George Harrison Talks Revolution

hey69 said:
you just buy a modded xbox and you can play al those retro nintendogames up to nintendo64
and playstation
and mame
and and so forth...

That would just be another way for my mom to pick up more spyware :p
Oh the sheer irony of calling this a niche idea and then suggesting modding a console like XBox and using emulators instead :LOL:
Exactly - a modded XBox? C'mon...

Anyway all I can say is Nintendo will sell me a system at whatever price. ;)
Can u imagine how much money they will make (Both them and 3rd parties ) if they do a set up like itunes ?

1$ for a nes game , 2$ for a super nes game , 5$ for a nintendo 64 game ? they will make money hand over fist. Even if its the nes games starting at 5$ they will make alot of money and if its done by emulator they will not even spend that much money doing this
twotonfld said:
It's good news that there's beginning to be 3rd party downloadable games mentioned in these articles. I want my TNMT2, Castlevania 2, Baseball Stars and many others on my TV and on a system that I no longer have to blow in.

Lol! I had to blow into my cartridges too! I use to get so mad when Super Dodgeball would lock up right in the middle of the game and I had to eject it and give it the famous 'Nintendo Blow'. Wow that was a long time ago.
ondaedg said:
Lol! I had to blow into my cartridges too! I use to get so mad when Super Dodgeball would lock up right in the middle of the game and I had to eject it and give it the famous 'Nintendo Blow'. Wow that was a long time ago.

Ah, Super Dodgeball. One of the best games on the NES for sure. I bought a used NES just for this game so my brother and I could play this game.
Hey if you want a game in the vein of Super Dodgeball, don't forget River City Ransom!
zurich said:
"...downloadable games for free"

Meaning the service is free, the games are not :p

The games might be free, the past rereleases of old games on gamecube were free.(the zelda collections and the emulated metroid)
I hope they put filters on the old 2d games though, they really help pc emus look better.

This talk of free games is all well and good, but will Nintendo really foot the bill for all of that bandwidth? I mean, we're talking potentially millions of people downloading everything they can; whether or not they actually plan to play the games.Very Happy Nintendo's servers will get positively hammered if they don't limit it somehow and allow anyone with a Revolution and an internet connection carte blanche to dl anything and everything on the menu.

Set up a bittorrent like system?

Hmm, so how would microsoft's xbox live arcade counter?
I doubt Nintendo would care about the bandwidth used by game downloading, as it's very little. There were only 2 N64 games larger than 32MB, and they were Conker, and Resident Evil 2, both being 64MB.

The absolute biggest SNES game is only 6MB, and I think NES topped out at 1MB or so(if even that).
Teasy said:
Oh the sheer irony of calling this a niche idea and then suggesting modding a console like XBox and using emulators instead :LOL:


I think we as hardcore gamers have a totally skewed version of reality :LOL:
Teasy said:
Oh the sheer irony of calling this a niche idea and then suggesting modding a console like XBox and using emulators instead :LOL:

Haha, that was pretty funny! Err, no offense to anyone, I just got a giggle out of it. :)
I wonder how they're going to deal with 3rd party games. It sounded like they were going to try and get them onboard, but I'm not sure how you'll convince them to let you do it for free. Maybe give a onetime lump sum for access to their backlogs? I think they'd almost have to do an itunes like 4pay service in order to get 3rd parties on it.

And what about companies that have since gone belly-up?
Clashman said:
I wonder how they're going to deal with 3rd party games. It sounded like they were going to try and get them onboard, but I'm not sure how you'll convince them to let you do it for free. Maybe give a onetime lump sum for access to their backlogs? I think they'd almost have to do an itunes like 4pay service in order to get 3rd parties on it.

And what about companies that have since gone belly-up?

Thats why i brought up an itunes type system.

IMagine turning on your rev and starting up a program . You say hey I remember g.i joe 2 on the nes and it was cool you can jump into vehicals and attack people . So you type it in on the search feature. YOu find out its published by company x and they are offering it for 3$ . You download it and get charged to your credit card or a game card bought at a store .

It could work really well and nintendo can take a small fee for each title and host it and the publisher gets the rest of the money . If nintendo does the emulation anyway all it would be is the company giving nintendo a rom to host . Wouldn't be much work at all and would generate added money
Reznor007 said:
I doubt Nintendo would care about the bandwidth used by game downloading, as it's very little. There were only 2 N64 games larger than 32MB, and they were Conker, and Resident Evil 2, both being 64MB.

The absolute biggest SNES game is only 6MB, and I think NES topped out at 1MB or so(if even that).

Well if you multiply that by millions, and people accessing the servers 24/7, it will end up costing money and somebody has to pay for it.

Anyway, I do not think REV will be able to download GCN games since REV will only have 512MB of built-in flash and probably 512MB of RAM total which equals 1GB of storage not enough to store a 1.5GB GOD.
I think it is pretty safe bet that Nintendo will charge monthly basis for game downloading service..for $9.99 to $14.99...lots of money can be made so I don't see them offering service for totally free. And I don't think storage will be a big problem since NES, SNES, and N64 games are so small in size anyways...I think they can offer streaming service.