Gears of War - Reviews

2. When you get in close with enemies I with there was more you can do to put space between you and them. For instance I wish you could "body check" hockey style, or just grab enemies and throw them into each other. That would help get around the awkwardness of trying to shoot in close and not being able to target each other.

Avoid the chainsaw gun, the other guns allow you to make a forearm checks or elbow your opponent stunning them (allowing you to create space) or killing them in the process. The Chainsaw gun is great when you sneak up on them but when face to face it is a real liability. Also, there is no need to use the left trig to aim when you are that close.

4. The AI can be a little strange at times. I do understand that you can't have the AI play through the game for you, and I actually like having to revive them at times. However sometimes it seems like they are standing around not knowing where to go. I think they are waiting for you to hit the next movement marker so you can transition to the next scene. I know some people complained that you have to revive your team mates too often, but so far I found it to be just right. One thing I found annoying is when Dom keeps strolling up to the Beserker. i watched him do this a bunch of times, get punched and knocked to the ground three times, then start bleeding out.

I tend to only revive if the situation has too many opponents to take out at one time by myself or there are mounted weapons, which are easier to take out when distracted by your AI Gears.

5. Man the characters are ugly, and I ain't talking about the locust! Marcus is considerably uglier then we when first saw pics of this game.

LOL, I noticed that when the game first begins and you see DOM for the first time. Can you say "reanimated flesh" or "zombie".

- Those that complained about a low number of enemies on screen:
I call bull$hit on this too. Again these um "concerns" were premature. You do fight more than 4 enemies at a time. A lot more than that at times.

It seems to me that the cap on total number of characters is 12-16. I reminded of the one scene where you with 3 gears and some other fellas fighting locusts with bullets coming from everywhere. The game does a great job of streaming in enemies after the current ones are killed to make it seem you're fighting more locusts than actually possible. The scene also has muzzle flashes and bullet streaming out of windows but actually there are no enemy or ally models in those locations, which helps create a sense of a bigger battle, but helps deflate it when you realize the trick.
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The scene also has muzzle flashes and bullet streaming out of windows but actually there are no enemy or ally models in those locations, which helps create a sense of a bigger battle, but helps deflate it when you realize the trick.

lol, ya I wasted 3 sniper rounds trying to take out one of those muzzle flashes :devilish:
Can't believe I just went in to the Sponge site but I just had to see that screen, the picture disappointed me (not what is on it, before anyone gets theyr panties in a bunch). I just fed them a click, and I feel like crying.
Can't believe I just went in to the Sponge site but I just had to see that screen, the picture disappointed me (not what is on it, before anyone gets theyr panties in a bunch). I just fed them a click, and I feel like crying.
I'm sorry. I'll put the picture on an image host.:oops:
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I feel like the controls are a little cumbersome when you have to take cover quickly (which is all the time in this game). A lot of times, the character either doesn't take cover the way I expect him to or doesn't take cover at all. Perhaps I'll get better at it with practice, but for me it really detracts from the fun.

Also, this game illustrates why 3rd person shooters just don't really work for me. It's easy to get disoriented when getting bum-rushed by a bunch of enemies.

I have also experienced some frame rate drops when fighting a lot of enemies, but it's pretty smooth for the most part.

Having said all that, it is a pretty fun game that makes you want to go back and try it again, which is good enough for me.
hmm are you sure you played the game long enough? I'm not sure what you mean by rinse and repeat, that's the case for ANY action game. What where you expecting to see exactly?

Also where's your gamer tag? let's see it u ;)

MousPotato,not that I need to justify my SUBJECTIVE OPINIONS.'s entertainments and either it grabs you or it doesn't. It hasn't grabbed me yet. Don't feel so threatened. And don't say you aren't threatened,otherwise you wouldn't in a sense have called me out to defend the game.
I've tried to be generous with my comments and objectively explain what is a very nuanced and subjective thing.
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Picked up the game. At first I didnt like it much. It was pretty hard, kept dying so I continued on from Casual. Having a blast now! The game is much more enjoyable. I really cant wait to see it on my Bravia!

wait till you guys get to the forest with rain and caves.

*bows down to Epic* "we're not worthy!!!!!"

Somehow this game keeps betting better and more intense as it progresses.

wait till you guys get to the forest with rain and caves.

*bows down to Epic* "we're not worthy!!!!!"

Somehow this game keeps betting better and more intense as it progresses.

Would you suckers please stop this OMFG!!!! thing and how great that game is...

because i am like OMFG!!!!! x 324234 i want to play it NOW. :smile:

Butt still have to way for another week :devilish:

/off to play COD3

/off to play CS: DA
Wait til you get to the...oh wait, you cant because your second Xbox 360 just Disc Read Error'ed. *biggest sigh ever*. Im so disgusted with Microsoft right now.
I've had the game for 2 days now and to me its definetly the best game I've played for the 360 and possibly the best game I've played this year. I've been playing mostly split screen co-op and its awesome, unbelievably fun. Its amazing how when in split screen mode no detail is lost and I haven't noticed any slow down. My wife loves the game although she finds it harder in the later stages. That's probably because I set the difficulty to hardcore. She starts panicking and screaming when the wretches start rushing her. :)
Picked up the game. At first I didnt like it much. It was pretty hard, kept dying so I continued on from Casual. Having a blast now! The game is much more enjoyable. I really cant wait to see it on my Bravia!
Same here: I wrestled with the controls a bit but finally got the hang of it and once I did the game became a lot more fun. This game is awesome (yes, OMFG awesome, at times); I played online co-op with my buddy for a few hours last night then played some multiplayer.

I'm not terribly far into the game, but the voice acting and dialog seem good to me. I especially like the embedded-reporter camera style cut scenes.

Also, best moment by far? Being in a tense, close range gun fight with a bad guy standing behind a corner when I hear the sound of my buddy's chainsaw revving up. A second later the guy was cut in half. Nasty.
After having more time with the game, I've come to be quite happy with it.

The graphics are quite good. Really good. After going through more places I became slightly more impressed than I was previously (I was impressed, but sort of disappointed, I guess... now I'm not disappointed at all). The lighting issue is still there (forgot to get a picture, was too busy playing), but it hasn't happened much after the initial hour or so -- just a few times near the start where the sun was extra bright and you could easily see it happen... it's kind of ugly because the light hits things it shouldn't (and comes too far around edges, so the edges glow). The further I go into the game the less it seems to happen (at least the more offensive examples haven't happened), so it seems to be less of an issue than it previously was. Outside of that the game is absolutely beautiful -- the art may be sort of generic sci-fi super soldiers at times, but, oddly, it just fits and it hasn't been distracting. The dialog may be cheeseball, but it also fits (most of the time).

It's a lot of fun too. I slowly fell for the hype for it and bought it and at first I thought it would be another GRAW (didn't really like GRAW), but I'm really glad I bought this game. It isn't my favorite game of the year, but I'm certainly glad I picked it up.
MousPotato,not that I need to justify my SUBJECTIVE OPINIONS.
You don't have to justify; it's just that having your gamertag is a little bit of proof and removes the anonymity that allows for random, untruthful posting.

Scoob, what's your gamertag? Who else has posted a review sans gamertag? WE WANT THE TRUTH! :devilish:
You don't have to justify; it's just that having your gamertag is a little bit of proof and removes the anonymity that allows for random, untruthful posting.

Scoob, what's your gamertag? Who else has posted a review sans gamertag? WE WANT THE TRUTH! :devilish:

skinbaby! I'm definately down for some co-op or MP this weekend, give me a shout..better not be draggin down my game though :devilish:
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