Gears of War 2

Finally beat Gears 2 last night. Oh what a ride! It's way funner than Gears 1 to me. Looking forward to Gears 3!
I can't help but get the impression that the guys at Epic just don't play their own games much. Seems to me that if they did, they would be much better about patching crap like what is shown in that video.
I've been offered the game by my parent's wife (my wife thank that the game was on top of my shopping list).
It's beautiful that's for sure but damned I suck incredibly!!! :LOL:

I haven't been playing videogames for a while and back in time analog stick was not commun/required.
I'm really having a hard time, the difficulty setting is "recrue" and my squad does most kill.
I really hope that I'll get a grip. Does others faced the same challenge in theIR "gaming" life?
If yes did you adapt quickly to the input?
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If you aren't used to a controller, it will take some time to get used to it. But you will adjust pretty quickly. Just take each encounter slowly, and you'll get the hang of it.
I have experienced some glitches in the single player campaign as well. The ones I remember right now is when I got stuck a few times on walls and another one where my vehicle wouldnt move.
I got stuck in the air on Water Sport last night. I was floating above the boat and eventually died when the sea monster sunk the boat. But overall I haven't found many glitches outside the occassional "I want off this wall!!" frustration which is not very frequent (but enough to know the context switching is only in the high 90%).
I just finished the
giant worm level last night. That has to be one of the lamest levels ever made, well the giant anus level from Halo 3 might be worse. Watch out for the giant digestive teeth! Between shooting the giant sphincters and avoiding the fart clouds, it was pretty juvenile. I hope the game picks up soon, so far nothing has impressed. I do like the way they kill all the new characters in classic Star Trek form.
I just finished the
giant worm level last night. That has to be one of the lamest levels ever made, well the giant anus level from Halo 3 might be worse. Watch out for the giant digestive teeth! Between shooting the giant sphincters and avoiding the fart clouds, it was pretty juvenile. I hope the game picks up soon, so far nothing has impressed. I do like the way they kill all the new characters in classic Star Trek form.

I'd say it gets flashier, but not necessarily much better. Is that before or after the
razor hail? That bit made me wonder why anyone's fighting over the planet.
Hell, honestly I still feel like we were denied a proper, one on one, on foot, Brumak fight. You may see, fly, ride by, ride on, dozens of brumaks in this game, but not once to you get up close and personal for a fight.

Already done in the Gears of War PC version's extra levels - in fact that was the whole focus of those four extra levels (and they were the best levels in Gears of War 1, IMO). They really need to get those extra levels onto the XBox 360 as a download or something.
I'm up for some Horde if you guys need another. I gotta get the new maps though. GT is same as B3D name.
I'm up for some Horde if you guys need another. I gotta get the new maps though. GT is same as B3D name.

I'll add you to my friend's list.
Mine is Timberwolf25, feel free to add me when I send the request out.

(As well as anyone else on B3d)
I am game, I added you guys to my friends' list. I am game for Halo, BFBC, and Forza as well.