Tahir said:
I don't see anything wrong with JVD's argument and can't see why its rooted in nostalgia. I mean even now there are games that do pull at your emotions... for example they make you happy (with delight when you managed to beat a level for example) or sad (with frustration).
I mean this kind of thing went on when we had games with two colours (black and white) and continues now with millions of colours and 3D effects (or not).
I don't get your point. Please elaborate.
I was talking about his arguement that triangles were no different than pixels (and 16 bit ones at that), implying that the capability to relate to characters is the same regardless, and I find that ridiculous.
Take character "A". It´s in 2D, on SNES. It´s superdeformed due to hardware limitations and is made up of primitive pixels. You´ll notice that the capability to display emotion of such a primitive drawing is very limited, resorting to jumping, exagerated faces such as this

to try to convey some. Every character moves similarly, and animation is less than desirable.
Now take character "B". It´s in 3D, on PSX. It has the ability to move in a more realistic way, has the capability of using his limbs and body motion to convey the mood of the character, even the textures on the face (as bad as they could be) help with this. You immediately notice that each character moves in a certain way, and this helps build a determined personality.
I don´t think it´s necessary to say which one has the ability to display a wider range of emotions.
jvd said:
I'm sorry i still look at the screen and see computer animated people that don't hold a candle to real life. Yes in visual media your supposed to see what happens and what i said that even the best movies (like lord of the rings ) which you have to admit have very nice looking effects going on in them are still less than what i can imagine in my head and will forever lag behind my imagination.
I may be looking from nostalgia but your looking at it from a pure graphics point. Which is not the only thing in the game. The graphics in the ffs suck compared to other games out at the time. Problem is after the 32 bit years most games were sold based on their geewiz value instead of thier gameplay value . I need gameply . If that isn't there i wont think twice about the game. If it has great graphics thats just a bonus .
With all due respect, what a load of nostalgic BS.
I never implied that characters in modern videogames were as good-looking as real life people.
Books are based completely on description and narration (I don´t know if that´s the word), and LOTR was originally a book. Obviously you are going to have your own version of what is happening on the screen - another person´s vision will never be exactly as yours (So it was a terrible example).
Videogames are an entirely different media, one that makes extensive use of visuals and audio. If what is being represented is a big battle between two factions at war, seeing a comical 2D tank going through the screen isn´t exactly the best way to represent the events taking place. You can´t ask me or any person to imagine what is going on, because what is going on is supposed to be represented on-screen. I´m not supposed to use my imagination to make the game better, in that case I can imagine an entire FF in my head (so what´s the point of playing?).
And your arguement about games having no gameplay is pure BS, there´s no need for an explanation( As if SMW wasn´t announced as the biggest leap in 2D gaming graphics yet).