Full Auto: Gold, New Screens, Video



New screens and a video along with the "gone gold" announcement today. Judging from some of the comments on the story over there, the final version is a bit better than the demo thats been in with some magazines. Apparently the older version of the demo will be on XBL tomorrow, which is too bad. Here's a couple of the screens i thought were nice:


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For f***'s sake you're not allowed to post pics above 800x600! Don't you guys ever read the rules?

EDIT: changed pics to links
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did he edit the pictures out or something because there's nothing wrong with linking to a full res pic....

looks good... better than it did earlier (imo anyway). just don't think i have much interest in a gun/car game anymore unfortunately.
hupfinsgack said:
For f***'s sake you're not allowed to post pics above 800x600! Don't you guys ever read the rules?

Changed to links. I thought i'd seen 720p images linked directly before but after reviewing the rules, they do say 800x600.
Very nice, but they sort of remind me of the Chrome Hounds screens posted the other day by @Hardknock in that the principle assets are more impressive than the environments. Still, these aren't the best pics for making sweeping judgements.
Where the hell is this demo that's supposed to be up now? I also read Jan. 25. It's now 6:46 PM ET and still no demo. The only new thing that's showed up on there today is some movie trailer.
Isn't there supposed to be a beta testing period for that? I could have sworn I signed up for one off of Penny Arcade...

EDITED BITS: Doh! Just noticed I'm in the console section, please ignore me. :oops:
I have just downloaded it and tried it out for a couple of minutes. It was amazingly fun. The physic is crazy (as in fun crazy). The race course seems too linear (not enough shortcuts, alternative path, etc), maybe I haven't played with enough. Graphically, it's not as impressive as PGR3, it looks more an arcade game. Doh, I meant the city doesn't have the same realism as in PGR3. However, it's more interactive, and that counts a lot more in my book.

Depending on how multiplayer works, it could be a hit. I wish someone would make a racing game with MMO/RPG career mode. You race for kudos/money to upgrade your car(s). And you would travel the circuit to race 'em.
TrungGap said:
Depending on how multiplayer works, it could be a hit. I wish someone would make a racing game with MMO/RPG career mode. You race for kudos/money to upgrade your car(s). And you would travel the circuit to race 'em.

There is a MMO Racing game coming out on 360 that's like that. Do a search for Test Drive Unlimited.
Hardknock said:
There is a MMO Racing game coming out on 360 that's like that. Do a search for Test Drive Unlimited.

Wow, thanks for the tip! 360 is going to rock!!! Now, I wish the 360 has something that allows me to replace my old xbox with XBMC.
Demo chugged really bad in heavy action and one time I hit a huge jump while boosting and flew up so high that pretty much the whole sky dissapeared and I was looking down at skybox. It is the same old build that went out with OXM like a month ago from what I hear though, so I'll be keeping an eye out for reviews to see how much polish the full version got as the gameplay is great fun assuming they cleaned it up a bit and there is plenty of content I'll be buying the game.
Man, I love this game. I've played the demo countless times now (had it since OXM). One thing I love is that you can aim the guns independently of your vehicle (right analog stick, click the stick to shoot) which I didn't realize at first. Also you can have one person driving the car with the first controller and a 2nd person aiming and shooting the guns with the second controller. Great fun! :)

For kicks you guys should try driving slow and blowing all the buildings up. EVERYTHING is destructible, very impressive.
I can't say the graphics are top-notch, but the game is definitely fun.. Everything is destructable, and online mode should be really fun. Too bad demo does not have the online mode. I guess I will stick to demo until its price comes down...