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I would say the quality seems to fall between the n64 and the dreamcast. Not quite as good as the first gen dc games but very impressive for a handheld. Only question is how will it look on a 4 inch screen and how good is the fsaa

The shortfall in PSP graphics is attributable to lack of memory. This is why I keep emphasizing on memory capacity so much.

I am very much concerned by the lack of sufficient memory for 5th gen consoles, since these machines really do need at least 512 MB or more to show off their true power....

The only impressive thing, are these particles effects.

The artwork is reminiscent of that Lucasart game Grim Fandago(sp?).

If no name developer can get this kind of stuff done, in less than half a year, maybe future looks bright for PSP.

I would say the quality seems to fall between the n64 and the dreamcast. Not quite as good as the first gen dc games but very impressive for a handheld.

However, it looks better than any early PS2 title, the platformers type anyway :LOL:

On Dreamcast there was Sonic Adventure, which looks better than this thing, but on PS2, I don't remember any good looking platformer, until Rayman 2. But the particles effects, is definitely something above what Dreamcast ever offered.
well thats because the only decent looking ps2 game for a long time was mgs . Otherwise i was never and still am not impressed with ps2 graphics .
well thats because the only decent looking ps2 game for a long time was mgs . Otherwise i was never and still am not impressed with ps2 graphics.

True, as impressive as PS2, GC and Xbox, I was hopping for quite alot more. Especially from GC and Xbox, upto now I am really dissapointed with the 3D graphics, to be honest most of them looks like turd.

But for PSP, it'll be on small 4.5" screen, so graphics is not my main concern, I am more concern if I can play the game or not on such small screen. GBA was a torture to play on. I really want a nice 9" screen for portable device.
Thats why i hope it has really nice fsaa .

I can't deal with ps2 jaggys on a screen that small and such a low res .
Taht looks like it's been played in an emulator with AA turned on.
Yes, yes it is. And it still doesn't look nearly as good as that PSP game, especially once you see how smooth it runs. In some ways, like particles, it looks upto best stuff on Dreamcast. Otherwise, like low-end DC stuff, which is expected given the specs and developer's inexperience (and likely suckiness... I've never even heard about them) Character models, like those red guys, look very nice and detailed. All characters have projected shadows, texture filtering is pefect, not a trace of shimmering in sight... The best thing is how smooth everything moves. Just watch the video.

well thats because the only decent looking ps2 game for a long time was mgs .
Tekken Tag? Launch game, and undoubtely technically better looking than anything of it's kind up to that point. Then there was Onimusha, DMC, Ico, BGDA, etc. Then came MGS2 and it was awesome looking, no doubt, but hardly the only *decent* looking PS2 game. Then again, you are weird (IMO) so why do I even bother :p
Tekken Tag? Launch game, and undoubtely technically better looking than anything of it's kind up to that point. Then there was Onimusha, DMC, Ico, BGDA, etc. Then came MGS2 and it was awesome looking, no doubt, but hardly the only *decent* looking PS2 game. Then again, you are weird (IMO) so why do I even bother

Tekken tag ? No sorry that looked like crap. It was blurry and had tons of jaggies (my sister owns it ) Onimusha with the pre rendered backrounds and envoriments ? Dunno what dmc is . Ico looked alright wasn't impressed by it . BGDA looked like crap compaged to bg2 on the pc . And i said mgs looked good and was the best looking game on the system.
Thats why i hope it has really nice fsaa .

I can't deal with ps2 jaggys on a screen that small and such a low res.

I wasn't talking about jaggies in particular, but on the size of the screen. I never like small screens to do anything. Prefer them bigger, even for portable device.
Well, PSP has one of the biggest screens I've seen in a handheld device. 4.5" diagonal widescreen.

Tekken tag ? No sorry that looked like crap. It was blurry and had tons of jaggies (my sister owns it ) Onimusha with the pre rendered backrounds and envoriments ? Dunno what dmc is . Ico looked alright wasn't impressed by it . BGDA looked like crap compaged to bg2 on the pc .
OK, you ARE weird, and now I have conclusive proof :\ TTT (US version) was, and still is, one of the smoothest looking games. There was absolutely nothing blurry about it. BGDA looked like crap? I'm sorry, but that's just crazy talk... That game looks technically immaculate, even by todays standards. Besides, why do you compare it to a game with pre-rendered backgrounds?
I disagree with you . I'm not going to get into a huge arguement about it in this thread. As that is not what this thread is for
The artwork is reminiscent of that Lucasart game Grim Fandago(sp?).

It looks a lot like a cut down Voodoo Vince actually. The art style seems kinda similar. (Pretty cool actually.)

(The following shots are from Voodoo Vince.)



aaaaa00, Voodoo Vince was my first thought when I saw Death Jr. Obviously there's no way a PSP game can match a first party Xbox game visually, but the idea and style is kinda simillar...

I disagree with you.
Well, even if you disgree, can you tell me why do you compare BGDA with a game with pre-rendered backgrounds, saying how BG2 looks so much better, and then dismiss Onimusha just because it has pre-rendered backgrounds? Honestly, that looks like double standards to me.
marconelly! said:
aaaaa00, Voodoo Vince was my first thought when I saw Death Jr. Obviously there's no way a PSP game can match a first party Xbox game visually, but the idea and style is kinda simillar...

I disagree with you.
Well, even if you disgree, can you tell me why do you compare BGDA with a game with pre-rendered backgrounds, saying how BG2 looks so much better, and then dismiss Onimusha just because it has pre-rendered backgrounds? Honestly, that looks like double standards to me.

Because I had the wrong game in mind . And still do I guess . If you say BGDA is not pre rendered .
PSP tech demos. Make sure to listen to the talk they have during these videos, it provides info how each of them was made. Water for example is one big animated spline patch, with environment mapping

Water (this is the best one):

1200 polys used on a single character (too dark to see):

Textures demo (too dark as well):