Framerate of Forza?

I highly doubt the game will be running at 30 fps. Microsoft is trying to one up GT4 on every level, so there's no way they're going to halve the framerate.
Another racing fanatic mentioned that the game felt pretty good, but that the wheel they've had for it on E3 was pretty crappy and too loose for the game, so he couldn't judge it properly.

Microsoft is trying to one up GT4 on every level, so there's no way they're going to halve the framerate.
Heh, we'll see I guess :) People were saying the same about PGR2. Forza doesn't have as many cars as GT4, for example, so obviously they are not trying *that* hard :)
30 fps, again? Pfffffffff... And I was pretty sure it was going to be a 60 fps. Well, given this is true, they will never one-up GT. Seems to be they are more interested in one-upping the graphics. :rolleyes:
Shog, you seem to have been over the whole damn place talking to developers and memorizing games - you just might be the man I need to ask this:

What was the framerate in MGS3 demo?

Seems to be they are more interested in one-upping the graphics.
While we are at it, Gaming Age preview wasn't all that positive about that either...

Forza has been in development for two years and the gameplay shows it. The E3 demo had several tracks on course, including the popular Leguna Seca course. At first glance, the game seems average due to its current 30 frames per second and unpolished textures. However the gameplay is definitely the needle in the haystack.
Though the graphics are unpolished, there are details in Forza that already look fantastic. The entire inside of the vehicle is viewable from the dash, to the driver, to the driver's hand shifting the manual stick on each gear. There are real time reflections all over the car, though currently they are moving at less than 30 fps. The backgrounds need a little work and look a bit bland.

Forza Motorsport's gameplay is definitely a fine-tuned challenger to Sony's GT series. The graphics still have a ways to go compared to GT and Konami's own new Enthusia racing.
Sorry marconelly, I didn't even check out MGS3. I guess had too many games and hardware I actually cared about to waste time on MGS3. ;)

Sorry I couldn't be a help to you on this one.
The fact that there's some MGS2-esque tearing going on in the trailer hints that they're going for 60. 30 with tearing would be an unacceptable effort for KCEJ.

Not much to go by, though. If it's so hard to find someone with a good eye for framerate that tried the game on E3, I suppose we can only hope that the stolen demo finds its way out to the interweb soon.. :devilish:
Well, I haven't seen any tearing in the new trailer or the new gameplay footage from E3, which quite honestly worries me a bit :p

One guy so far has said that it's rock solid 60FPS, and has made an extremely detailed impressions in IGN board. Another guy on GAF thinks that it runs at 30 during regular 3rd person view, and 60 during first person view. He also said he booted MGS2 when he got home, and he thought it moved smoother. Reports on the framerate are complete mess so far.
I'd hate to troll in such a thoughtful discussion, but do we really care about the MGS series anymore? After Splinter Cell, do we really care about how Solid Snake eats his fishes or snakes to survive? I just couldn't bother to stop long enough play it.

Having said all that, My friends thought what they observed of it looked 60, but they hung around the display just smidgen more than I did so take it with a grain of salt.
I'd hate to troll in such a thoughtful discussion, but do we really care about the MGS series anymore? After Splinter Cell, do we really care about how Solid Snake eats his fishes or snakes to survive? I just couldn't bother to stop long enough play it.
MGS series to me has 10 times more charm, soul and 'air' about it than Splinter Cell. It's more interesting, intriguing and more fun when it comes down to it. It's not that I don't think SC is great, it's just that I think MGS games are better. Gameplay is more fluid, more varied and more dynamic. It's cinematic presentation and attention to detail is unmatched. I know for a fact that A LOT of people agree with me, and there sure is a hell of a lot more interest for MGS3 than there was for SC2 or there is for Splinter Cell 3, which hardly registered a blip in comparision on any of the forums I visit (not to mention various expectations lists in magazines and sites where MGS3 always hoovers up there with GTA:SA, Halo 2 and RE4, while SC2 never did or SC3 never does) I don't know if you've seen it, but people on forums literally flipped out after the last MGS3 trailer - and it really is that good, in my opinion. A pool on GAF, which has never been an MGS friendly board to begin with, has put the game on the equal number of votes for the game of the show as the new Zelda (a game that had Nintendo fans fainting in their chairs, although just a short trailer was shown)

See, there's tons of interest for it, but I wouldn't say you are trolling, you just genuinly don't feel the game, and I know how it is, as I feel the same about some of the hugely popular games - Final Fantasy franchize most notably. I just don't see anything about it that attracts me, yet people slit their arteries whenever new info leaks about it, mix their blood with the info and drink it back. I just shrug and let them enjoy :p There's certainly a lot of them, and they sure as hell know how to eloquently put what is so good about the game, but that can't help me feel any better about it, as I genuinly dislike it from the core of my heart :p

In any case, I hope your friends are right. A thing that gives me a bit more hope is that gameplay videos encoded at 30FPS always have one step of 'ghosting' whenever there's any motion on the screen. It looks to me that would occur when filming/converting a 60FPS footage on the 30FPS medium.
From the pics I've seen Enthusia doesn't look as good as Forza in the graphics department. Enthusia looks more like the Racing Evolution game from Namco.
Marconelly! said:
Well, I haven't seen any tearing in the new trailer or the new gameplay footage from E3, which quite honestly worries me a bit
Really? Can't check right now, but I could have sweared the tearing was obvious in some places. Notably when Snake wades through a river at night with those minichoppers searching above, and when he takes down the big helicopter from that stationary gun turret.

The "frame ghosting" is an interesting observation. It could also simply be lightly applied motion-blur, as seen on many locations in MGS2.

At any rate, it's seems pretty unlikely that the team would go for anything less than the standard set in MGS2 -- ie 30fps for cutscenes, 60fps (with allowance for some rare tearing) for gameplay. MGS3 visuals are not *that* more detailed, I think.

I also have to agree on everything you said about MGS2, Marconelly. It's a beautiful beautiful game. There's just so much to every aspect of it -- detail, references, humour, design, etc -- brilliantly thought out and crafted to perfection. Splinter Cell is nothing more than an OK game. MGS2 is a work of genius.
I don't know about "air", but the Splinter Cell series has become interesting by pushing more innovation in game and play mechanics, even leaping all the way online in Pandora Tomorrow.
SC though is a good series but nowhere near MGS series. They need to learn a trick or two from KCET team.
PC-Engine said:
MGS series is more of a anime type style. SC is more simulation in style.

Simulation? :oops: ;)

They're both pretty arcade-y to me. Only one has japanese style behind it (with all its qualities and also flaws), the other just a plain old dry western spy-thriller vibe to it.