Guden Oden said:
You're just DETERMINED to bash the DS no matter what, aren't you?
Whut?? :?
Guden Oden said:
You haven't even PLAYED the game and you already know the AI cheats? That's just amazing man! Any more divine insight learned from your crystal ball or whatever it is you use to spy on the future?
I wasn't talking about THIS Mario Kart, your loosing the point here Guden, we were talking about the usefulness of a map in a racer, and i took the MK example, since YOU talk about the usefulness of its Map, usefulness that i discussed... I didn't talked about Mario Kart DS AI.
BTW ALL Mario Karts and even Mario Kart likes (say Crash Team Racing, Wacky race, Looney tunes space race, Muppet RaceMania, Diddy Kong racing, etc...) Did all have Cheating AI...
So one could predict easily that the Mario Kart DS AI will cheat (i didn't talked about that, but since you bring that up) don't need any superpowers (i'm not saying that i didn't have any btw

) for that, cheating AI belongs to the genre, and tweaking a good AI for those game is quite hard, for example in Wacky races/Looney tunes Space Races the cheats were too obvious, and 5 sec before the end you could be downgrade from the 1st place to the last. Mario Kart AI always "balanced" the "Gifts" for example, the first of the race will rarely end up findind boost or the "shrinker" , the last OTOH will, Mario Karts have the Best AI of the Genre, that's a fact.
Like I said in another post, that YOU can't think of any ideas for a double-screen setup....... Stop being such a negative bore, try to see opportunities instead of difficulties.
I said in previous Topic,
I can't come with a good idea (i'm not even talking about revolutionnary) for a double screen setup for anything else but puzzles games... So what?
You also can't, obviously...
And i didn't looked for any difficulties, i just said that put a map on screen 2 wasn't really "mind blowing"... that's all, you're reading too much in my humble statements.
I'm seriously looking forward to what Nintendo can bring. Honest to god.
I also clearly stated that i was waiting Nintendo to show me what they can do with thoses 2 screens, and only then i could judge the usefulness of such setup. I mean my
engrish is bad but , i think i made myself clear on the others posts.