Games to Buy List for 2007

Star Ocean: The First Departure
Star Ocean 2: The Second Evolution
Jeanne D' Arc

eh does this count? It's not from next-gen console...

- R&C (on it's way)
- Uncharted
- Haze (maybe)


- Mass effect

Not decided which platform

- COD 4 (maybe)
- Kane & Lynch (maybe)
- Assasins Creed (maybe)

Mass Effect

Damn, I want Alan Wake asap.

Of course, I'm hoping that I have enough of a budget to treat myself to a few others depending on reviews (AC in particular comes to mind).

Call of Duty 4
Assasin's Creed
GT5P Japanese - maybe.


SMG, not my Wii but I gotta have me some of this.


Crysis - maybe
Orange Box - maybe
Updated my post, as I've now bought Tekken Online (great!) and Eye of Judgment (great!) (as well as some smaller PS Eye titles)

Also updated some minor release info (Singstar got a fixed date, Lair further delayed)
I've been going through a "complete my older games before buying any new ones" phase recently.

Recently completed Serious Sam 2, Tomb Raider Legend, HL2:Ep1 and Halo 2 (all PC).

I'm currently working my way through Doom 3: Ressurection or Evil (a far better game than many give it credit for and also very good looking even by todays standards). Once done with that I will have completed all my currently owned games that I care about completing apart from Oblivion and NFS: Most Wanted but I'm going to park those for the time being.

As for the new series of games being released, I recently purchased Orange Box which I intend to complete before buying anything else. So once D3 is complete, its on to Portal and than EP2. TF2 isn't a game you can actually complete so i'll just keep that as a "play when I feel like it" game.

Beyond EP2 my list looks something like this (in rough order of preference):

Unreal Tournament 3 (PC)
Crysis (PC)
Call of Duty 4 (PC)
Bioshock (PC)
Halo 3 (360)
Gears of War (PC)

If I actually manage to get through all that and end up with nothing to play in the next 6 months or so before anything else great is released then I might also pick up C&C 3.
Just ordered Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank from ... :)
Now there's just SingStar and Guitar Hero III to deal with ... I think I'll have to ask donations towards funds for these games for Christmas, especially Guitar Hero III is expensive, don't have a guitar yet (though maybe if I can get a wired one cheaper I think I actually prefer that).

Once all my essential purchases have been done with, I'll have

Tekken Online
Eye of Judgment
Ratchet & Clank
Guitar Hero III

(plus already owned:

Heavenly Sword

... and probably won't need new games for at least 4-6 months, lol.
I'll likely end up buying:

Xbox 360
Assassins Creed
Mass Effect
Sensi Soccer



A Nintendo Wii
Just got Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction yesterday, so that'll be my focus for the next few weeks.

Currently also being played:
- Pixeljunk Racers
- Resistance

Next on the list are:

in december:
- Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
- Half-Life 2: Orange Box
I have a tip. One shop that does ship PS3 games to Europe is Renchi.

With the weak dollar you pay 35€ for a 360 games and 40€ for a PS3 game. Allot cheaper then the 79.99€ (115 dollars) that some shops are asking for some titles.

One thing you must keep in mind are the import duties but Renchi does provide a solution for that.

Thanks again for this. I've just used it to order GT5 Prologue ... :)
I have 3 games, which are some of my favourites ever. I'm planning to buy Guitar Hero 3 the first day it comes out next week and that's it. I have the wired guitar, the Xplorer controler from Guitar Hero 2 and I play this game coop with another person who prefers the gamepad, so I'll probably buy the game disc alone.

In the future (2008), I'll buy Mass Effect (not my style, though), probably, Assassin's Creed and MANY MANY others I'd like to try; Alan Wake, a baseball game, some sports games, Rock Band (not sure) and a lot of others I can't remember of.., like I did with my first console. I ended up with a big library of games, although I didn't beat most of them.

