Final Fantasy XVI (FF16) [PS5]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7537
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Damn.. if there ever was a last-gen looking game produced this gen, it's definitely this game. There is literally nothing in this demo that screams 'next-gen' at all. Horrible lighting, mediocre shaders and troubling FPS. It's a pass for me.
Yeah it is not the next gen visuals that absorbed me. It is the art direction and the execution.
Damn.. if there ever was a last-gen looking game produced this gen, it's definitely this game. There is literally nothing in this demo that screams 'next-gen' at all. Horrible lighting, mediocre shaders and troubling FPS. It's a pass for me.
What a load of rubbish. It's a beautiful game and no, it would not run and look this good on last gen *eyeroll*.
Damn.. if there ever was a last-gen looking game produced this gen, it's definitely this game. There is literally nothing in this demo that screams 'next-gen' at all. Horrible lighting, mediocre shaders and troubling FPS. It's a pass for me.
I’m assuming you played it in your PS3?
Contrast to this is fspoken. Better tech but worse art direction imo.
Forspoken for me is worse in both. Only the character faces look more advanced in Forspoken. Everything else is a mixed bag
Lod system is broken, lighting has no ambiance, shadows are rough, AO is missing. Everything looks barren. Reflections are worse than previous gen games.
Forspoken for me is worse in both. Only the character faces look more advanced in Forspoken. Everything else is a mixed bag
Lod system is broken, lighting has no ambiance, shadows are rough, AO is missing. Everything looks barren. Reflections are worse than previous gen games.
have you not played it again after they fixed all of those things?

they didnt fix the vegetation variation, and im not sure with the reflection tho.
Damn.. if there ever was a last-gen looking game produced this gen, it's definitely this game. There is literally nothing in this demo that screams 'next-gen' at all. Horrible lighting, mediocre shaders and troubling FPS. It's a pass for me.
As a whole, it's definitely not 'last gen'. You can pick out some weaker areas, but they've definitely used the extra time to ramp up visuals beyond what PS4/XB1 could do. The art style carries it a lot as well, and you can tell plenty of effort went into that, which matters a lot. Overall, I'd say it's a good looking, though not cutting edge next gen game.

'Horrible lighting' is also the sort of hyperbolic rhetoric I really am frustrated to see on a forum like this.

That said, I would agree that it's a bit disappointing compared to the typical expectations of a mainline next-gen Final Fantasy release. They are usually at the forefront of amazing visuals in games, and it's clear that here, efficiency of production was likely a bigger priority. Which I dont blame them after the disaster of XIII Versus-turned-XV, but still, it'd have been nice if they went a bit more all-out. Maybe if it wasn't a solo action game, they could have gotten away with 30fps and done more with it....
Gdamnit, I should stop reading this thread until it releases on PC. :p But I also want to read about how great it is because I really like Yoshi P and what he's accomplished. :p

Yeah so I’m about 20h in and it’s up there in my top PS5 games. Unbelievable how they go from the mess that was FFXV (which I still liked) to this beautifully crafted game. Can’t put it down.

Sure the graphics at times show that this may have started as a PS4 game at the beginning, and then upgraded from there. While other moments are totally out of the PS4 range of capabilities.

But it’s just a fabulous piece of work, you can honestly see how much love was put into this work.