read IPCC reports, not some random jerk on the internet with no credentials.Anything by Hansen is suspect since he'd benefit from any AGW legislation. First of all, how are those temperatures calculated? How accurate are the measurements? Were they always this accurate 120 years ago? How is the distribution of all the sensors? Are they on a grid with equal size and shape for each point? Have the points always been the same over the years? Were they any mistakes made while analyzing and constructing the models such as these?
1C in a century is a VERY BIG DEAL.That whole graph spans less than 1C
Only if you believe science haters. Really, tell us, how many of IPCC reports have you read? How much of science do you think YOU understand?and there's all these questions and uncertainties about their methods and measurements.
Your ignorance/stupidity is not an argument.Also, there's really no telling if it's going to keep rising or falling with from the limited amount of available data.
It is not alarmism. It IS warranted.Therefore the alarmism is unwarranted.
You want answers to those, read IPCC reports, not some random jerk on the internet with no credentials.
Yeah, the same IPCC, as it has the compiled the largest amount of latest peer reviewed research. Also, the East Anglia emails were conclusively shown to be a storm in a teacup, but you may have not noticed that, considering the kind of links you post here.You mean the same IPCC,
There's been progress in computational sciences over the last 20 years you, with moore's law and everything. You may have heard of it.Here's what he's predicted 20 years ago.
Now in that story, I'm also against coal power and destroying a whole mountain, but you hippie folk are responsible for blocking nuclear plants.
No grants = no research. I'm also saying AGW is debunked, I'm just saying there's no need for alarmism. It's not a big deal since the temperature increases have been lower than what was predicted.Yeah, the same IPCC, as it has the compiled the largest amount of latest peer reviewed research. Also, the East Anglia emails were conclusively shown to be a storm in a teacup, but you may have not noticed that, considering the kind of links you post here.
Stop spreading BS around. Find me modern (last ~ 3 yrs) peer reviewed research debunking AGW or shut up.
Maybe not you, but the majority of your team opposes it. I'd gladly give up oil based energy for nuclear in a heartbeat, as long as we had adequate storage technology for cars.I DARE you to find a post of mine where I have opposed nuclear energy. No, check that, I double dare you. Stop assuming stuff.
Maybe not you, but the majority of your team opposes it. I'd gladly give up oil based energy for nuclear in a heartbeat, as long as we had adequate storage technology for cars.
Quite a lot has been learned about the climate over the past 20 years. In particular, at the time it was believed that the CO2 forcing was stronger than it actually is. If you adjust those early climate model simulations to compensate for this error, you get a prediction that matches up extremely well with reality.Here's what he's predicted 20 years ago.
There are plenty of grants to go around if you can promise to not find AGW. Just ask the tobacco lobby.No grants = no research.
Then why don't you publish your research in a peer reviewed journal? Hell, just publish a pre-print.I'm also saying AGW is debunked,
Yes, there is need for action.I'm just saying there's no need for alarmism.
Everybody make way, ignoratti coming through.It's not a big deal since the temperature increases have been lower than what was predicted.
I don't have a team. You are the one who seems determined to put me in one.Maybe not you, but the majority of your team opposes it.
The "AGW crew" - which isn't one in reality since it's not a world-wide coordinated conspiracy of some sort* - knows there's not a direct causality link between AGW and a specific natural disaster.Im just saying the AGW crew aren't doing themselves any favours by remaining silent on these natural disasters when the tenuous link is being proposed.