Gainward talks smack

That "letter" is a direct copy/paste of a section from the FiringSquad Face-Off article, which already has it's own thread.

Why Gainward decided to send it out that select bit as an "open" letter would be pretty obvious...
The Dig waits patiently for WaltC to show up to absolutely shred the poor, foolish Gainward employee in his most condescending and rock-hard logical kind-o-fasion. 8)

funny thing that gainwards traditionally cheats it's customers by selling geforce xxxx ultra power packs with the actual graphic chip sold on the card being a non-ultra, but the ultra being prominently displayed and the information about the actual chip being a small label hidden somewhere on the box...

perhaps the single most frequent reason for a customer to return a gainward card where I work...
Is this the same guy who said that Futuremark had deliberatlely broken the Nvidia "compiler" and then had to backtrack the next day? Personally I think it makes him sound like an idiot, and I'm sure it won't do his company's reputation any good.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Is this the same guy who said that Futuremark had deliberatlely broken the Nvidia "compiler" and then had to backtrack the next day? Personally I think it makes him sound like an idiot, and I'm sure it won't do his company's reputation any good.
I was wondering that too, that's why I thought of Walt....the way he ripped that guy a new one last time. ;)

I think it is, the name "Wolfram Tismer" seems to ring a bell....I'll do a quick search and check.

EDITED BITS: Well if "Wolfram Tismer" and "Hans-Wolfram Tismer" are the same person then I think I found it over here. (And it figures who the trouble-maker who posted it up is! ;) :LOL: )
Ante P said:
no I got the same letter from Wolfram (head of Gainwards European offices) as well

:oops: Wolfram & Hart? I tell ya, Gainward is EVIL! Pure EVIL!

John Reynolds said:
The really sad thing is that Jakub's probably patting himself on the back over this.

I hope not, but this is ridiculous?!?

IMHO if this doesn't undermine Gainwards credibility as a serious company, well what do they think about themselves? Perhaps a bit of egoism is OK in this industry and gaming audience doesn't really care but this is just a complete joke...

That that guy is ready to point out to a -it's meant to be funny- article as endorsment for their products (not to mention that they get owned by Brandon on next page) ... :oops:

They present themselves as a desperate company trying to cling on any hope to try and sell a product. It really speaks volumes of their ability to adequatly market the product and substantiate their claims.

It is obviously clear to Gainward that their product is inferior, so they are trying shots as these...
[Wild and crazy speculation mode]

Nvidia is having yield problems and is trying to get any and everyone who would purchase a competing ATI product to postpone until it has chips of its own ready. Lets look at the clues.

JULY for any real supply (thanks dig).
IBM’s admission to fab problems.
The last minute appearance of the Ultra Extreme and GT during the launch of the R420.
The design of the 6800U power requirements when it appears that it is overkill. This points to Nv originally having targeted much higher clock speeds (600/600?) for the Nv40.
The GT’s that have made the rounds seem to over clock to Ultra levels.

Putting all the pieces together it seems that while Nvidia has a good design WRT the Nv40, getting significant quantities is still a problem. To address this issue they are moving back to TSMC, who seem to have a mature .13m process. In the interim, they are doing there best to get people to have second thoughts about what may be the best purchase. Why buy a X800 pro when you can purchase the 6800GT soon for the same money? Why buy the X800XT when there are rumors of a 500+/600+ version of the 6800UE around. What actually will come to pass in the future remains to be seen. If it all pans out for Nvidia it may be wise to wait but right now they appear to be portraying their hopes for tomorrow as the reality of today.

[/Wild and crazy speculation mode].

P.S. Please do not take the above seriously. Just having a little bit of fun. :LOL:
nelg said:
P.S. Please do not take the above seriously. Just having a little bit of fun. :LOL:

(shrug) it's the same pattern we saw with NV30. AFAICT, Nvidia have not changed at all with regards to their campaigns of misinformation and spoilers. Their marketing department is still in need of a good spanking.
Oh yeah, I forgot one thing that I wanted to say to Gainward....

"Yo Gainward! ATi is gonna make you their BIATCH, so you better bend over and lube up now!" :devilish:
I'm surprised at how his comments parroted forum talk. No, wait, I think a more appropriate classification of my feelings would be disappointed.

Beyond the BS, my main Q is why did a Gainward rep have a conversation with Brandon at an ATi event? :?

Anyway, it's clear this is all BS. nV was the master of releasing slightly rehashed tech (GF-GF2, GF3-GF4), and now they're lamenting ATi's conservative update? And nV was the one seemingly holding back gaming with the FX's poor SM2.0 performance, and now nV is lamenting ATi for doing the same thing (NVN interview)? Not to mention nV's mythical 6800UE, mentioned in every single X800XT review. They could at least acknowledge their hypocrisy before spewing it.

Marketing aside, the real story will be how each card fares in two months or so, after each IHV has had a chance to optimise their drivers for their new cards. It's the waiting that's the hardest part.... :)