GART: Games and Applications using RayTracing

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Oooh, shiny. Also proves my pet peeve I have with UE5. Yeah, sure, unlimited polys are neat, and higher poly models for grass and trees are really needed because they often stick out like a sore thumb in today's games. But are unlimited polys really needed? Nah, look at the UE4 scene and that marbles demo, lighting and good art assets sit there and make more of an impact than unlimited polys do. Mmmm, sharp indirect lighting, soooo good.
I find the UE5 demo to be more impressive than the above 3.
Oooh, shiny. Also proves my pet peeve I have with UE5. Yeah, sure, unlimited polys are neat, and higher poly models for grass and trees are really needed because they often stick out like a sore thumb in today's games. But are unlimited polys really needed? Nah, look at the UE4 scene and that marbles demo, lighting and good art assets sit there and make more of an impact than unlimited polys do. Mmmm, sharp indirect lighting, soooo good.
But UE5 isn't about 'unlimited polys'. It uses a system where effectively you can use very high poly meshes and they are streamed and culled in an efficient way so that you do not see polygon edges. And the above demos have no visible polygon edges that I can see, and for all we know this is achieved in a less efficient way than UE5 - we don't know this. So I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.
I set the box videos to 1080p and video was still really noisy? Too noisy for games at any rate. Was that just something going on with my PC?
Not just your PC, and there was clearly delayed de-noising and lighting updates as well. It is full path tracing though so it's quite fast for what its doing.
Crysis Remastered gets a new September release date
August 21, 2020
This latest trailer does a much better job of showing off where the improvements are, confirming ray-traced reflections on water surfaces, all-new textures with up to 8K resolution, improved SVOGI Global Illumination, new depth of field techniques and more.
Crysis Remastered is now coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4 on the 18th of September. On PC, the game will include hardware-accelerated ray-tracing for those using Nvidia RTX graphics and it will also support DLSS. On consoles, Crytek is using a software-based ray-tracing solution to bring ray-traced reflections to the game on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro.
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Crytek already stated they will update their software based method to support RTX acceleration, so it appears they have delivered on that promise.
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