FM puts up their FAQ on 3dm2k5

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Heh , i highly doubt in the future more games will use dst than 3Dc .

3Dc will be in the next xbox , all the games on that system will make use of the compression .

So i don't see how ports wont take advantage of it too.

Not to mention that 3Dc is free to put into your hardware yet dst costs money .

edit , i should also note that 3Dc will most likely be in the next nintendo system too
jvd said:
The point is 3dmark 2005 is supposed to show whats going to happen in 2005/2006 , not 2001 . That is my point.

I see, as soon as the new XBox arrives, all development on the old one is dropped completely. And ofcourse there's a relation between the new XBox and PC games, but not with the old one.
There already are plenty of games with DST, and they're not exactly going to disappear anytime soon.
3Dc is still anyone's guess.
Six games is plenty ?

In fact it is fun to see you make your personnal campaign at beyond3d as if they were the only ones to have spotted the tricK made a very nice artcile at the end of the nda and they not only spotted the DST thing but also took the time to test the impact of it on performance.
FM use DST, not only a non DX9 feature, but they forced it on for all the free versions. You can twist things all you want, that choice is obviously wrong.

With that in mind, i wonder if the pci-e stress test that was removed may have exposed some limits to the agp to pcie bridge ....
PatrickL said:
Six games is plenty ?

That's six more than 3Dc for now.
And as they say, there will be many more, but they are under NDA. They don't know anyone NOT using DST for shadowmaps.
So go ahead, list any games you know that won't be using DST for shadowmaps, see if you can at least add up to 6 to make it even.
Scali said:
jvd said:
The point is 3dmark 2005 is supposed to show whats going to happen in 2005/2006 , not 2001 . That is my point.

I see, as soon as the new XBox arrives, all development on the old one is dropped completely. And ofcourse there's a relation between the new XBox and PC games, but not with the old one.
There already are plenty of games with DST, and they're not exactly going to disappear anytime soon.
3Dc is still anyone's guess.

dst is a failed tech from 4 years ago . Its used in 6 current pc games .

3Dc is a new tech and its going to be used in at least 2 major games this year ( middle earth rts and half life 2 ) and it should be included in 2 upcoming console releases .

Not only that but unlike dst its free to use on anyones hardware .

Futuremark and its benchmarks should show whats going to happen in the future , not failed tech from the past . I'm suprised the emb isn't used heavly in all the tests by default in 3dmark 2005 .

Anyway i'm off to puppy school
jvd said:
dst is a failed tech from 4 years ago . Its used in 6 current pc games .

The way I see it, videocards didn't have the performance and videomemory to make full use of DST until recently, so DST has only just begun.
What exactly failed about DST?

3Dc is a new tech and its going to be used in at least 2 major games this year ( middle earth rts and half life 2 ) and it should be included in 2 upcoming console releases .

That still only makes 4.

Not only that but unlike dst its free to use on anyones hardware .

I don't think game developers care about that one bit. Especially not when one of the most popular IHVs supports it, and another is going to support it.
Several sites quoted ATI as listing the following titles with 3Dc support:

Serious Sam 2
Half Life 2
Tribes: Vengeance

Ritual and Pseudo Interactive were also said to be signed on to use it. That's 6 titles confirmed, not to mention future titles based on the relevant engines (I'm sure Source in particular will see a lot of use), and any others that may not yet have been announced (including Xbox2 titles).
PatrickL said:
FM use DST, not only a non DX9 feature, but they forced it on for all the free versions. You can twist things all you want, that choice is obviously wrong.

Oh really? Why is it so obviously wrong?
What makes you the authority anyway?
Seems like it's just your opinion, which has no value for me or FM.

Actually, I think it's pathetic that B3D is campaigning against FM. Reverend pulling stuff out of his arse about PSM being a DX9 feature, DaveBaumann talking nonsense about using horizonmaps...
Where do they get all this stuff from? Not ATi I hope.
It looks almost like HardOCP at the time, trying to pull 3DMark03 down because NV wanted them to.
It seems you value your opinion so much that you try to force it on the whole site for several days now. Did you happen to ask yourself if we value your opinion? :devilish:
Scali said:
PatrickL said:
FM use DST, not only a non DX9 feature, but they forced it on for all the free versions. You can twist things all you want, that choice is obviously wrong.

Oh really? Why is it so obviously wrong?
Really slowly:















PatrickL said:
It seems you value your opinion so much that you try to force it on the whole site for several days now. Did you happen to ask yourself if we value your opinion? :devilish:

Most of my posts were about facts and background info rather than my opinion.
Ofcourse the average fanatic would not see it that way, but that's really their problem.
Scali said:
Most of my posts were about facts and background info rather than my opinion.
Ofcourse the average fanatic would not see it that way, but that's really their problem.
In other words, "I'm right and you're wrong!". :rolleyes:

digitalwanderer said:
Really slowly...

I am still convinced that FM decides what 3DMark05 is and what it isn't, not you, not PatrickL and not Beyond3D.
If it's not what you want it to be, make your own benchmark then.
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