Splendid! So, you don't actually have the right to work at a privatly owned company. But why do people then debate about the fact when certain companies chose to hire men instead of women? The person in question didn't have the right to work there in the first place, since it is a privilege to be hired afterall. At least here in Sweden, the debate regarding womens positions at work and the differences in salary between men and women is really the hotspot of politics at the moment. The argument is that you're obviously discriminating women (this could be anything though, like religion, ethnic heritage and so on) by paying them less and giving them less 'prestigeous' spots in the company.
Lets create a scenario where Microsoft thinks that womens place in society is at home, cooking and spreading their legs for their husbands, and hence don't want to hire any women. I would wager that a woman then successfully would be able to sue them because they are not treating everyone equally.
This in turn creates some questions. Why can I be fired for my opinion as an individual? I didn't infringe on anyone elses rights by stating my opinion. And why am I as an owner of my own company not allowed to treat everyone under my jurisdiction the way I want? It should be my right to do whatever I want with the company that I've created with my own hands. But wait, if the requierment is that I can do what I want with my company as long as I treat everyone equally, then I'll just ban everyone from working here, since that obviously would mean that I'm treating everyone equally and hence am not discriminating anyone! <- The far fetched connection with the original topic
Liberals tend to claim that the focus is on the rights for you as an individual person, but isn't it quite interesting that what they're advocating is in fact a form of small dictatorships in the shape of companies? You can create the rules you want, hire and fire at will, as long as you treat everyone equally. The difference being that in a dictatorship you would decide what to do based on the individual rather than the collective, which is also kind of funny and ironic, if you have the same twisted sense of humor as I do. Of course you as an individual can chose not to work at said company, just as you can chose not to live in a country ruled by dictatorships.
So, if I now manage to establish this as the truth (knowledge isn't power as we all know, power is the ability to establish our knowledge as the truth, as the post-modern bastard that I am), then the question would be if we have to wait for the whole world to be democratic on a state level before we can start working on democracy at a company level? Or is this in fact what we want when we call ourselves democratic?
Edit: I haven't given this much thought yet, so I'm not sure if I can answer any questions lol. I haven't had any sleep for the past 20 hours or so, and this was just something that popped up in my head hehe.