Final Fantasy XIV [PS3]

Interview with FF14 creators:

it was visually beautiful a game said to still only be in the alpha phase. While the world was lacking in the energetic population of a full-on active MMO, there were plenty of people running about from Square’s Gamescom booth,


Tanaka told OneLastContinue a couple of reasons why he felt the need for a PC version; first of all, for the MMO to succeed there must be a PC format version for those gamers who generally feel uncomfortable with console gaming, and secondly, having a PC version as the lead platform made it easier for them to port the game to the PlayStation 3. This helped Square get around a problem that dates back to their original MMO; Final Fantasy XI’s lead development platform was the PS2, and as such it was never able to reach the graphical levels they were hoping for. The graphical resolution on PS2 also kept the team from having an in-depth HUD on the screen for players; in the HD era of the PlayStation 3 this will no longer be a problem for either version. Tanaka confirmed that the game is most certainly portable to other platforms if the need arises, but at the moment their focus is on the PC and PS3 versions; any announcements or releases of other platforms will come as those two are finished. Another thing to note is that the PS3 version also supports a keyboard and mouse, making it the second full-scale PS3 title to support such a feature. More details will be released on this control method before the game launches.
Why do you post FF 14 stuff in the Final Fantasy Versus 13 thread? A new thread maybe?

aaand done. :)

Tanaka confirmed that the game is most certainly portable to other platforms if the need arises, but at the moment their focus is on the PC and PS3 versions; any announcements or releases of other platforms will come as those two are finished. Another thing to note is that the PS3 version also supports a keyboard and mouse
I wonder if what's holding them back is the keyboard/mouse scenario. Considering FFXI was on 360, I can't imagine the MMO subscription aspect being a particular issue unless they're asking for something new. Were FFXI sales decent on 360 :?:
Ha ha, sorry guys. All the FF-blah stuff kind of look the same to me. :devilish: (even though I have the FF13 demo).

I am more interested to track the MMO for console development overall. Free Realm was announced but still "coming soon" for PS3. FF14 is another one. I am just curious what console can bring to (or take away from) the table.
I can't imagine the MMO subscription aspect being a particular issue.

I believe that is exactly the issue and I remember the devs mentioned something about that also. Live fee + separate monthly game fee is not very consumer friendly and thus unattractive option for MS to offer. I like Live I don't mind paying few Euros a month for it, but in the case of MMO's it's problematic.


I found the page I had seen.

However, for FFXIV, because 360 has its own policy with Xbox Live that is different from [the] internet, that’s something we’re in discussions with Microsoft [about], to come to an agreement. That’s one of the reasons it’s not going to be launched at that point.

The info is a bit vague, but it does highlight Xbox Live as being the reason it's not launching simultaneously with PS3 and PC versions, but the interview also suggest that X360 version is very possible in the future.
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I believe that is exactly the issue and I remember the devs mentioned something about that also. Live fee + separate monthly game fee is not very consumer friendly and thus unattractive option for MS to offer. I like Live I don't mind paying few Euros a month for it, but in the case of MMO's it's problematic.

Ah ok. :) Definitely agree. I guess it didn't work out too well with FFXI then. Too bad they decided against the micro-transaction-based model...

Originally, the team had considered using a microtransaction-based model with no subscription fees, but they came to the conclusion that most players would end up spending more over time in microtransactions than they would on a subscription
The wording is strange. ;) They either meant spending fewer dollars per time period with microtransactions (microtransactions being uncertain) or getting more revenue from subscription per time period (thus subscription = better).
Hmm... it should be possible for MS to make exceptions due to MMO's peculiar business needs. I guess Square-Enix needs to prove themselves first. Then they'll sit down and talk.

Was there a "free" MMO on console before FreeRealm ? If so, it wouldn't have the double subscription fee stigma on XBL.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if MS adjust its XBL business model as they gain in size and depth.
The wording is strange. ;) They either meant spending fewer dollars per time period with microtransactions (microtransactions being uncertain) or getting more revenue from subscription per time period (thus subscription = better).

Yes very strange, to me they are saying that they were thinking about going microtransactions, but because that would have gotten them more money they chose to go subscription instead :???: :smile:

To be honest it sounds like they are trying to say we did this (subscription) because it's good for the consumer, but in reality they know that the subscription model does bring more money.
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It could be because they need more convincing. We may be missing the cost picture here (Just thinking out loud).

