First REAL Brothers In Arms 3 screenshot! (OMG)

I'll say it again here since this is the second time I've seen this pic that there is ALOT of blur going in the background to the right.

I hope that is removed from the final game or not in game at all...certainly not as performance enhancement I've have to deal with a lot. I have to think it's just for this shot or something because clear vision is a no-brainer requirement for a FPS.
scificube said:
I'll say it again here since this is the second time I've seen this pic that there is ALOT of blur going in the background to the right.

The blur looks like its supposed to be smoky or a haze to me.
PG2G said:
The blur looks like its supposed to be smoky or a haze to me.

They used the same style in previous BoA games. The sky sorta has this dreamy, hazy, vaseline smear look to it. I was never particularly fond of it or sure what they were going for.

But the game does look great. :) I agree with rabidrabbit, outside of the AA it looks relatively down to earth. Even the higher res sort of shows the "warts" the scans hid on the otherwise nicely applied normal maps for the characters.
blakjedi said:
Unfortunately compared to the last OMG moment (RS3) this is not quite there...
RS3? You mean that Rainbow Six Las Vegas game screenshots.
I actually like this MoH shot better.
While the Las Vegas shots sure were colourful and shiny, at the same time they looked oddly flat. Not bad by any means, and maybe it's just that they were a bit dark.
The MoH shot shows some nice natural lighting, and while the foreground head looks a bit glued on and kinda worsens the 3Dness of the image, it looks less computer gameish (although still far away from non-game cgi).
The RS3 shots had that two-dimensionality this gen xbox and PC games always have, dunno but I think it's because of overuse of texture trickery instead of real geometry.
I don't see why people find it hard to believe this shot is real-time, considering Brothers in Arms 3 is using UnrealEngine 3...IMO, it looks like the first game outside of Gears of War and UT2k7 to really take advantage of UE3.
liverkick said:
They used the same style in previous BoA games. The sky sorta has this dreamy, hazy, vaseline smear look to it. I was never particularly fond of it or sure what they were going for.

But the game does look great. :) I agree with rabidrabbit, outside of the AA it looks relatively down to earth. Even the higher res sort of shows the "warts" the scans hid on the otherwise nicely applied normal maps for the characters.

It looks like a blur filter to me and not just on the sky. It doesn't resemble DOF because of how the building in the foreground is completely unaffected, and it's not motion blur as there are not trails anywhere.

That would be the weirdest smoke or fog I've ever seen. It doesn't look misty as there is no grain I can see. It's look like the scene is just blurred in the background.

This could suggest this is a pic from a cut-scene where we would be paying attention to the action in the foreground. Or this could be a shot using in game assets strictly for PR purposes. I hope it's one of these possibilities as I'd hate to have to deal with this kind of blur during the average fire fight.
Wow I can't believe some people think these are less impressive than the R6 shots.

To me, these are unparalleled, I've never seen a game look so real with such depth, it mught be the lighting that's getting me. BUt even the detail on the street, the bricks, just sick as hell.

It almost looks like a really good painting.
Seeing the direct feed shot it seems fairly down to earth. Very impressive, obviously, but not a million miles from what one might expect of skilled use of UE3.

My only complaint would be the DOF, but it's only a relative complaint.
I would say wait for more pics and especially direct-feed videos. I certainly wont judge graphics of the game only on this picture. I would be dumb.
I'd have to with R6LV at this point too.

Not saying BIA3 doesn't look good in the least or for that matter doesn't look better in other scenes or instances but given what I've seen of both games Rainbow Six LasVegas looks more impressive to me.

We'll see in the end though. If nothing else, we can say both games clearly and unequivocally display what next gen has in store.

dukmahsik said:
so are these pc shots? 360? ps3? rev?

X360 most likely as this shot seems the same as was in the Official Xbox Magazine. BIA3 is coming to both the PS3 and the X360 though so it's good times all around. Unless we get info. to the contrary, it's probably not best to expect Rev to get a direct port of this game and if it did not to expect it to pull off the same level of visuals. Then again...there's almost nothing known about what the revolution can actually do.
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scificube said:
I'll say it again here since this is the second time I've seen this pic that there is ALOT of blur going in the background to the right.
I hope that is removed from the final game or not in game at all...certainly not as performance enhancement I've have to deal with a lot. I have to think it's just for this shot or something because clear vision is a no-brainer requirement for a FPS.
This is "Depth of Field" an effect that will be suported from most next-gen game engines. So better to get used it.
scooby_dooby said:
To me, these are unparalleled, I've never seen a game look so real with such depth

Thats a pretty heavy duty superlative to base on a couple scans and one direct feed capture (touched up or no). I mean its a couple nice looking characters with some basic scenery with good lighting and you havent even seen it in motion yet. Who knows it might get even better! ;) I dunno, the pic looks damn good but Im not seeing anything I didn't expect out of a quality application of UE3 in this particular setting. There's going to be dozens of games in '07 that significantly surpass the level of complexity, detail and art quality represented in this screen pretty easily IMO.

groper said:
This is "Depth of Field" an effect that will be suported from most next-gen game engines. So better to get used it.

Nah, I agree with scifi, if thats DoF its a pretty poor implementation.
Unholy amounts of AA there, obviously going to be a bit more aliased in-game. And the SSS is fake ;), although nice and not overdone.
scooby_dooby said:
Wow I can't believe some people think these are less impressive than the R6 shots.

To me, these are unparalleled, I've never seen a game look so real with such depth, it mught be the lighting that's getting me. BUt even the detail on the street, the bricks, just sick as hell.

It almost looks like a really good painting.

I totally agree with you my man. The bricks and trash on the ground makes it look so much better. I love next-gen games. Can't wait till E3. I can see there will be a MOH:A vs. BIA3 war going on over the internet around May 10th.
Thats fantastic. But lighting/AA/Blur looks added after-the-fact. Still the model is above average (rough around the edges, but still looks good), the texturing on the face and helmet are great.