There's not much to critique, and certainly nothing that hasn't been done before.
1) PS3 is fillrate limited - RSX has similar fillrate to Xenos.
1a ) Lack of fillrate limits shaders - nonsense.
2) Games doesn't split well across multiple processors - been discussed to death. We have games using all the SPEs a lot of the time, and all three Xenon cores, which disproves this.
3) BluRay is slow - discussed in the older BRD threads. IIRC the difference wasn't pronounced. XB360's DVD drive runs at 12x peak, single layer. It runs at 8x dual layer, peak. Data transfer difference isn't enough to make PS3 much slower loading versus XB360. Can't recall seek times differences, but again that shouldn't severely impact PS3 even if much worse.
The rest is non-technical and mostly accepted. Few developers will max PS3, those generally being 1st party (the niggle about games being designed to be performance hogs and thus questionably being fun as a result is a low comment IMO that ignores has past power increases have benefited game design); Cell's power is used to prop up RSX in rendering the same stuff as Xenos; Ports are hard and costly and no-one likes them; as a result XB360 tend to look better as its easier to write for.
Who says it is?And officially, please use the Report Post button rather than rant.
1. Isn't there some criteria to pass validation before publishing a game? Like anti-aliasing, motion blur have to look "Next-Gen"?
The RSX have the same fillrate limit than the Xenos. Though the E-Dram negate this reasoning because no games are no blend for this generation isn't it?
Killzone 2 use deferred rendering hmm.. from what they said... Isn't that fillrate intensive & also, it is done by 1st party.
1.a I totally agree on this one.
3. How come some few title ended up using the preinstalled data in hard drive to run the games on the PS3. They aren't extra content, a good example is VF5 that also based on an arcade port of the Lindburg. If I consider the GPU limitation of the board & also a fighting game that is on a very small ring & clearly lack of AA... why the need of pre installation???
The conclusion of the main goal of the Blog seem to be mostly right with all the writing done in beyond3d forum & what we are seeing with actual games that are released right now.