Charging a subscription fee upfront tends to bring in a different, more loyal crowd. These people may end up spending more in the long term. The subscription fee is like a bulk deal for these customers. It's better off for the loyal consumers in the long run, and helps to fund the development throughout the game's lifecycle (win-win).

However if they do the "free" MMO model, they may bring in a lot of free loaders. These non-paying users will increase the cost significantly upfront. Then SE needs to have deep pockets and sustaining community effort to cultivate the loyal, paying users. The developers may have bigger windfall in the end, but needs to take significantly higher risk.

I wonder how FreeRealm is doing now after the initial "We've got 5 million users and counting !" period.

EDIT: Other than the $$$, do (lots of) people really play MMO on consoles ?
Does XI on the 360 allow for cross platform play? Or are the 360 players on their own servers? I was thinking that might be a sticking point fi XIV.
I have no idea. Just heard some MMO rumblings but haven't seen one yet. Since I didn't track carefully, I don't know if one has slipped under the radar. How did MMO do in PS2/Xbox era ?

Another interview on FF14:

PSB: You mentioned that the combat system will have less of a team play aspect. Can you elaborate on that, and how it’s different, and how much progress you’ve made in the past few months since it was announced?

Tanaka: For FFXI, the system was job based, so that’s why they had a party to make the most out of each job. This time it’s not going to be a job based system, it’s going to be an Armoury system, so it depends on which weapon you use and you can switch your class. That allows the player to use a different ability or skills. You can also join a party, that doesn’t mean you have to play solo, but it will allow you to play solo as well, because you can fight against monsters and you can change to a healer to heal yourself. So there will be more variety and it depends on what you plan on doing for that day.

PSB: The leveling system was described as not being experienced based. Can you explain exactly what kind of system you’re working on, and if it’s been completely defined?

Tanaka: This time it really depends on the Armoury system. It’s going to depend on how much you use your own equipment and weapons. The more you use it, the more the skill will go up of your class, so that’s the way you will get to higher levels for the class – the skills. You’ll also get abilities. It’s not going to be like if you fight more monsters, you’ll get more level ups, like similar to the experience system. Of course, if you fight against monsters, you will get some skill points, but it will help more if you attend to Guildleves. So that will be a more efficient way to hone your skills and ‘level up’ your character.

PSB: Are you still planning a spring 2010 beta?

Tanaka: We can’t really say any certain timing, because the launch is planned to release is 2010. So that means in springtime there will probably be something at that point. We are trying to work as soon as possible, so as soon as preparation is done, there could be something earlier than 2010.
Looking forward to hopping back into FF Online. Hopefully with a better focus on allowing soloing (according to the recent interviews), I'll be better able to avoid the drama this time around and just enjoy the game. :D


Oh, and yes, 11 on the 360 has cross-platform play.
Looking forward to hopping back into FF Online. Hopefully with a better focus on allowing soloing (according to the recent interviews), I'll be better able to avoid the drama this time around and just enjoy the game. :D


Oh, and yes, 11 on the 360 has cross-platform play.

Thanks to being allowed to have a proprietary login system where you log onto a Square hosted server directly, with a separate username and password, if I remember correctly?
Thanks to being allowed to have a proprietary login system where you log onto a Square hosted server directly, with a separate username and password, if I remember correctly?

For cross platform play? I suppose PlayOnline (the system you're referring to) was part of that (or perhaps even the very thing that allowed for it). And yes, it was a separate UID from Live!. But they're ditching it (PlayOnline) for 14 and, from what I understand, still doing (or considering) cross-platform play. I'm guessing without that separate, central, login system they'll use a backend registration of PSN/Live! accounts that sign up for 14. Curious to know how payment will be handled. Live!/PSN -> Square or to Square directly?


Of course, using Live!/PSN accounts directly could cause a problem where a PC player has registered with the same username as someone's Live!/PSN account. Perhaps the purposed surnames, mentioned in the above interview, could also be used in such a situation.
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Bah, by now it should be possible for an online service to support multiple login systems. Look at Facebook Connect. :)

The user data should be co-owned in this case (after a user consent screen).
Of course, using Live!/PSN accounts directly could cause a problem where a PC player has registered with the same username as someone's Live!/PSN account. Perhaps the purposed surnames, mentioned in the above interview, could also be used in such a situation.

Probably something more like the Konami ID. Linked to a PSN account, but you have to jump through a few hoops to get there.