Plasmatics said:
WTH happened to this thread? Oh, right, it was derailed by fanboys complaining about other people being fanboys.
I don't really know what you're talking about. Derailed? We're talking Final Fantasy (mostly) aren't we?
Sure, we haven't talked for five pages exclusively about the new FF GC game, because that trailer doesn't tell enough about the game to warrant such a long thread about it.
We need to see some in-game action, how interactive it is, how the battle/equipment/magic/skill system works, etc.
We really don't know anything about it yet, what the video shows seems to only be cutscene sequences!
When did this forum start sucking? People ought to be handing out bans.
I think you overstate things rather grossly. Who specifically would you like to see banned for what they wrote in this thread?
I think the game that this thread is supposedly about looks better every time I see it. Wasn't all that interested at first, but I'm becoming more and more so as time goes on.
Perhaps. The video is so blurry, dark and blocky it's hard to make out any fine details. The water impresses me sure, but pretty water don't a game make. What's the gameplay like, dammit?
And Tag:
SEPHIROTH??? That psychotic maniac! Hehe. I don't go for the manga style character look.
Especially not when dressed in drab black with white hair. Looks too goofy I think, too oddball.
Link is cute though, I wonder who pierced his ear while he was asleep growing up to his adult self!
Still think dolphin-faced Tidus is cuter though, hehe!