Finally PS3 and 360 side-by-side

Uhh, what is this thread about anyway, and what should the "Sony inclined" be ready to concede?????
That the PS3 is bigger than xbox360? Yes it is.
That the PS3 is somehow failed in case design?? That's subjective really and no-one should tell you what to think.
Personally I like the design. Simple and elegant despite the size (which isn't that large when you look at it as a home entertainment device, not PS3 vs. Wii vs. PS2(Two), xbox360...When I put it in my livingroom I'm sure it'll look positively neat and compact).

To me it seems that this thread has degenerated once again into a revenge of the xbox fans because the original xbox was ridiculed because of it's size and design, now they feel it's justified to "win back" what was denied before.

Sorry if this read like fuelling the arguments (I can feel some -reps coming this way already ;) ), but arguing whether the case design should be liked or not is childish.
Maybe if there was some unbiased poll made by asking people on the street which design they like the best, there would be some foundation to the arguments, but as it is just inside the forums fuelled by funboi rage... it's pointless really.
Nobody ever claimed that this was a smart argument. It's not an issue.
There will be time for Sony-inclined posters to swallow their pride (near launch I suspect) but I don't think anyone needs to at the moment. PS3 relative/absolute size is neither a general advantage nor a disadvantage. Its footprint is not that big (assuming with good cooling and internal PSU).
As for its shape, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
It's just fun to see what reactions you can get.
In the 'does size matter' argument, I know a number of people who bought slimline PS2's when they appeared because they were so cool. That goes to prove aesthetics do have an influence, though at this early-adopter level it's insignificant to the other factors like cost and games.
Yeah, content is still the primary driver.

I feel that the size difference between XBox 360 and PS3 is not that great to become a major (standalone) sales driver.

While I agree that aesthetic (packaging) is important... that size difference doesn't sway it too much (either way). The size impact has also been reduced by the choice of black color (for PS3).

I also agree that footprint is important, but size is only one of the contributing factors. We also have to "worry" about internal vs external PSU, plus leaving enough spaces around the console for cooling, ... etc.

In my mind, I think they are roughly on par size-wise.
For the person who neg-repped me. Yes, I deserve that. I'm sorry. Next time there's a topic like this I'll try to make people not bring up baseless comments especially when the thread itself is relatively useless.
Ok the PS3 is very big but is has a beautiful design to compensate, I like the glossy finish and the chrome letters on the expensive version. A lot of Xbox f anboys say now 'haha you say big is beautiful and with the Xbox 1 it was not??" But the Xbox was just big AND ugly.
Actually the wood mocup doesn't do the real PS3 justice I think. The most beautiful sie of the PS3 is vertical and with the logo facing you. That's how it's meant to be ;)

Ok the PS3 is very big but is has a beautiful design to compensate, I like the glossy finish and the chrome letters on the expensive version. A lot of Xbox f anboys say now 'haha you say big is beautiful and with the Xbox 1 it was not??" But the Xbox was just big AND ugly.
Actually the wood mocup doesn't do the real PS3 justice I think. The most beautiful sie of the PS3 is vertical and with the logo facing you. That's how it's meant to be ;)


IMO, the PS3 looks ugly from every angle. The only "good looking" next-gen console is the Wii.
Also you can look up how PS3 looked at the recent China Joy event in Shanghai 2 weeks ago.

Again, I doubt the mockup case Games Radar is showing was obtained from Sony since it's questionable to give away a clumsy replica which misrepresents an actual product when they have a better mockup.




Thats fugly. The only thing I like about it is the color. And the controller is the same we had back in the ps1. I bet sony would say it's so perfect they never had to change it, but I disagree it can always get better and nothing is perfect. They just lazy.

If sony wins this generation I'll be surprized beyond belief...

PS: It reminds me of a george foreman toaster.
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Thats fugly.
< ... >
PS: It reminds me of a george foreman toaster.
The toaster comparison was done more than a year previous, you're way behind the times mate! :LOL:

Yeah, it can look like a toaster oven, and like with the 360 (AND the wii), horizontal is the lesser becoming position for the unit, perhaps for PS3 in particular because it takes on a kind of sarcophagus-like appearance, IMO. And, that way it shows off its rather fat behind too; the side end with the harddrive slot that it sits on when in vertical position.

PS3 is big. You might even call it DAMN big, with the exception of some of the 3DO versions, it might well be the biggest game console ever, I'm not totally sure. Some of the early 80s ones were fricken huge (Philips had one with a built-in B&W CRT for example, so THAT one is probably THE biggest).

Original xbox was also big/damn big, depending on who you ask. Nobody's ever gonna say it's small I'll wager, not compared to GC, Wii or slim PS2. xbox however was just a clunky hunk of plastic that depended on some kind of deformed american SUV-style sense of aesthetics that if you make it bigger it becomes better. PS3 actually has a product design, something I think most agree to at least some extent that the xbox lacked. Its bigness therefore shouldn't be as much of an issue, except if a person actually has problems fitting the thing into their livingroom. ;)

I like the way it looks. Could it look better? Probably! Looks hot enough as it is though, at least to me.
Just looks like a black coffin. If that's inovative product design to some, there's hardly anything to add, I'd say.
How many other CE goods look like black coffins? :p If it's a CE product and not a standard rectangular box, it's innovative product design, whether you find it aesthetically pleasing or not.