Game development presentations - a useful reference

I miss his posts here. Did the noise to quality ratio drive him away?

Probably he gets much more interesting discussion in his twitter feed. It's mostly other devs commenting and contributing to discussion. Here too many uneducated or biased folks try to twist the message to fit their purpose. No need to argue in twitter, bullshit floats away as it's more of a one way street. Another positive thing about twitter is that anyone putting quality content there can use twitter as reference for future work/opportunities. Much more difficult to achieve same in a forum.
This ships with Fifa21 in few days.

Software rendering is slowly taking over cases where classic HW accelerated quad rasterization fails. (Their method has changed quite bit since last presentation.)
This ships with Fifa21 in few days.

Software rendering is slowly taking over cases where classic HW accelerated quad rasterization fails. (Their method has changed quite bit since last presentation.)

I saw this exactly like Unreal Engine 5. We begin to have a mix of hardware rasterization where it works well and software rasterization where it fails.
This ships with Fifa21 in few days.

Software rendering is slowly taking over cases where classic HW accelerated quad rasterization fails. (Their method has changed quite bit since last presentation.)
Can you show more details on how it changed?
Rendering Games With Millions of Ray Traced Lights
December 4, 2020
In this video, NVIDIA’s Chris Wyman provides an overview on reservoir spatiotemporal importance resampling (ReSTIR). This algorithm makes it possible to effectively sample from millions of area lights with just a few rays per pixel and produce results that can be easily denoised.

He also explains why now is the right time for game developers to move on from traditional lighting techniques to real-time ray tracing. The incredible visuals on display in the Marbles at Night demo show what’s possible with real-time ray tracing today. “If there’s one thing you take from this talk, I hope it is that ray tracing enables new lighting that exceeds the limits imposed by rasterization,” says Wyman.
