GamesCom 2012

I went on Thursday last year, and queued up fairly quickly immediately for the Vita corner. That ended up being a wait of 20-30 minutes or so, but it was cool to be able to try the Vita out and see various games being played on it. Amusingly, I played Smart-As (you get cards assigned at random for each of the games in there), which I didn't think was too great at the time, but now ends up the only game in that booth not being out yet.

Almost all of the big, hardcore stuff had these huge queues around closed booths that you couldn't look into while queuing, and that ended up being the bane of the show for me - I'd never go again unless I was certain they'd fixed that, there was something new I was sure to be interested in but which is not popular with the hardcore (like Move related stuff last year- I was very interested in various Move titles and it was pretty easy to see and play them), or if I'd get a press-pass like now.

Again, I hope they wise up eventually and just make a huge separate part of the show floor with all the 18+ stuff.

The reason those booth are closed is indeed the strict age restriction in Germany. They should really assign a 18+ area only...or better a 30+ area :mrgreen:
Following my gamescom guide, the last of us, god of war ascension and beyond two souls are there...(Halle 7, Playstation Booth)
I only planned to go on the 15th. I work on the 16th, and on the 17th I normally babysit my 4yo son from 12:15, but I'll see if I can work out something, and report back here.
I'll be there, working at a social game booth. My first visit to Europe, but not enough time to have fun it seems! On the 15th/17th/18th/19th I'll be busy with short breaks here and there, on the 16th afternoon I'll explore the show floor.
I'll get to koelnmesse around noon time on 16th and the same for next day...will linger around till evening.
I'll be there, working at a social game booth. My first visit to Europe, but not enough time to have fun it seems! On the 15th/17th/18th/19th I'll be busy with short breaks here and there, on the 16th afternoon I'll explore the show floor.

PM me which booth and I'll be sure to say hi at the very least on the 15th ...

If you are free to do as you please in the evenings, I could take one or both of you guys to see something other than Cologne on one of your evenings? Perhaps the 16th as that suits both of you? There are several options - I could meet you halfway in Aachen - good train connection between the Koln Messe (which is right next to a trainstation), and either take you back to Aachen, or all the way to Cologne (is a bit of a hassle as I have to drive back again, but for two of you I'd do it ;)), or find a place to stay for you guys in Maastricht and drive you guys back to Cologne in the morning.

Maastricht is a beautiful, 2000 year old city, and it will have expanded your visit to European countries by 100% as it is just across the border in the Netherlands. ;) I could probably meet you between 5-6 in Aachen, take you to dinner in Maastricht and leave you back at the Aachen trainstation in time.

If this is not possible for you guys, I could probably leave from work early on the 16th and come and see you at the Messe somewhere between 17:00-18:00 (looks like it stays open till 20:00).
Ok one, will definitely come say hi on the 15th, and I've checked with the missus and we've got green light for the 16th as well. So if you're at all comfortable with trains, I'd recommend taking the train to Aachen arriving around 17:30, as that will mean we can be in Maastricht around 18:00 and then you've still got some nice hours of daylight left to see the city. Then you can either crash my place (one can sleep on couch and another on a small bed in our study) and I can bring you guys back the next morning, or I can bring you back in the evening ... You decide! :)

I'llpm you my skype on mobile numbers later tonight ...
I'll be there from Tuesday till Saturday.
If anyone wants, I'll be working at the UKIE Gamescom booth and at the NamcoBandaiGames area from time to time.