Gamecube fights back!




A hybrid all-in-one TiVo player from Panasonic.

The way i see it, Nintendo might just get integrated with Panasonic next gen, and maybe ATI and Apple too. That should put them on equal footing against Sony and MS. :oops:

Oh yeah, PC as an entertainment setup might be replace, finally?
I dont think(at least, I hope), noone was even planning on getting these when they come out as XBox/PS2's
just kind of worthless additions.. I'd assume buy a GC/XBox/PS2 at thier cheaper price, and just get a TIvo on the side(if I were to ever want one)
I would buy such an add on for ps2 in a heartbeat (and it's already announced, kind of) The less boxes I have under my TV, the happier I am :)