I played -again-, Gears of War recently -a month ago- and while it's a very good game and GeoW 2 sounds like a very interesting game, I got bored of it and I didn't even get past the first stage (I had beaten the game when it came out already, though).

Rangers, have you ever tried Guitar Hero? I'm pretty sure you'd like it.

NFS ProStreet :oops:
I don't know about Pro Street but NFS: Most Wanted was a funny game, and that's what matters. Your blush smilie is comprehensible, though, since it's a very particular and "unpopular" choice but it's all about taste
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Just got the PS3 version of Guitar Hero III. Slowly getting to my target ... this is costly stuff, january, february and march better be slow. ;)
Just got the PS3 version of Guitar Hero III. Slowly getting to my target ... this is costly stuff, january, february and march better be slow. ;)

Why'd you choose the PS3 version out of interest? The 360 version has some free DLC and was patched to allow more of the song content to be played off the bat (one of the major criticisms of the game IIRC). What advantages swayed you the other way?
Why'd you choose the PS3 version out of interest? The 360 version has some free DLC and was patched to allow more of the song content to be played off the bat (one of the major criticisms of the game IIRC). What advantages swayed you the other way?

The DLC doesn't matter too much for me (most of that is available on PSN too) and I can wait for the PS3 patches ;) (DLC works, so that will work too). Besides, there are cheats available already for unlocking all the songs.

The best thing about the 360 is apparently that you can pick someone from your friend's list to play against, whereas the PS3 version only allows you to play with/against others randomly. I'm hoping they'll patch that in the future, but I don't know if they will. This almost swayed me towards the 360 version, but I wanted to try the PS3 version anyway because:

1. my PS3 is in the living room, and this is a game I'd like to play in the living room, and have fun with with other people in the living room. Both picture and sound are much better in the living room, for obvious reasons. Also more comfortable.
2. the 360 is far too friggin loud (partly why it's not in the living room) and if there's anything that I hate that particularly with, it's during a game that I have to actively use my ears. In other games, I can use sound to block it off a bit, but not a music game.
3. I guess as with so many other people, I have a 'basic' system that I'm most comfortable with, have most of my real-life friends on*, like playing the most with - and for me that's the PS3. I like playing a bit of Guitar Hero, then switch to Warhawk or a PS Eye game / Eye of Judgment, play the latest demoes, browse the web a little, watch a DVD/BluRay, on the same machine.

Another possible regret may be that a wired guitar may just work best with this game, but I'm hoping this will be fine as wireless is nice. It's a bit ironic though that I partly got the game because I noticed I enjoyed the demo on the 360 even without the guitar (I've always liked Bemani games) and also that the wireless guitar uses a system that's exactly like the wireless 360 controllers. Understandable, but a bit silly nonetheless.

I'm still looking for a great game to buy for the 360 that I can play while my wife is rewatching Buffy or Angel for the 100th time (currently she's watching some bonus material), but I'm sure I can find an exclusive for that (eventually). Maybe Mass Effect, if you can skip the shooting parts (I thought I remembered from long ago you might be able to let your squad take care of most of that?), or something similar.

Anyway, I'll be sure to let everyone know here if I regret getting the PS3 version and why (not). ;)

* I don't quite understand it, and it's probably because I'm a little bit older (33), but I don't know anyone else with a 360. We are five at work now with a PS3, and I know 1 more guy with a PS3 outside work. Then there is one PC gamer, and that's it.
Since we're tipping to "games bought' from games to's where my money has already gone since this thread started:


Still on the list:
Mario Galaxy
my 2007 list consists of Uncharted, R&C, CoD4, HL2 EP2 and UT3. i should have R&C already, but is extremely slow... i guess they sold more than they thought they would have.
R&C, Uncharted and CoD4, check (CoD4 on its way, but ill be busy playing Drake). definitely getting EP2 at some point and UT3 is a maybe.
SingStar added! I might be done purchasing games for this year ... :p 3 games still to be delivered (Uncharted and Ratchet 12 Dec, GT5 Prologue import not sure, sometime this year I hope ;) )